Mexifornia has 53 COUNT EM 53 House seats! That's why it will be tough for GOP to hold the House.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections

Without Illegals they lose half their seats
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections
If conservatives lose house seats in California in the short term, I'm here to tell you the bilingual people who poured over the border will wise up once they are prosperous enough to start and succeed at business enterprises they come up with. Chicanos are (1) Smart enough to speak 2 languages fluently, sometimes more (2) They want to do well in life and prosper, which means they will look to conservative ways and decide conservatism in small things grows greatest dividents. (3) Some of those who come over here are often very influenced by conservatives who take them in and help them prosper by being loyal customers, caring souls, and people they come to respect for their tolerant ways and honesty in money, staying out of trouble, community service before selfish interests, and understanding friends.

The DNC thinking they own people who are ambitious, hard working folk, are going to get the shock of their lives one of these days, and a lot of Latinos have already figured it out that their best bet is to go with the Republican Party that keeps taxes low so people can access more of their own paychecks than if their tax contributions were staggering.

IOW, you may not understand a word of Spanish that they are saying, but people that smart are going to "get it" about (1) Population impacts (2) Diplomacy (3) Republicans who pushed through unpopular historical themes such as legislation that ended racial segregation, legislation that earned the right for women to vote, protection of people's savings, who support free enterprise and personal charity, and who favor ending abortion that has already eliminated tens of millions of unborn Americans. In twenty five years, Latinos will be flocking to being conservatives due to high intelligence rates of bilingual individuals, love of competitive sports and winning by overcoming obstacles, and they will be educated leaders in medicine, the free market, they will figure out how to fix genes so they, too can have blonde hair, high cheek bones, and bluest of blue eyes through gene manipulation which they will be leaders in, maybe. In America, once you get the hang of winning by hard work and determination, the people who were smart enough to successfully cross the border before the end of this year will have a 50% chance of being our best, smartest, and most beautiful people in every discipline and more known to the educators. They will not be dragged down by race. You're going to see some amazing Americans in Latins. Oh, wait, many of them already are some of our best citizens, so the ones coming in right now have amazing role models before they get here.

Move over world, America is going back to the top in world mathematics, the humanities, Olympic Gold Medals, and everything else the Latinos will serve not only as promoting others with the competition they set down, they will win a lot, too.

And the producers will become Republicans, because we don't accept mealy-mouthed education that smothers the human spirit, we promote individualism and going for the rose wreath worn only by the fastest and best race horses.

The short-term voters forced to vote Democrat illegal have a greater chance of seeing the light of truth and hard work encouraged by Republicans who believe we are one nation under God. Eisenhower, the Republican, went for the "under God" into the pledge, and we have a movement inside the Republican Party to put prayer back into American schools.


Oh, yes, and one other thing: when you Democrats get fed up with all the bs and lying you've had to do in the last 4 presidencies, abandon all that garbage. Join the Republican Party and become happy again that you can tell the truth and not bring a pack of smarm to the table. Join today! :)
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One has to look at California as 2 distinct political areas - the large urban areas and the many rural ones. There are some red districts in the first and mostly red in the latter.

The Dims are pouring lots of $$$ into red areas trying to turn them. They are also counting on illegal immigrants voting in those district for them.

I don't think that is going to happen and the GOP might even gain a couple of seats!
One has to look at California as 2 distinct political areas - the large urban areas and the many rural ones. There are some red districts in the first and mostly red in the latter.

The Dims are pouring lots of $$$ into red areas trying to turn them. They are also counting on illegal immigrants voting in those district for them.

I don't think that is going to happen and the GOP might even gain a couple of seats!
I really REALLY hope you are right.
I hope for America that my California neighbors vote for democrats as conservatives do no good for humanity.
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections
Cox's performance pretty much makes that an impossibility.
I hope for America that my California neighbors vote for democrats as conservatives do no good for humanity.
I thought we elected people to do good for American citizens and America. If we are supposed to be electing humanitarians, we better get a whole new batch of candidates.
I talked to an ex-Californian and he said California should be 5 different states and 2 or 3 of those would be conservative!

Remember President Trump won 25 counties and got 4.5 million votes in California! There are a lot of pissed off conservatives in CA especially after they've decided to IGNORE the law and become a SANCTUARY state!!
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections
More ignorance, bigotry, and whining from the right.
For the same reason that Hillary won the popular vote, it is very possible the GOP will lose house seats in California due to the enormous Leftist population there. Orange County used to be a Republican stronghold but many have had it with the taxes and Liberal bull crap and have moved out. Control of the House may very well come down to key races in Cali.

Track California's House races as the field is set for the midterm elections
And....? California is the most populous state.
One has to look at California as 2 distinct political areas - the large urban areas and the many rural ones. There are some red districts in the first and mostly red in the latter.

The Dims are pouring lots of $$$ into red areas trying to turn them. They are also counting on illegal immigrants voting in those district for them.

I don't think that is going to happen and the GOP might even gain a couple of seats!
Duncan Hunter...enough said.

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