Melania was paid $237,000 to appear at an April Political Event during Don's Presidential run, this year.

Pathetic dodging and trying to move the goalposts. Not a campaign event so this whole thread is a lie.
The campaign said it was, as needing to post the payment on their campaign finance release. Are you saying the Log Cabin Republicans go to Florida weekly for their meetings as standard arrangement, or that something else drew them to Mar-a-Lago, such as the great deals on 18 holes of golf? Don't be silly, child. Of course it was a political event of the campaign, or they would not have included the embarrassing info, that she was paid to make an appearance, tend to show what it takes to get her to support Donny's run, again.
So the Old Creep funneled 270K of his mooks' cash to Melania. He loses, he'll never pay the fine. He wins, he'll never pay the fine, and he might even fine the campaign regulators for being truthful. LOL
Sure it is. I have posted from two different sources on the Trump campaign finance release (by the campaign) where she was paid $237,000 to show up at a political event, and that was at Mar-a-Lago, where they lived. You can take it, how you like it, or accept it, or reject it as a false submission by the campaign, if that is what you think it is, though, I doubt it. So, if I am lying because I posted the links, I assume you have links to show the trump campaign lied, did not pay his wife to show up, at the political event? Or maybe you can post link to where she shows up and many of his political events? If so, you would be the only one reporting it.

Not one said it was a campaign event for HER HUSBAND.

So, you lie yet again.

It sure seems to come easy to you.
The campaign said it was, as needing to post the payment on their campaign finance release. Are you saying the Log Cabin Republicans go to Florida weekly for their meetings as standard arrangement, or that something else drew them to Mar-a-Lago, such as the great deals on 18 holes of golf? Don't be silly, child. Of course it was a political event of the campaign, or they would not have included the embarrassing info, that she was paid to make an appearance, tend to show what it takes to get her to support Donny's run, again.
Spin all you want because you got caught lying again. Not one person has said it was a campaign event you stupid moron. Cry harder.
It must be quite the chore to be former first lady to former POTUS that wants to be POTUS again.....~S~
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
Totally irrelevant. His policies are good for America, and Kamala’s policies will continue the harmful policies.
why is it weird? Dems told us for years the Clintons became millionaries because of paid speaking events, why can't she?

Wives shouldn't have to be paid to show up to support their husband's. It's truly weird he has to pay his wife to leave her boyfriend and make an appearance.
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
She probably does not like making speeches because DEMs always make fun of her accent. They don't like her because she came her legally.
It seemed unusual to me. I did not know spouses had to pay their wives to show up to support their campaigns, during an election year, though I am not surprised he had to report it on his campaign expenditures. Can you give link to other presidential candidates that had to pay their wife to show up.

She is certainly worth it. Everybody like her better than him, and if that is what it takes,...
WTF, over! He didn't pay her you moron!

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