Mass Deportation is NOT new, Bill Clinton deported 12,000,000 and democrats were supportive. (Poll)

If Clinton deported 12m illegals, shouldn't Trump-47 be able to deport 11m?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Other...see my posts

    Votes: 2 13.3%

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
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The AL part of PA
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

Why deportations actually dropped in Trump’s first term​

"During his first term, Trump also promised mass deportations. And he did deport a large number of people – more than 1.5 million – during his four years in office, according to Kathleen Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute.
Creating a system of camps to accommodate some portion of the more than 11 million people Trump says he wants to deport would dwarf the current total federal and state prison population, to say nothing of the cost of detaining so many people while they have their day in court. “The idea that they’re going to be able to quickly set up the infrastructure to carry out deportations by the millions is just fantasy thinking,” Bier told me.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

Why deportations actually dropped in Trump’s first term​

"During his first term, Trump also promised mass deportations. And he did deport a large number of people – more than 1.5 million – during his four years in office, according to Kathleen Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute.
Creating a system of camps to accommodate some portion of the more than 11 million people Trump says he wants to deport would dwarf the current total federal and state prison population, to say nothing of the cost of detaining so many people while they have their day in court. “The idea that they’re going to be able to quickly set up the infrastructure to carry out deportations by the millions is just fantasy thinking,” Bier told me.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?

Yes kyzr, people are catching on! As I stated on a current thread on here------> The Left knows that they can NOT attempt to pass a law getting what they want, or they will all be thrown out of office. And so, instead they BREAK the LAW, and try and brow beat everyone else into breaking the law with them!

The stock answer to all their moaning and groaning is--------->tell your people to put forth a bill that changes the law; heck we will write it for you, as long as all your Leftists in congress sign on to the bill. Watch them ALL head for the political hills. Just the election results from November tell everyone where the American people reside on this issue. They will not touch it with a 10 foot political pole! Instead, they will use words such as RACIST to break your will, and stop you from using ILLEGALS, instead insisting you call them UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.

They KNOW that policy is an absolute LOSER. And so, if they want it so badly. FORCE them to legally try and get it, instead of requesting that WE break the law with them, so there is no political consequence for their actions! Let us see how badly they want it.
"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

I think your numbers are probably way off. In fact, Clinton and Bush deported relatively few people.


And Biden released nowhere near 12 million people. In fact, he deported more people than Trump did.

But you do hit an interesting point, why was Trump so bad at deportations in his first term, and why do you think he'll be any better in his second.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?

Because Clinton didn't deport that many people. in fact, the illegal population grew from about 3 million to 9 million on his watch.

The difference is the reason why the number spiked under Clinton and continued to climb under Bush was that NATFA devasted the Mexican Agricultural economy. Cheap American yellow corn displaced traditional Mexican white corn, and millions of farm workers were left without jobs. But lo and behond. America had a shitload of farm jobs because the dumb rural white trash is too busy smoking meth to do any actual work.

Today, it's a completely different situation. The number of Mexicans trying to cross has dropped. The agricultural sector switched to veggies to be sold in the American market, while new factories are providing millions of new jobs. There's no reason for a Mexican to leave Mexico.

Most of the immigrants we are getting now are from Central America and Venezuela.
We need education again. No matter the race. It is time to change the immigration laws to allow educated Europeans and Asians to enter in huge numbers. If we want to remain top dog, this must be done.
Yes kyzr, people are catching on! As I stated on a current thread on here------> The Left knows that they can NOT attempt to pass a law getting what they want, or they will all be thrown out of office. And so, instead they BREAK the LAW, and try and brow beat everyone else into breaking the law with them!

The stock answer to all their moaning and groaning is--------->tell your people to put forth a bill that changes the law; heck we will write it for you, as long as all your Leftists in congress sign on to the bill. Watch them ALL head for the political hills. Just the election results from November tell everyone where the American people reside on this issue. They will not touch it with a 10 foot political pole! Instead, they will use words such as RACIST to break your will, and stop you from using ILLEGALS, instead insisting you call them UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.

They KNOW that policy is an absolute LOSER. And so, if they want it so badly. FORCE them to legally try and get it, instead of requesting that WE break the law with them, so there is no political consequence for their actions! Let us see how badly they want it.

Guy, your hateful Orange Hitler only got 49% of the vote. He's just not that popular, and neither are his policies.

The fact is Americans do support greater border security, but they also favor a path to citizenship for people who have been here for a while and are contributing to society.
Yes kyzr, people are catching on! As I stated on a current thread on here------> The Left knows that they can NOT attempt to pass a law getting what they want, or they will all be thrown out of office. And so, instead they BREAK the LAW, and try and brow beat everyone else into breaking the law with them!

The stock answer to all their moaning and groaning is--------->tell your people to put forth a bill that changes the law; heck we will write it for you, as long as all your Leftists in congress sign on to the bill. Watch them ALL head for the political hills. Just the election results from November tell everyone where the American people reside on this issue. They will not touch it with a 10 foot political pole! Instead, they will use words such as RACIST to break your will, and stop you from using ILLEGALS, instead insisting you call them UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS.

They KNOW that policy is an absolute LOSER. And so, if they want it so badly. FORCE them to legally try and get it, instead of requesting that WE break the law with them, so there is no political consequence for their actions! Let us see how badly they want it.
On 3Jan25 the Senate needs to PASS HR-2. Unless the House needs to pass it again?
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...
your numbers are inaccurate

Between 1993 and 2001, during the Presidency of Bill Clinton, about 870,000 people were deported. Between 2001 and 2008, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, about 2.0 million people were deported, while between 2009 and 2016, during the Presidency of Barack Obama, about 3.2 million people were deported.
I think your numbers are probably way off. In fact, Clinton and Bush deported relatively few people.

And Biden released nowhere near 12 million people. In fact, he deported more people than Trump did. But you do hit an interesting point, why was Trump so bad at deportations in his first term, and why do you think he'll be any better in his second.

Because Clinton didn't deport that many people. in fact, the illegal population grew from about 3 million to 9 million on his watch.
The difference is the reason why the number spiked under Clinton and continued to climb under Bush was that NATFA devastated the Mexican Agricultural economy. Cheap American yellow corn displaced traditional Mexican white corn, and millions of farm workers were left without jobs. But lo and behold. America had a shitload of farm jobs because the dumb rural white trash is too busy smoking meth to do any actual work.

Today, it's a completely different situation. The number of Mexicans trying to cross has dropped. The agricultural sector switched to veggies to be sold in the American market, while new factories are providing millions of new jobs. There's no reason for a Mexican to leave Mexico.
Most of the immigrants we are getting now are from Central America and Venezuela.
1. Here is the link to my Clinton deportation numbers for total deportations, one problem might be that you may be tracking "removals" (court ordered) and I am tracking "deportations" (no valid visa or asylum claim):

2. Biden's "open borders" released at least 10m plus ~2m "got-aways". Here is "Trump's favorite chart"

3. We disagree on the number of illegals getting free food, free housing, free plane rides, as many as they want, anywhere they want, at taxpayer expense. This thread is intended to justify the expedited removals by Trump based on the prior expedited removals by Clinton and Bush.
We need education again. No matter the race. It is time to change the immigration laws to allow educated Europeans and Asians to enter in huge numbers. If we want to remain top dog, this must be done.
aka "merit based immigration"
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

Why deportations actually dropped in Trump’s first term​

"During his first term, Trump also promised mass deportations. And he did deport a large number of people – more than 1.5 million – during his four years in office, according to Kathleen Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute.
Creating a system of camps to accommodate some portion of the more than 11 million people Trump says he wants to deport would dwarf the current total federal and state prison population, to say nothing of the cost of detaining so many people while they have their day in court. “The idea that they’re going to be able to quickly set up the infrastructure to carry out deportations by the millions is just fantasy thinking,” Bier told me.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?

You are correct! Bill used to go after illegal employers too.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
your numbers are inaccurate

Between 1993 and 2001, during the Presidency of Bill Clinton, about 870,000 people were deported. Between 2001 and 2008, during the Presidency of George W. Bush, about 2.0 million people were deported, while between 2009 and 2016, during the Presidency of Barack Obama, about 3.2 million people were deported.
I provide credible links to backup my numbers. Here it is again, please read the charts:
While Trump can, he won't.
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

Why deportations actually dropped in Trump’s first term​

"During his first term, Trump also promised mass deportations. And he did deport a large number of people – more than 1.5 million – during his four years in office, according to Kathleen Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute.
Creating a system of camps to accommodate some portion of the more than 11 million people Trump says he wants to deport would dwarf the current total federal and state prison population, to say nothing of the cost of detaining so many people while they have their day in court. “The idea that they’re going to be able to quickly set up the infrastructure to carry out deportations by the millions is just fantasy thinking,” Bier told me.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?
Why do I doubt the accuracy of any of those stats? Did they all just decide to come back when Biden got elected? I believe those stats are contacts, vice deportations.
Getting shed of them needs to be tied with birth-right citizenship legislation in congress.

Same with congressional representation.....Illegals should not be counted toward house seats.
Methinks that the TDS democrats doth protest too much...

Yes, Obama deported more people than Trump but context is everything​

"According to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute, more than 12 million people were “deported” – either removed or returned – from the US during the Clinton administration. More than 10 million were removed or returned during the Bush administration. Far fewer – more than 5 million – were removed or returned during the Obama administration."

Here are the removal totals by president:
Clinton removed 12,000,000
Bush removed 10,000,000
Obama removed 5,000,000
Trump-45 removed 1,500,000
Biden released 12,000,000 into the US
Trump-47 plans to remove 11,000,00. (less than Bill Clinton)

Why deportations actually dropped in Trump’s first term​

"During his first term, Trump also promised mass deportations. And he did deport a large number of people – more than 1.5 million – during his four years in office, according to Kathleen Bush-Joseph, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute.
Creating a system of camps to accommodate some portion of the more than 11 million people Trump says he wants to deport would dwarf the current total federal and state prison population, to say nothing of the cost of detaining so many people while they have their day in court. “The idea that they’re going to be able to quickly set up the infrastructure to carry out deportations by the millions is just fantasy thinking,” Bier told me.

So how did Bill Clinton deport 12,000,000 illegals while not making anyone's radar?

Can Trump use the same deportation method used by Bill Clinton?
/----/ And listen to Hillary's tough on illegals speech. Hillary Clinton in 2008: ‘If They’ve Committed a Crime Deport Them’

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