Mexico has gun control too...drug cartel murders, and cooks, unarmed Mexican citizens...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...the glories of gun control...and the reason we have the 2nd Amendment...when the government can't, or won't protect you....or actively seeks to murder you.......

Mexico has extreme gun control....there is one gun store, and the Mexican military owns it, and prevents normal citizens from getting guns.....then, the elements of the Mexican military, the local and federal police, work with the drug cartels to murder Mexican citizens...

EXCLUSIVE -- GRAPHIC: Mexican Cartel Dismembers, Grills Innocent Civilians

One of the Mexican cartels fighting for control of this state escalated their terrorist activities by dismembering innocent victims and roasting their body-parts to leverage local support. Such tactics are becoming a part of everyday life in this state while officials continue to minimize regional safety concerns.


The victims were not rival cartel members–only local residents who refused to support the Nueva Familia Michoacana. Cartel gunmen severed the heads from their bodies and then cut various body-parts off. The cartel placed some of the human remains on a grill and cooked them.

So.....question time.....anti gunners.....this is what you prefer.....for you, it is better that these Mexican citizens are murdered and cooked over a grill by these drug cartels and their military and police minions than that they use rifles and pistols to stop it...

That is where you stand on this....right?

Now you can run away and not answer the you guys always do...
So you realized all that whining about England just got you laughed at, so now on to Mexico. Who is next?
So you realized all that whining about England just got you laughed at, so now on to Mexico. Who is next?

Perhaps, but consider the idiots who were laughing.

I still hear laughing.
That laughing is entirely within your head.

You hang on tight to that belief. It might be all you have.
Don't shoot the messenger. I am just trying to help.
All states with gun control are either failed states or gonna to be a failed state ( or caliphate).
Mexican citizens are calling for stepped up policing...

Rising Crime in Mexico City Prompts Calls For Stepped-up Policing
November 1, 2017 – Mexican citizens are calling for stepped up policing in response to rising crime in downtown Mexico City.
Robberies targeting people in the street in the capital’s downtown were 1,651 percent above the national average from May to August this year, according to an analysis of official government crime statistics by the citizens’ crime watchdog group Observatorio Nacional Ciudadano. The rate of pedestrian robberies in the downtown area known as Delegacion Cuauhtemoc was 425 per 100,000 inhabitants. The national average was 24. The 12 square-mile zone in the heart of the city includes the Historic District, Reforma Avenue with its office towers and government buildings, and tree-lined neighborhoods filled with restaurants and bars and popular with foreigners, tourists, and young people.

Analysis by the citizens’ group also shows that from May to August the Cuauhtemoc zone had the highest rate of violent robberies in the entire city, nearly twice the national average of 64 per 100,000 inhabitants. Citywide, violent robberies increased by 64.4 percent and robberies of pedestrians shot up 58.5 percent between May and August of this year compared to the same period a year ago. The rate of business robberies in Cuauhtemoc and the neighboring zone of Benito Juarez to the south was six times the national average of 24 per 100,000 inhabitants for the period. Slightly more than half a million people live in Cuauhtemoc, but its businesses, government offices and historic attractions draw more than 1.5 million visitors and workers daily, according to city authorities.

The watchdog group’s director, Francisco Rivas, says the high levels of commercial activity may pose a target, but he mostly blames poor policing for the downtown’s expanding crime problem. “Cuauhtemoc has always been one of the more dangerous parts of the city, but the authorities are not succeeding in attacking the problem and it is increasing.” The murder rate in Mexico City is also on the rise. The city has the second highest homicide rate nationally, at nine murders per 100,000 inhabitants from January to September this year according to Marcela Figueroa, a researcher with the citizens’ group Causa en Comun. Nationally the murder rate has been increasing since 2015, she said. Rivas also drew attention to the high use of guns in crimes in the capital.

Across Mexico, a gun is used in six out of every 10 crimes. In Mexico City the rate is seven out of 10, and guns are used in 60 percent of all robberies, he said – “much higher than it was five, or even ten years ago.” He also called for police to crack down on well-known markets where stolen goods are sold. Dangerous crime in Mexico’s coastal tourism resort areas of Los Cabos and Cancun prompted the State Department to update its travel advisory for Mexico last August, warning of high homicide rates and that bystanders have been injured in gun battles between criminal groups in the daylight hours. The updated advisory contains no warnings regarding Mexico City, however. Mexico City’s homicide rate remains much lower than that of Chicago, where there were 785 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2016, as reported by the Chicago Tribune last September.

Rising Crime in Mexico City Prompts Calls For Stepped-up Policing

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