Media-Hunter: A Modern Dracula


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-sarcasm tale (perfect for 'TrumpUSA') inspired by the culture-paranoia films 15 Minutes, American Psycho, and Zodiac.


Sentinel was an American vigilante modelled after the DC Comics superhero Batman. Sentinel wore a head mask made out of wool and carried unusual weapons such as tranquilizer-darts, a silencer-pistol, marbles to trip up enemies running towards him in the street, and a blinding ultra-bright light-array which he shined in ghouls' eyes to disorient them while tackling them. Sentinel was contacted by the FBI to handle a special case involving a copycat-killer named Chainsaw.

Chainsaw modelled himself after the iconic horror-film ghoul Leatherface (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre film series). The FBI believed Chainsaw was a descendant/son of a Vietnam War veteran and was hiding out in the forests of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey (where various folklore regarding monsters and creeps were reported such as the Jersey Devil). Chainsaw carried a chainsaw(!) and frightened campers and travellers, but he never harmed them.

The FBI believed Chainsaw was making some kind of eerie anti-media statement to criticize the commerce-based policies of 'TrumpUSA.' Chainsaw was a real weirdo, and the FBI was correct in guessing he was the son of a Vietnam War veteran. Chainsaw seemed to want to express some kind of anti-metropolitan statement regarding man's alienation from nature and Earth's forests and humanity's obsession with media and the movie. Sentinel believed therefore the best way to catch Chainsaw was to lure him with some kind of bright 'media-signal.'

Sentinel arrived in the Pine Barrens in the summer of 2017 with his gear and weapons. He brought with him also a video-camera and megaphone attached to a siren-device. When Sentinel spotted Chainsaw running towards him at about sunset on a Thursday, he turned his video-camera on and his megaphone-siren after yelling to Chainsaw, "I'm making movie about you, psycho!" Chainsaw was somewhat surprised and disoriented by the loud megaphone-siren, giving Sentinel enough time to shoot tranquilizer darts at him, rendering him unconscious.

Chainsaw was hauled off to a center for the criminally insane, and Sentinel was asked to interview him for a special TV documentary for 60 Minutes. During the strange interview, Chainsaw explained to Sentinel that his hatred for the media and 'TrumpUSA' stemmed from what he termed the public's 'obsessive fascination' with American films such as Celebrity, Miss Congeniality, and The Truman Show. The documentary proved to be seminal in the FBI's analysis of super-criminals who were clearly insane, and Sentinel went on to fame and glory, as Hollywood film-maker George Clooney made a biopic about the vigilante titled Deranged Hero!



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