Melania was paid $237,000 to appear at an April Political Event during Don's Presidential run, this year.

Not one said it was a campaign event for HER HUSBAND.

So, you lie yet again.

It sure seems to come easy to you.
And the campaign listed it on their finance report for the event at Mar-a-Lago, for what reason? It sure wasn't to advertise what it takes to get her to show up this time around.
On his campaign finance report, which is about expenditure for the campaign by definition.
You are conflating the reports. Trump's financial disclosures are not about campaign expenditures. They are about the candidate's personal finances. Virtually all elected offices have financial disclosure requirements.

Melania had income from speaking engagements, and that income was reported in his financial disclosure statements, that's all and as it should be.

The events that she had paid speaking arrangements were not Trump campaign events (which would be treated as Campaign financial expenditures)- they were some other GOP political group or PAC not coordinated with the campaign.

PAC's can have fundraisers, and they can pay prominent people for speaking engagements...
She knows better. You should, too.
Huh? You think continuing to bring in millions of lowlife illegals will benefit our country? That telling businesses what to charge for their goods won’t lead to business failures? She is a socialist who wants as many government-dependent people here as possible, and as few industrious, hard-working, and successful people as possible.

You should know better than to vote to destroy America.
It seemed unusual to me. I did not know spouses had to pay their wives to show up to support their campaigns, during an election year, though I am not surprised he had to report it on his campaign expenditures. Can you give link to other presidential candidates that had to pay their wife to show up.

She is certainly worth it. Everybody like her better than him, and if that is what it takes,...
No its not unusual... but it is unusual for a presidents wife to lead a cabinet meeting....
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Yes, agree. That is MUCH more concerning. Funny how White6 doesn’t mention that.

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