Mass shooting frequency


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
The latest Meme by the left is that there have been more mass shootings this year then days in the year. An out and out lie. Here let me give you some facts.

Mass shootings and active shooters: why definitions matter

While incidents have increased in the last few years they are not as prevalent as the left would have you believe. An average of 16 shootings in the last few years. Notice that is NO WHERE near the number claimed by the left? And why is that? because any lie is acceptable to the left when spinning their narrative.

Just like the claim has been made over and over that open carry would lead to shoot outs like in the wild west. Nothing even remotely like that has happened anywhere. In fact shootings over all went down not up. Death by firearms went down not up.
Ya but one dead by car accident is fine,One dead by drowning is fine, one dead by beating is fine, right?
Ya but one dead by car accident is fine,One dead by drowning is fine, one dead by beating is fine, right?
Nope, all tragic, but people need cars while almost no American needs a gun.
We need guns to:

1. Protect us from a tyrannical government

2. Protect us from the many threats being enabled by Obama, such as the imported terrorist "refugees", ISIS, black racist militants, Mexicans, etc..,

3. Hunting for food and killing of predators.

4. Self defense from criminal activity.

5. Preservation of history.

6. Because we have a right to own one and the government may not take away that right.
There have been far too many and most people ignore warning signs and then seem shocked
For context, and to verify the OP's contention that it is a lie for political purposes...

"More than 40 percent of all 2015’s mass shootings didn’t kill anybody. Another 104, just under 30 percent, had a single fatality, which means more than two-thirds of all “mass shootings” aren’t even multi-homicide events.

Of the 355 “mass shootings” noted by the Post, only 40 of them (about 11 percent) meet the threshold of a “mass murder” as defined by the FBI, meaning there were at least four fatalities. But even these weren’t all mass shootings in the conventional sense. As pointed out by the Washington Free Beacon, many of them were instead grisly murder-suicides, gangland massacres, or robberies, eliminating at least 15 more “mass shootings” from the list."
355?! Why This Number Is Meaningless When It Comes To Mass Shootings
Ya but one dead by car accident is fine,One dead by drowning is fine, one dead by beating is fine, right?
Nope, all tragic, but people need cars while almost no American needs a gun.

Even from you, that's really a dumb statement.
Nope. What does the average person need to kill? Oh right, nothing.

As long as there are criminals with weapons, the stupidity of both of your statements are evident.

And....I should long as Obama and Holder giver weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
I am not for taking away gun rights but we now expect these as daily events almost. Sad. Glad I live in the sticks. As a nation one place we need to spend more money is mental health. A lot of these wackos have major mental health issues but america brushes them aside.
mass shootings seems to increase whenever there is Democrat in office of President. that should tell you something.
I am not for taking away gun rights but we now expect these as daily events almost. Sad. Glad I live in the sticks. As a nation one place we need to spend more money is mental health. A lot of these wackos have major mental health issues but america brushes them aside.

"I am not for taking away gun rights but we now expect these as daily events almost."
No they're not.
See post #13.

"As a nation one place we need to spend more money is mental health."
OK...your post does tend to verify that.

And....there is a direct connection between shootings, mayhem and murder, and the prescription of psychotropic drugs by school psychologists and others.

"At least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs. It is important to note the following lists cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been taking—though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatrist’s “care”. Also note that all these mass shootings didn’t just occur in the United States.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published."
Columbine | CCHR International
It isn't the school psychologists prescribing the drugs its the doctors. This isn't the schools fault. The teachers are stuck dealing with kids who are taking the drugs and the parents who push the kids to take the pills. Most all of my friends and family are on some kind of anxiety meds to cope with the stress this society and rat race creates. Its a billion dollar industry. Doctors prescribe them like candy. I took them for years while running my business. They helped calm me down. This is a societal problem. America is the land of mental health issues. But we don't like to recognize that fact. Stress and anxiety rule the day. The rat race can take its toll. We are unfortunately getting used to these events. Scary society.
The latest Meme by the left is that there have been more mass shootings this year then days in the year. An out and out lie. Here let me give you some facts.

Mass shootings and active shooters: why definitions matter

While incidents have increased in the last few years they are not as prevalent as the left would have you believe. An average of 16 shootings in the last few years. Notice that is NO WHERE near the number claimed by the left? And why is that? because any lie is acceptable to the left when spinning their narrative.

Just like the claim has been made over and over that open carry would lead to shoot outs like in the wild west. Nothing even remotely like that has happened anywhere. In fact shootings over all went down not up. Death by firearms went down not up.
Did you bother to read the article you cited:

'Citing the Mass Shooting Tracker, several publications reported Wednesday that there have been at least 351 shootings in the first 334 days of 2015. In other words, mass shootings are a more-than-once-daily occurrence in the United States.

This standard grew from and is bolstered by the FBI’s definition for “mass murder”: “Generally, mass murder was described as a number of murders (four or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders.”

There is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue[.”]'


“Left-leaning magazine Mother Jones also maintains a database of mass shootings but has much stricter criteria. For inclusion, the shooting must have happened in a public space and killed at least four people (not including the perpetrator). Gang activity and other crimes were not included; the shooter’s motive must have been mass murder.

This puts their count for mass shootings so far this year at just four: a Charleston, S.C., church in June; a Chattanooga military recruitment center in July; Umpqua Community College in October and the latest in San Bernardino. ”

Consequently, there is no 'meme by the left,' 'latest' or otherwise – and given the fact that “[t]here is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue,” along with Mother Jones' magazine seeking to be more precise as to what constitutes 'mass murder,' the statement that there have been more mass shootings this year than days in the year is not a 'lie'; indeed, what is a lie is the thread's premise that 'the left' is attempting to be 'dishonest' or 'misleading' about the issue, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, as illustrated by Mother Jones.

Last, the accurate, correct claim is that there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that citizens carrying concealed firearms will have the effect of 'thwarting' mass shootings; likewise, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that citizens carrying concealed firearms has had the effect of 'decreasing' gun violence or mass shootings.

The thread premise fails as a straw man fallacy, where the lie was contrived that 'the left' is attempting to be 'misleading' concerning incidents of mass shootings, where in fact 'the left' is not only doing no such thing, but is actually making efforts to redefine what is considered to be a 'mass shooting' to develop a more accurate understanding of the phenomenon.
The latest Meme by the left is that there have been more mass shootings this year then days in the year. An out and out lie. Here let me give you some facts.

Mass shootings and active shooters: why definitions matter

While incidents have increased in the last few years they are not as prevalent as the left would have you believe. An average of 16 shootings in the last few years. Notice that is NO WHERE near the number claimed by the left? And why is that? because any lie is acceptable to the left when spinning their narrative.

Just like the claim has been made over and over that open carry would lead to shoot outs like in the wild west. Nothing even remotely like that has happened anywhere. In fact shootings over all went down not up. Death by firearms went down not up.
Did you bother to read the article you cited:

'Citing the Mass Shooting Tracker, several publications reported Wednesday that there have been at least 351 shootings in the first 334 days of 2015. In other words, mass shootings are a more-than-once-daily occurrence in the United States.

This standard grew from and is bolstered by the FBI’s definition for “mass murder”: “Generally, mass murder was described as a number of murders (four or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders.”

There is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue[.”]'


“Left-leaning magazine Mother Jones also maintains a database of mass shootings but has much stricter criteria. For inclusion, the shooting must have happened in a public space and killed at least four people (not including the perpetrator). Gang activity and other crimes were not included; the shooter’s motive must have been mass murder.

This puts their count for mass shootings so far this year at just four: a Charleston, S.C., church in June; a Chattanooga military recruitment center in July; Umpqua Community College in October and the latest in San Bernardino. ”

Consequently, there is no 'meme by the left,' 'latest' or otherwise – and given the fact that “[t]here is no broadly agreed-to, specific conceptualization of this issue,” along with Mother Jones' magazine seeking to be more precise as to what constitutes 'mass murder,' the statement that there have been more mass shootings this year than days in the year is not a 'lie'; indeed, what is a lie is the thread's premise that 'the left' is attempting to be 'dishonest' or 'misleading' about the issue, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, as illustrated by Mother Jones.

Last, the accurate, correct claim is that there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that citizens carrying concealed firearms will have the effect of 'thwarting' mass shootings; likewise, there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that citizens carrying concealed firearms has had the effect of 'decreasing' gun violence or mass shootings.

The thread premise fails as a straw man fallacy, where the lie was contrived that 'the left' is attempting to be 'misleading' concerning incidents of mass shootings, where in fact 'the left' is not only doing no such thing, but is actually making efforts to redefine what is considered to be a 'mass shooting' to develop a more accurate understanding of the phenomenon.
Sure thing retard.

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