Merrick Garland is curbing the GOP's election nonsense.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

Merrick Garland can say anything and do anything he wants....the states are not obligated to pay attention to him anymore then they were obligated to pay attention to Barr. Just because it's a Democrat there now doesn't mean the Attorney General suddenly and magically has more power than he did before..... though I realize that's how you see it.

If he tries to arrest any of the state officials based on their research into possible fraud in their states I expect it will turn into a showdown between Federal and state law enforcement officers. In that scenario state will win the public relations campaign every time.

The reason Merrick Garland is inserting himself into any of these things is because the investigations are beginning to pay off and the White House is beginning to sweat it out.

He has no more standing before the scotus than any other private lawyer does.... And you'll find that out the moment he tries to wreak havoc in the court system.

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Merrick Garland can say anything and do anything he wants....the states are not obligated to pay attention to him anymore then they were obligated to pay attention to Barr. Just because it's a Democrat there now doesn't mean the Attorney General suddenly and magically has more power than he did before..... though I realize that's how you see it.

If he tries to arrest any of the state officials based on their research into possible fraud in their states I expect it will turn into a showdown between Federal and state law enforcement officers. In that scenario state will win the public relations campaign every time.

The reason Merrick Garland is inserting himself into any of these things is because the investigations are beginning to pay off and the White House is beginning to sweat it out.

He has no more standing before the scotus than any other private lawyer does.... And you'll find that out the moment he tries to wreak havoc in the court system.


There was blue and black pens on the counting floor in the Audit (still not an Audit)

IF one mark of those pens ends up on a Vote then it is vote tampering which is a federal crime...

This is why only red and green pens are allowed in counts..
but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

Ah yes, authoritarianism at it’s finest, an unelected so called “public servant” warning “do as we say or we’re going to come after you with state violence”.

Lord Baron Garland hath spoken either obey or your rulers are coming for you.

Fuck Garland, the States created the Federal Government not the other way around, time for some good ole fashioned nullification.
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  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

The fraud promoted Moderate Judge who is just another Progressive Socialist radical. We all know who not to trust. When the time comes the usual suspects will be dealt with. Even if others go first.
The fraud promoted Moderate Judge who is just another Progressive Socialist radical. We all know who not to trust. When the time comes the usual suspects will be dealt with. Even if others go first.
Right, just imagine how ardent Garland's defense of voting "rights" would be if States started passing laws that the partisan sheeple of Crime Family-D thought would make it harder for Republicans to vote. Safe to say there not only be NO such defense, but there would also be whole-hearted endorsement of such laws coming from the inhabitants of LeftWingTopia.

The OP isn't interested in whether voting is more "difficult", it only cares whether voting is more "difficult" for those that it perceives as people interested in voting for its preferred brand of gangsters.

The hypocrisy and libido dominandi of such people is so readily apparent that even Hellen Keller could spot it from the surface of Mars.
The integrity and validity of our electoral process is being examined, and the status quo is fighting tooth and nail to control any and all questioning. On one side, all election abnormalites are dismissed as "unproven" without any further discussion, and any concern is "insurrection" or "conspiracy theory". On the other side, the lawmakers assume that there is systemic and widespread votor suppression based on whatever conclusions they come to when looking at current state votor laws and their interpolation. The mass of voters is so stupid according to them they must be handled like special needs voters and managed by "civic engagers". What is happening with the voter bill is that the states are readying themselves (and you) to turn over their Constitutionally mandated responsibility to oversee elections as local votors see fit to yet another over reaching federal beayrocracy. Just like everything else, no real discussion, just highly charged emotion with no supporting evidence. Congress has already delegated their responsibility to manage the money supply to the federal reserve, a private bank. They have also transferred the responsibility to declare war to the white House and Pentagon, and you can make a very good case for them accepting "help" in writing tax codes from big tech and corporate wheels. Congress has just evolved into a buffer zone between the rule makers and the taxpayers, and a carrier of instructions, along with the media. Garland is just one of many players, and reading his script.
The integrity and validity of our electoral process is being examined, and the status quo is fighting tooth and nail to control any and all questioning. On one side, all election abnormalites are dismissed as "unproven" without any further discussion, and any concern is "insurrection" or "conspiracy theory". On the other side, the lawmakers assume that there is systemic and widespread votor suppression based on whatever conclusions they come to when looking at current state votor laws and their interpolation. The mass of voters is so stupid according to them they must be handled like special needs voters and managed by "civic engagers". What is happening with the voter bill is that the states are readying themselves (and you) to turn over their Constitutionally mandated responsibility to oversee elections as local votors see fit to yet another over reaching federal beayrocracy. Just like everything else, no real discussion, just highly charged emotion with no supporting evidence. Congress has already delegated their responsibility to manage the money supply to the federal reserve, a private bank. They have also transferred the responsibility to declare war to the white House and Pentagon, and you can make a very good case for them accepting "help" in writing tax codes from big tech and corporate wheels. Congress has just evolved into a buffer zone between the rule makers and the taxpayers, and a carrier of instructions, along with the media. Garland is just one of many players, and reading his script.
This is the result of allowing the Federal Government to be the sole arbiter of the limits of its own power, its nothing more than a modern version of the divine right of kings.

Time for the States to push back by exercising their sovereignty and nullify laws that constitute federal overreach.
When the Constitution is on the side of the States (which it is when it comes to voting) Merrick Garland's stick is about as big and scary as a plastic straw. Anything he says or tries to do in this regard is nothing but theater.

He knows it and we know it.
Just imagine if this partisan hack Garland had been put on the Supreme Court.

That was a close one and just goes to prove how radical those on the Left are who are presented as moderate.

This is a man who has decided not to investigate Cuomo after proving he lied about Covid deaths and tried to hide them because he was an idiot for putting them in nursing homes, and don't get me started about all the sexual assaults' he is accused of, but instead Garland spends all his time hunting people down associated with January 6th.
  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

Sounds like Garland belongs in prison to me; this is J. Edgar Hoover stuff.
  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

Garland has no jurisdiction and resorting to what you fascist liberoidal assholes always resort to when push comes to shove: bullying.

Karen Fann already told that hack to shove it up his overbearing ass...The audit and recanvass will continue.
  1. Attorney General Merrick Garland walks softly, but carries a big stick-

    There’s an art to the subtle threat. Not the bold, blustery rages that former President Donald Trump would fly into behind closed doors, but the gentle reminder, said with a smile, that your life will be made miserable if you don’t watch your step.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Justice released two documents warning states that they have to follow federal law before, during and after elections. Without naming names, the first set of guidelines generally called out states that have moved to change their election laws to restrict voters’ access to the polls after the 2020 election. The second is focused on the never ending “audit” still taking place in Arizona, along with potential copycats.

    The Justice Department has already warned the Arizona Senate, which approved the cyber ninja farce, that the probe might risk violating federal law. Wednesday’s guidelines are more explicit about what laws might have been broken — and the consequences for breaking them.

    Taken together, the two documents can be considered part of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s “f--- around and find out!” doctrine on voting rights. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)

    Garland announced in June that his department will make countering new election restrictions a major priority for the Civil Rights Division. Already this year, 18 states have enacted 30 laws that make voting more difficult, according to the Brennan Center for Justice. Hundreds more bills have been proposed in states across the country. The new guidelines are a sharp promise that any future shenanigans will be met with swift action.

Garland is trying to intimidate states into not chasing down fraudsters and not stopping fraudulent votes in order for the dems to continue to cheat to steal elections. THIS IS VOTER INTIMIDATION. GARLAND should be put on trial for extortion and treason.

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