Melania was paid $237,000 to appear at an April Political Event during Don's Presidential run, this year.

It seemed unusual to me. I did not know spouses had to pay their wives to show up to support their campaigns, during an election year, though I am not surprised he had to report it on his campaign expenditures. Can you give link to other presidential candidates that had to pay their wife to show up.

She is certainly worth it. Everybody like her better than him, and if that is what it takes,...
All part of the grift. Pay her, flow it back in a joint account. Like he's paying himself to campaign.
Did you read your link? It was a fund raiser for the Log Cabin Republicans. Not for her husband's campaign. Jeeze, does your hate really cloud your thinking that much?
So the link in the OP doesn’t support the claims from the OP?

Time to rubber room this one.:auiqs.jpg:
You were just trolling, as usual.

But hey, let's speculate.

I say the Trump Campaign paid her.

Which is to say, the crypto bros paid her.
I heard the reason trump isn't campaigning as much is because his daughter in law throws so many lavish parties at hotels and restaurants while spending a shitload of donor cash.
So yes, you're right.
So far, nobody has come up with another campaign finance disclosure report showing a presidential campaign spouse was paid to support her husband's run for presidential office. I would have to wait until it is shown on another campaign finance report, before accepting it as a fact.
And neither have you.
I have no idea what you have been told. Fact remains, she has not been at many events to support her husbands run for the Presidency, and probably will not be unless paid hundreds of thousands of dollar$ to get anywhere near one.
Hillary Clinton was a Yale law graduate, involved in politics during their time in Arkansas, Senator, Secretary of State. She has valuable insight into government and society.

Melania couldn’t even finish college. It’s a little silly to think her thoughts could be worth that much money, but whatever.
What does that have to do with anything?

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