Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

Jon's post made me curious and I went back to look. KK did in fact turn a thread about itunes into a Linux ad. In fact, a lot of the threads in this forum are just her crusade on Windows.

If she were somewhat intelligent, I would of assumed she got fired by Microsoft or something. Probably too much IRC on the job.

Really? So when the OP of a thread actually asks for more information it's wrong to tell them? Damn ... perhaps that's why you aren't shedding any light on the details of the story that were left out of the ... well story.

Except those pieces weren't left out. You just didn't read it. You still haven't read it, from what I can tell.

As for leaving out pieces of a story, is that easier or harder than making shit up and adding it to the story? I've seen you do both, so I wanted an expert opinion. I'm sure Ubuntu makes a program that does it for you, so what do you recommend for someone who wants to be an obnoxious retard on the Internet?

:doubt: I'm not signing up for some lame "Game" account just to view an article. So ... yes, they left it out. Unless everyone can read it, as I said all it gave me was three paragraphs about some round numbers and innuendo, then it's officially left out. So ... post something from it or that's how it stands, PR stunt, nothing but. With MS history that's not a stretch, it's part of their forte.
Really? You already tried it ten years ago and for five minutes? Or this year for several weeks?

I tried it enough to know I didn't like it, very recently. As in, in the last six months. But that's not the point, what fucking difference does it make? Am I wrong for not liking it? No. Stop being an elitist fucking bitch.
:doubt: I'm not signing up for some lame "Game" account just to view an article. So ... yes, they left it out. Unless everyone can read it, as I said all it gave me was three paragraphs about some round numbers and innuendo, then it's officially left out. So ... post something from it or that's how it stands, PR stunt, nothing but. With MS history that's not a stretch, it's part of their forte.

Except you only need an account to read other users comments. Once again, it's obvious you can't read.
Really? You already tried it ten years ago and for five minutes? Or this year for several weeks?

He tried it, that is enough. Jon knows what he likes best for Jon, not you.

:doubt: No, that's not enough ... as I said, he pissed on a product I like and tried to sound all important by saying "it can't" when I know it can. You three are peas in a pod right now, and thanks for the laughs, but I've got a few other things to tend to.
:doubt: I'm not signing up for some lame "Game" account just to view an article. So ... yes, they left it out. Unless everyone can read it, as I said all it gave me was three paragraphs about some round numbers and innuendo, then it's officially left out. So ... post something from it or that's how it stands, PR stunt, nothing but. With MS history that's not a stretch, it's part of their forte.


I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I clicked the link, it's a forum post with the IRC chat. I signed up for nothing. I read the chat log, where the guy stated that he had reported the callers to the police. I don't really have any fucking idea what you are talking about.

I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I clicked the link, it's a forum post with the IRC chat. I signed up for nothing. I read the chat log, where the guy stated that he had reported the callers to the police. I don't really have any fucking idea what you are talking about.

She's talking about the first article, but ignoring the second. She's batshit insane I tell ya.
:doubt: No, that's not enough ... as I said, he pissed on a product I like and tried to sound all important by saying "it can't" when I know it can. You three are peas in a pod right now, and thanks for the laughs, but I've got a few other things to tend to.

I said "It can't" because IT CAN'T. How much clearer can I be? The add-ins are developed in house for my company. They don't work in Open Office. If you can't understand that, I don't know what else to tell you.

How did I piss on your product? I said it doesn't do what I need it to do and I don't like it. You respond by insulting my intelligence. So fuck you.

Anyway, I'm done with this thread. You're a stupid fucking bitch, and your ignorance and annoyance is overwhelming. I can understanding your laughing at this thread. I usually laugh too when I'm in uncomfortable situations where I know I'm wrong but too proud to admit it.
:doubt: No, that's not enough ... as I said, he pissed on a product I like and tried to sound all important by saying "it can't" when I know it can. You three are peas in a pod right now, and thanks for the laughs, but I've got a few other things to tend to.

Are you that much of a fucking joke? Are you saying he doesn't know what he likes best for himself?
I will concede one point in this thread. I called KK insane, when clearly we are the insane ones. By definition, in fact. We have repeatedly tried talking sense into someone who clearly has no concept of reality or logic and expected to see change, and in spite of all the evidence that she is incapable of seeing logic, we continue to try to reason with her.

So, it's clear we are the insane ones in this thread. She's just the fucking retard.
I will concede one point in this thread. I called KK insane, when clearly we are the insane ones. By definition, in fact. We have repeatedly tried talking sense into someone who clearly has no concept of reality or logic and expected to see change, and in spite of all the evidence that she is incapable of seeing logic, we continue to try to reason with her.

So, it's clear we are the insane ones in this thread. She's just the fucking retard.

Hard to disagree with that logic. :lol:

Guess she's just batshit then.
Sounds like the OP wasn't interested in your ubuntu lecture so much as the answer to a simple question..

but hey... why take HIS word for it when clearly he is just as bad as a software pirate and a gamestop customer?

It was a recommendation I made, she asked about it, so I told her.

Jealous much that people aren't asking about Windoze so much when you recommend it?

shit, i dont NEED to recommend windows. You see, this is what happens when MS already dominated the market share.


sWING and a miss!
IRC Quote: "Help Microsoft stamp out piracy. Give Linux to a friend today!" - 2008

Again, you show your intelligence. This is not some petty little war crusade against Windows thread. Linux is not involved here.
:doubt: I'm not signing up for some lame "Game" account just to view an article. So ... yes, they left it out. Unless everyone can read it, as I said all it gave me was three paragraphs about some round numbers and innuendo, then it's officially left out. So ... post something from it or that's how it stands, PR stunt, nothing but. With MS history that's not a stretch, it's part of their forte.

Except you only need an account to read other users comments. Once again, it's obvious you can't read.


IRC people are still wondering when this happened ... not one of them saw any MS or GameStop people whining like that ...

... and they're still laughing about it since I first posted it. :lol:
IRC people are still wondering when this happened ... not one of them saw any MS or GameStop people whining like that ...

... and they're still laughing about it since I first posted it. :lol:

We really don't care what you're IRC friends think. Now you're trying to say this never happened? Wow, you truly are foolish. :cuckoo:
Oh gee golly, a bunch of nerds are laughing at an article that was posted. Don't we feel dumb?

Oh, wait, no, we don't. But you should, because you've completely embarrassed yourself in this thread.

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