Man who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband gets life in prison


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Although no one died, and everyone recovered, the man who broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and attacked her husband gets life in prison.

When given the chance to address the court prior to his sentencing, DePape, dressed in prison orange and with his brown hair in a ponytail, spoke at length about Sept. 11 being an inside job, his ex-wife being replaced by a body double, and his government-provided attorneys conspiring against him.

“I’m a psychic,” DePape told the court, reading from sheets of paper. “The more I meditate, the more psychic I get.”

He sounds crazier than a loon, but no sympathy will be given the mentally ill man because he attacked one of the most powerful democrats in the country

Let that be a lesson to the rest of ya.

View attachment 1033325

Although no one died, and everyone recovered, the man who broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and attacked her husband gets life in prison.

When given the chance to address the court prior to his sentencing, DePape, dressed in prison orange and with his brown hair in a ponytail, spoke at length about Sept. 11 being an inside job, his ex-wife being replaced by a body double, and his government-provided attorneys conspiring against him.

“I’m a psychic,” DePape told the court, reading from sheets of paper. “The more I meditate, the more psychic I get.”

He sounds crazier than a loon, but no sympathy will be given the mentally ill man because he attacked one of the most powerful democrats in the country

Let that be a lesson to the rest of ya.

The lesson - If you're a gay prostitute, don't go home with Paul Pelosi, no matter how good his offer is.

View attachment 1033325

Although no one died, and everyone recovered, the man who broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and attacked her husband gets life in prison.

When given the chance to address the court prior to his sentencing, DePape, dressed in prison orange and with his brown hair in a ponytail, spoke at length about Sept. 11 being an inside job, his ex-wife being replaced by a body double, and his government-provided attorneysT conspiring against him.

“I’m a psychic,” DePape told the court, reading from sheets of paper. “The more I meditate, the more psychic I get.”

He sounds crazier than a loon, but no sympathy will be given the mentally ill man because he attacked one of the most powerful democrats in the country

Let that be a lesson to the rest of ya.
Hmm. Magaturds said this guy was Paul Pelosi's gay lover. Do they ever not lie? :dunno:

As for this neck bearded sack of garbage, take him out somewhere far, far away. Drop him in a deep hole. Drop 40 tons of dirt and concrete on top of him. No longer a burden on the taxpayer.
He should have finished it given the punishment
Hmm. Magaturds said this guy was Paul Pelosi's gay lover. Do they ever not lie? :dunno:

As for this neck bearded sack of garbage, take him out somewhere far, far away. Drop him in a deep hole. Drop 40 tons of dirt and concrete on top of him. No longer a burden on the taxpayer.
Oh dear, the Left is all in favor of capital punishment all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Chicago..........................
40 Degree Night 23 miles from home not long until Daybreak wearing white Superman shorts no vehicle or BART pass
Oh dear, the Left is all in favor of capital punishment all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, on the streets of Chicago..........................
He already got 30 years in federal court. Life from a state court won't make much difference.
He already got 30 years in federal court. Life from a state court won't make much difference.
If only he were an illegal alien, it would have gone far better for him.

On July 1, 2015, 32-year-old Kathryn "Kate" Steinle was shot and killed while walking with her father and a friend along Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. She was hit in the back by a single bullet. The man who fired the gun, José Inez García Zárate, said he had found it moments before, wrapped in cloth beneath a bench on which he was sitting, and that when he picked it up the weapon went off. The shot ricocheted off the concrete deck of the pier and struck the victim, who was about 90 feet (27m) away.[1] Steinle died two hours later in a hospital as a result of her injuries.

On November 30, 2017, after five days of deliberations, a jury acquitted García Zárate of all murder and manslaughter charges, and federal manslaughter and assault charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, but that conviction was overturned on appeal on August 30, 2019.
Hmm. Magaturds said this guy was Paul Pelosi's gay lover. Do they ever not lie? :dunno:

As for this neck bearded sack of garbage, take him out somewhere far, far away. Drop him in a deep hole. Drop 40 tons of dirt and concrete on top of him. No longer a burden on the taxpayer.
Most of us get information from other people. Progs are great at that. A hundred times more affluent in the Propaganda game.
If only he were an illegal alien, it would have gone far better for him.

On July 1, 2015, 32-year-old Kathryn "Kate" Steinle was shot and killed while walking with her father and a friend along Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. She was hit in the back by a single bullet. The man who fired the gun, José Inez García Zárate, said he had found it moments before, wrapped in cloth beneath a bench on which he was sitting, and that when he picked it up the weapon went off. The shot ricocheted off the concrete deck of the pier and struck the victim, who was about 90 feet (27m) away.[1] Steinle died two hours later in a hospital as a result of her injuries.

On November 30, 2017, after five days of deliberations, a jury acquitted García Zárate of all murder and manslaughter charges, and federal manslaughter and assault charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, but that conviction was overturned on appeal on August 30, 2019.
No, no it is very relevant.

It shows how the courts value the political power of one Nancy Pelosi much more than the average citizen.

It also shows how the courts favor illegals over American citizens.
No, no it is very relevant.

It shows how the courts value the political power of one Nancy Pelosi much more than the average citizen.
And ellderly Chinese American Lady is knocked to the Ground and kicked & Beaten to near death and perp/ perps are let out on OR
And ellderly Chinese American Lady is knocked to the Ground and kicked & Beaten to near death and perp/ perps are let out on OR
Too bad her last name was not Pelosi, it is the only way to achieve justice these days
If only he were an illegal alien, it would have gone far better for him.

On July 1, 2015, 32-year-old Kathryn "Kate" Steinle was shot and killed while walking with her father and a friend along Pier 14 in the Embarcadero district of San Francisco. She was hit in the back by a single bullet. The man who fired the gun, José Inez García Zárate, said he had found it moments before, wrapped in cloth beneath a bench on which he was sitting, and that when he picked it up the weapon went off. The shot ricocheted off the concrete deck of the pier and struck the victim, who was about 90 feet (27m) away.[1] Steinle died two hours later in a hospital as a result of her injuries.

On November 30, 2017, after five days of deliberations, a jury acquitted García Zárate of all murder and manslaughter charges, and federal manslaughter and assault charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. He was convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, but that conviction was overturned on appeal on August 30, 2019.
More deflection, assface?
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