McCain's Lobotomy Seals Obamacare's Fate

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.
To get a health care bill, we need to get McCains brain fixed first. That will require the best brain surgeons in the world.
"Letting Obamacare explode" is republican code for sabotaging it into ruin.
Deliberately sabotaging our health care system to replace it with something worse is absolutely deplorable. The repeal and replace agenda is failing because it was never meant to give Americans anything better than what we have now. I am sure practically everyone would like to come out of this better and/or cheaper but so far republicans have failed to make their case.
"Letting Obamacare explode" is republican code for sabotaging it into ruin.
Deliberately sabotaging our health care system to replace it with something worse is absolutely deplorable. The repeal and replace agenda is failing because it was never meant to give Americans anything better than what we have now. I am sure practically everyone would like to come out of this better and/or cheaper but so far republicans have failed to make their case.

You didn't understand a damn thing in the OP. Your claim Republicans are sabotaging healthcare is just deflection to cover for what is already failing. But you praise McCain for sealing Obamacare's fate of total implosion. Just partisan bullshit.

There is no way Obamacare can succeed as long as medical care inflation is higher than core inflation. And you don't seem to be smart enough to understand it or you would've been able to craft an economic argument to support your position.
"Letting Obamacare explode" is republican code for sabotaging it into ruin.
Deliberately sabotaging our health care system to replace it with something worse is absolutely deplorable. The repeal and replace agenda is failing because it was never meant to give Americans anything better than what we have now. I am sure practically everyone would like to come out of this better and/or cheaper but so far republicans have failed to make their case.
Obamacare only suits progressives, keep the waste, fraud and abuse to yourselves...
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.
"Letting Obamacare explode" is republican code for sabotaging it into ruin.
Deliberately sabotaging our health care system to replace it with something worse is absolutely deplorable. The repeal and replace agenda is failing because it was never meant to give Americans anything better than what we have now. I am sure practically everyone would like to come out of this better and/or cheaper but so far republicans have failed to make their case.

You didn't understand a damn thing in the OP. Your claim Republicans are sabotaging healthcare is just deflection to cover for what is already failing. But you praise McCain for sealing Obamacare's fate of total implosion. Just partisan bullshit.

There is no way Obamacare can succeed as long as medical care inflation is higher than core inflation. And you don't seem to be smart enough to understand it or you would've been able to craft an economic argument to support your position.

Ending up with fewer being covered, higher costs for everyone else and more people suffering for lack of coverage will carry a steep political cost. These are the things most Americans think about on this issue rather than some stupid campaign to spite Obama. The reason that support for repeal has fallen off is that republicans promise a worse heath care system when they are done. These are the everyday lives of ordinary Americans they are playing with, maybe McCain alone out of all those "Christians" is worried about his immortal soul here near the end of his life.
McCain was just being typically McCain. A traitor. McCain was just pulling what he has for decades. Being Mavericky and stabbing all R's and conservatives in the back.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.

Not what I asked. If that plan they have had for so long is half as good as they have been claiming for so many years, there would be plenty of bipartisan support for it. Democrats have no desire to hang on to Obamacare if there is something better.Why don't the Republicans offer their great plan?
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

Don't blame McCain, blame the GOP.

McCain was chosen to fall on his sword because he is not going to live to see another term. If McCain had not been selected to play the bad guy, someone else would have.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.
It seems to me that the Dems/libs/progs have gotten exactly what they've been fighting for, a continuation of Obamacare. Since the Repubs failed to either repeal the ACA, or to pass something, anything else, we remain saddled with O-Care, and all that entails. Let it collapse. The Dems got what they wanted when the passed that abomination years ago, and now that any attempt to improve it have failed. Funny, everything the Dems claimed would happen if the Repubs managed to pass something else: higher costs, poorer care, fewer people covered, etc, has actually been happening every single year Obamacare has been in force.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.
It seems to me that the Dems/libs/progs have gotten exactly what they've been fighting for, a continuation of Obamacare. Since the Repubs failed to either repeal the ACA, or to pass something, anything else, we remain saddled with O-Care, and all that entails. Let it collapse. The Dems got what they wanted when the passed that abomination years ago, and now that any attempt to improve it have failed. Funny, everything the Dems claimed would happen if the Repubs managed to pass something else: higher costs, poorer care, fewer people covered, etc, has actually been happening every single year Obamacare has been in force.

Here's how this plays out.

The GOP will get blamed for not funding it as Dims get a majority again. Then they usher in a single payer system on the premise of lowering health care costs.

That was the plan all along.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.

Not what I asked. If that plan they have had for so long is half as good as they have been claiming for so many years, there would be plenty of bipartisan support for it. Democrats have no desire to hang on to Obamacare if there is something better.Why don't the Republicans offer their great plan?

Damn you're dense. They put up what they could under reconciliation which only requires 51 votes. The parts they could get passed then move on to fix the things in committee which would require 60 votes. Now Obamacare is fucked.

Obama and Democrats own it. A big stinking dog turd with Obama's name on it.
If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

Nobody OWES you or anybody health care......... Socialist are scum.
The only solution to the Obamacare disaster by Democrats is to throw more money at it. Healthcare costs have increased faster than core inflation for the last twenty years. And throwing more money at anything just drives up the rate of inflation. So the more money you throw at it the worse the problem becomes.

John McCain's misplaced patriotism (brain fart) ruined any chance of fixing our healthcare system and more money next year will not cure the problem. The increased taxes on healthcare providers is just pass through inflation. Medicaid expansion based on a subsidy provided to someone up to a percentage higher than the poverty level won't control costs as the level is based on core inflation not medical care inflation.

So without total repel this chronic disease known as Obamacare can't be fixed. Medicaid is Socialism lite. The mess is already $400 Billion over it's initial cost estimate in just seven years. Single payer is a joke even Bernie Sanders couldn't get in Vermont.

Trump is right. Let it implode. There's no way out of this mess until a 60 vote majority can fix the fundamental problems and that's never going to happen. Democrats own the failure. And Obamacare is what it will be remembered as. A total disaster just like McCain now.

If only the republicans would offer that great healthcare plan that would cover everybody, be cheaper, and not have any of the drawbacks that Obamacare has. I know they have a plan like that, because they have been promising it for 8 years. I wonder why they didn't vote on that plan instead of the piece of crap that just failed.

They offered up what could be done with reconciliation. You didn't understand what was meant with the 60 vote requirements. But without the first stage the rest couldn't be done.

Like I said, let it completely fail as medical care inflation is much higher than core inflation so there's no way to fix the clusterfuck. Just enjoy it. It can't succeed. And it will forever be called Obamacare. A complete failure.

Not what I asked. If that plan they have had for so long is half as good as they have been claiming for so many years, there would be plenty of bipartisan support for it. Democrats have no desire to hang on to Obamacare if there is something better.Why don't the Republicans offer their great plan?

Damn you're dense. They put up what they could under reconciliation which only requires 51 votes. The parts they could get passed then move on to fix the things in committee which would require 60 votes. Now Obamacare is fucked.

Obama and Democrats own it. A big stinking dog turd with Obama's name on it.
Well, actually, we, the citizens are fucked. I do agree, it is one huge turd with Obama's name and the Dem paw prints all over it. That won't stop the Dims and their media lapdogs from painting the conservatives as the bad guys.
I know Democrat and RINO assholes are celebrating this, but John McInsane's gonna be maggot food in the near future. So this ain't over yet. Trump could very well get the last laugh on this. Stay tuned.
Mclame is a fucking traitor. I do sincerely hope he is in severe pain. I hope his death is long and agonizing. He is the standard of privileged sociopaths that achieve very little on their own through real effort, and hold common people in contempt.

Fuck him.


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