Michele Bachman Suddenly Does A 180 On The Birther Issue


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Why would she invest damn near 2 years or time and energy preaching the Birther nonsense to her hysteric crowd only to suddenly drop it with "I guess its over!"

It's because TRUMP is TRUMPING the issue...he's taken the lead by leaps and bounds with the RW crazies and the Birther nonsense.

Michele Bachmann Birther Talk Over | Donald Trump | Video | Mediaite

You see how DESPICABLE these Republican swine are? GD bunch o frauds...the lot of 'em!

Marc, you seem like a smart guy. Surely you're not surprised to see Bachman pandering and postering to the political winds of the batshit-crazy rightwing?

She sees an opportunity to sound slightly less nuts.
Marc, you seem like a smart guy. Surely you're not surprised to see Bachman pandering and postering to the political winds of the batshit-crazy rightwing?

She sees an opportunity to sound slightly less nuts.

This is true. She doesn't believe in that stuff, she's a panderer to the crazies.
Marc, you seem like a smart guy. Surely you're not surprised to see Bachman pandering and postering to the political winds of the batshit-crazy rightwing?

She sees an opportunity to sound slightly less nuts.

So, you're conceding that she's just a uber partisan that only says things to pander to her base?

Is that it?
How long before Michelle backs away from her position?
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The same interviewer held Trump up against the wall the other day as well.

Seems like he's growing some balls.

Finally, somebody somewhere in the Mainstream Media are doing their damn job! Albeit a day late and a dollar short.
In the last two days Bachmann and Brewer both told birthers to go fuck themselves. Not looking good for the birthers
oh brother.

Bauchman could eat that little pip squeak for breakfast. She was just being NICE.:lol:
In the last two days Bachmann and Brewer both told birthers to go fuck themselves. Not looking good for the birthers

Chris Matthews was just talking about this.

He's right, they have to deal with this now. If they wait until Iowa it will be too late. If they don't shut down the mouth foamers they will nominate a tin foil hat King and lose HARD :cuckoo:
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The same interviewer held Trump up against the wall the other day as well.

Seems like he's growing some balls.

Finally, somebody somewhere in the Mainstream Media are doing their damn job! Albeit a day late and a dollar short.

He used to be tough when he was Clinton's senior political advisor during his campaign. I'd like all of them to stop being so complacent. There have been some very hard hitters in the past, it would be so much more interesting to watch these interviews.

I think they're all getting sick of Trump. He's such an old gasbag.
Michele Bachmann did not get owned.

The Democrat interviewer George Stephanopoulos tried to paint Michele Bachmann as a crazy Birther detached from reality & got OWNED!

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