Mattis Approves Request to Send Troops to Southern Border

Mattis is bound by the constitution to follow the orders of he commander in chief. So what? However, to wit;

"These officials say the Pentagon has been under growing pressure from the White House to send troops to the southern border, especially after the President repeatedly called for the use of the military. But the deployment is strongly expected to adhere to current law which prohibits the routine use of troops in law enforcement functions.

The troops will not engage in lethal operations to stop the migrants. Instead they are expected to provide fencing, wall materials and other technical support at several key points along the border where it is believed the migrants may try to cross.

The troops will also provide tents and medical care for border authorities in those areas. The troops retain the right of self-defense, but border patrol officers will still be the ones physically stopping illegal migration, the officials said."
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Because they would not be performing law enforcement duties they would not be in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the federal government from using the armed forces in a domestic police role.

Political posturing at it's finest.....

Mattis is bound by the constitution to follow the orders of he commander in chief. So what? However, to wit;

"These officials say the Pentagon has been under growing pressure from the White House to send troops to the southern border, especially after the President repeatedly called for the use of the military. But the deployment is strongly expected to adhere to current law which prohibits the routine use of troops in law enforcement functions.

The troops will not engage in lethal operations to stop the migrants. Instead they are expected to provide fencing, wall materials and other technical support at several key points along the border where it is believed the migrants may try to cross.

The troops will also provide tents and medical care for border authorities in those areas. The troops retain the right of self-defense, but border patrol officers will still be the ones physically stopping illegal migration, the officials said."

This is not a law enforcement function. It's a national security issue.
Yep, these will be regular Army. 800 troops authorized. Predator drones will be mapping daily

No need for war against an unarmed people, but putting the military to work building processing camps in strategic locations down there should be the charge of the military once deployed.

The separation of the women and children is to be accomplished immediately, where as the women and children will be brought to safety into the interior until they are reunited with their father's, brother's, and husband's at the border once processed to be taken back together.

If the women and their small children are alone, then they can remain here until something is changed "by force if nessesary by us", back in their home country.

This over throw of another government in another country would depend upon the amount of women and children forced from their country without their father's, brother's and husband's accompanying them. If a majority are women and children unaccompanied, then we go to find the problem of this. If evenly balanced, then we just deport all of them back to their countries, and immediately sanction their government's, and if nessesary change that government out.

Want to see our military on a mission of good, then we do it professionally and responsibly.

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