Matt's Terrorism Journal: Pygmalion Problem


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Are Americans much more paranoid after 9/11?

Signing off,



An American hotshot stockbroker named Matt was obsessed with cameras and photography (his secret hobby) and walked around NYC on lunch-break with a cigar and a small handheld camera, snapping pictures of people taking pictures with their smartphone-cameras! Matt was making collages of people taking pictures with their smartphone-cameras so he could wax lyrically/philosophically about the odd modern conundrum of the 'art of photography' becoming dumbed down or even crude because of the countless cameras built into mobile phones which millions of New Yorkers used everyday!


After a while, Matt took so many of these photos of New Yorkers using their smartphone-cameras that he started feeling depressed. Matt started worrying about modern man's obsession with technology and mankind slowly deviating from Mother Nature's purer course/path. Matt walked into an art class one day to take his mind off all this Orwellian angst and noticed a student drawing a fine portrait of a smiling attractive woman holding an umbrella in the rain. Matt liked the look of the woman and her dress and how she smoothly 'blended' into her background environment (a city!). Matt realized that even in the most monotonous corners of civilization, imaginations about purity and beauty were still possible...and promising!


After attending this art class which inspired him greatly, Matt went home to his lavish Manhattan apartment and turned on the news (CNN). He noticed a story about ISIS terrorists (Middle Eastern origin!) threatening to attack targets in Washington on the 4th of July! Matt started feeling depressed again, about all the modernism hysteria and anti-capitalism paranoia and that haunting feeling 'lingering' in the American air after 9/11. Matt decided to purchase some patriotism-themed anti-terrorism comics, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro/Marvel Comics) on Matt also purchased the entire DVD collected series of G.I. Joe cartoons from the 1980s. Matt suddenly felt a wind of patriotic fervor!


As Matt watched his G.I. Joe cartoons (from the 1980s!) on his HDTV that weekend, he noticed one episode which featured a hauntingly beautiful water-woman (a semi-mermaid!) named Mara who was somehow 'trapped' between the warring patriotic American soldiers/crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' and the lethal terrorist organization called 'Cobra' which was keeping Mara as a hostage and for espionage experiments! Matt instantly became entranced by the aura/presence and character-symbolism of Mara. He realized that, to him, if there really was an Athena (goddess of wisdom) or Aphrodite (goddess of love), then Mara was it. Matt resolved to pray every Sunday in church and ask God to bless his praises for the angel-like Mara!


After about three Sundays of uplifting prayers, Matt resolved to write some G.I. Joe adapted comics 'fan-fics' on various Internet message boards/forums including Comic Vine and US Message Board! Matt wrote, "Living and breathing in a world of IBM, NASDAQ, eTrade, and Microsoft, it dawned on me that the reason ISIS hates America is because we abuse technology and have become obsessed with technology, which is why G.I. Joe needs to contemplate why Mara has sent our terrorism-frustrated modern world a message of 'calmness'!" Matt then walked to a Best Buy consumer electronics store and purchased a classic IBM home-desktop computer (and resolved never again to buy a 'handy-dandy' laptop which could be carried virtually anywhere...and by any workaholic!).


GOD: It seems Matt is entranced by Mara.
SATAN: Mara is not real...
GOD: But her spirit should be!
SATAN: Maybe Mara is Matt's 'private angel.'
GOD: What's wrong with that?
SATAN: We shouldn't indulge in daydreams.
GOD: It's better than indulging in nightmares about terrorism.
SATAN: After 9/11, Americans feel somewhat 'jaded.'
GOD: Well, America is the world's Big Brother and obviously faces criticisms.
SATAN: I don't think America can afford a terrorist-attack on the 4th of July...
GOD: Maybe Matt and Mara can offer thoughts of inspiration!
SATAN: Mara is not real!
GOD: Hey, at least she's not encouraging a sensitive American like Matt to fizzle.
SATAN: Well, if Mara is 'uplifting' Matt, I suppose there's no harm...
GOD: Traffic-cynicism has become a sort of modern 'depression.'
SATAN: Are you a fan of the films Fried Green Tomatoes and Mystic Pizza?
GOD: Yes, they're both films about 'soul-food' values and community.
SATAN: Precisely; maybe more Americans should watch the Cooking Channel.
GOD: To detangle their mindless entrenchment into technology and laziness?
SATAN: Yes! Matt would say, "Mara inspired us to use TV to actually learn!"
GOD: Yes, I like perusing the presented recipes by celebrity-chefs (e.g., Alton Brown).
SATAN: I'm a big fan of the Cooking Channel, the Food Network, and QVC.
GOD: Yes, you can find product information about crockpots (for cooking!).
SATAN: Maybe Mara is Matt's private 'Aunt Jemima' or 'Sara Lee.'
GOD: That's a nice patriotic thought...




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