Melania was paid $237,000 to appear at an April Political Event during Don's Presidential run, this year.

You are kidding right?.... There is nothing illegal about this... as long as its disclosed....
The legality of it was never an issue. It would only be a legal issue, if they hid the fact, they had to pay her to show up.
Myour intentional mislabeling of my question doesn’t convert it into trolling. Or was not. Stop lying.

You fail again, Farty.

I guess you’re pathetic. Well, to be fair, it isn’t really a guess.
It was trolling. And you're still trolling.

So, who do you think cut the check?
The legality of it was never an issue. It would only be a legal issue, if they hid the fact, they had to pay her to show up.
But obviously it wasn't hidden and the time to disclose it isn't here yet.... so its just a hit job and you fell for it.... I'm certain family members of former presidents go to paid appearances all the time... check Hillary's engagement history...
I find the above comments by the usual Trumpist rubes who talk about family values but then defend a man who has no family values and who has to pay his own friggin wife to attend his convention.

But you know what, paying Melania is all part of the Trump grift anyway.

Having his donors paying his wife, paying his children, paying his attorney fees, paying his businesses, paying his debtors are all part of the Trump grift.
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Are you the one, with the link to previous campaign finance reports of other presidential candidates paying their wife for supporting their run for office. We're listening. Give it up.
You offered another shit piece from the generally badly biased CNN.

Did they, to your knowledge, ever investigate other campaigns (past or present)?

Let’s ramble a little bit here.

I don’t stipulate to the barely suppressed premise (that Melania got paid to appear or that, if she had been “paid” it was by the Trump campaign). But strictly as a form of hypothetical, let’s say for the sake of discussion that she had both been paid to appear AND that the payment came out of Trump’s campaign treasury.

As a contributor to Trump’s campaign, I wouldn’t appreciate his treasury being used to pay his own wife to appear.
Just imagine that he has a record to run on, and we were better off with Maganomics than Harris/Bidenomics.
We were better off when Venezuela gangs lived in Venezuela. When Iran was too poor to kill Jews. When Putin minded his own business. When inflation and interest rates allowed Americans to buy homes. When groceries were affordable.
Trump ~ 2024. Let him do it again...
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
Did you read your link? It was a fund raiser for the Log Cabin Republicans. Not for her husband's campaign. Jeeze, does your hate really cloud your thinking that much?
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
You make that sound like it's a bad thing.
But obviously it wasn't hidden and the time to disclose it isn't here yet.... so it’s just a hit job and you fell for it.... I'm certain family members of former presidents go to paid appearances all the time... check Hillary's engagement history...
Hillary Clinton was a Yale law graduate, involved in politics during their time in Arkansas, Senator, Secretary of State. She has valuable insight into government and society.

Melania couldn’t even finish college. It’s a little silly to think her thoughts could be worth that much money, but whatever.
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
Hope she makes a lot of money

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