Media Dollhouse: Archaeological Aesthetic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-vignette inspired by Jerry Maguire.

Signing off,



An idealistic Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan was pensive if American celebrity Tom Cruise was someone who secretly had AIDS (since Tom, after all, was a major movie-star who travelled in wild social circles and therefore may have been experimenting with drug-use or sexually bohemian behaviors, as Hollywood rumors about crazy parties were well-known!). Ajay decided to contact Cruise through his agent and arrange a safe-and-secure Internet chat about the value of SATs in high-school training for a valued college education, and Cruise's agent convinced him it'd be a savvy PR-meeting with a 'civilian/fan' since people would say, "Tom Cruise is interested in what Internet-bloggers are saying about high-school SATs!" It was an intriguing and rare chat between a celebrity and a pedestrian in America.


CRUISE: I agree that high-school SATs are symbolic for education.
AJAY: I got a 1470 score (780M/690V).
CRUISE: Really? That's pretty good, Ajay!
AJAY: Thanks. I might teach an Anthropology course at Yale...
CRUISE: That sounds exciting (to me).
AJAY: Aren't you a big advocate of Scientology (in the media)?
CRUISE: I sure am, Ajay.
AJAY: I think Yale is hosting a Scientology symposium this summer.
CRUISE: I know, me and my celebrity-buddy Leo will be attending together.
AJAY: Leo DiCaprio? The head of The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation?
CRUISE: Precisely; he'll be talking about eco-activism in modern media.
AJAY: And you'll be complementing his talk with Scientology-media stuff?
CRUISE: Yes. I'll be talking about the value of media in our 'magazine society.'
AJAY: Interesting...are you a fan of the video-game Battle-Chess?
CRUISE: Battle-Chess is very cool...
AJAY: Are you a fan of Mortal Kombat?
CRUISE: I like the female-warrior Ashra (dressed in white).
AJAY: I like the female-warrior Kitana (with her nifty little fans).
CRUISE: Yes, Ashra and Kitana are both unusual but gifted female warriors.
AJAY: Mortal Kombat represents youngsters' fascination with media-era acrobatics.
CRUISE: Do you think kids playing too much Mortal Kombat would hurt SAT scores?
AJAY: No; not if 'characters' such as Ashra and Kitana symbolize 'imagination-fitness.'
CRUISE: I suppose Ashra and Kitana are 'aesthetics diplomats.'
AJAY: You should say that at your Scientology symposium at Yale!
CRUISE: I'll consider it --- "Media sculpts modern metaphysics."

After Ajay completed his discussion with Cruise over an Internet email-and-text chat-session, the two decided they were pleased with having met each other and revealing to each other they were big fans of the Mortal Kombat video-game female-warrior avatars Kitana and Ashra. The two remained in touch, and Cruise even mailed to Ajay a big stack of Green Lantern/Green Arrow (DC Comics) comics and wrote to his Internet chat-buddy, "Maybe in the future, archaeologists will say that 21st Century Americans were fascinated by 'media models'!"



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