Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

I so love when people think they should have the right to steal others' intellecutal property.

But according to KK, it's cool because it's windows and they wouldn't know about it.
If forum posts are like blogs, then why the fuck did you use almost nothing but blog posts earlier in your rant against Windows? Hypocrite, Double standard whackjob.

You completely missed what I had done there, I was posting ... in the order they came up ... directly from the Google search results to make a point. But meh, from your posts I should have known you would miss that completely.
I wonder if KK expects to be paid if she manages to sell one of her animations...

:razz: If someone pays for one ... they'll pay before I make it anyway. ;)

Dogbert is just completely missing every point, so don't mind him. I was addressing the issue of second hand purchases, such as when you buy a used system at a gaming store or some other tech store, which MSNBC addressed with an interview with Game Zine, yet not one of those who are whining about some mythical death threats has even come close to addressing this.
Forum posts are like blogs ... no more reliable than Wicrapedia .... so that point of yours is moot.

No dear, it makes YOUR point moot. The only reference of the death threats is IN THAT FORUM POST. Yet you claim that the death threats were fabricated by Microsoft for PR. Again, you are fucking stupid, and daft, to boot.

I see you don't want a serious debate after all since you still avoided the one factual part that I did address.

I'm glad you admit you bullshitted the rest of it.

So ... are you all for them punishing second hand buyers of their products? They legitimately purchased said products, legally, and with the full rights (which according to the findings against Apple are transferable with said hardware). Should they be punished for being intelligent and saving a few bucks?

No, they shouldn't, but nothing can be done to distinguish those who modded their Xbox and those who bought modded Xbox's second hand. The burden to check the legitimacy rests with the buyer of the Xbox.

Oh, and Shogut already admitted to pirating Windoze, yet you side with him, a self admitted criminal, do you really want to be in that basket?

That's your approach? Really? That's the best you have? I sided with Shogun on the fact that you are batshit crazy. I never advocated his practices.

If you want to be irrelevant, please at least try making sense.
Forum posts are like blogs ... no more reliable than Wicrapedia .... so that point of yours is moot.

No dear, it makes YOUR point moot. The only reference of the death threats is IN THAT FORUM POST. Yet you claim that the death threats were fabricated by Microsoft for PR. Again, you are fucking stupid, and daft, to boot.

I see you don't want a serious debate after all since you still avoided the one factual part that I did address.

I'm glad you admit you bullshitted the rest of it.

So ... are you all for them punishing second hand buyers of their products? They legitimately purchased said products, legally, and with the full rights (which according to the findings against Apple are transferable with said hardware). Should they be punished for being intelligent and saving a few bucks?

No, they shouldn't, but nothing can be done to distinguish those who modded their Xbox and those who bought modded Xbox's second hand. The burden to check the legitimacy rests with the buyer of the Xbox.

Oh, and Shogut already admitted to pirating Windoze, yet you side with him, a self admitted criminal, do you really want to be in that basket?

That's your approach? Really? That's the best you have? I sided with Shogun on the fact that you are batshit crazy. I never advocated his practices.

If you want to be irrelevant, please at least try making sense.

So ... even though a MS employee posted on a forum ... they don't post on forums? :eusa_eh:

I will address the non-shithole part of this post as I tire of coming up with ways to insult you for your ignoring point tonight. Which, you bring up my second point. The ones making the mods are smart enough to not get caught, so they are not likely to ever be effected by this, and even if they get caught once they will simply change their tactic to continue to do so. The people who are being punished are the ones incapable of determining what is modded in the first place ... and there are ways to protect them that won't cost MS a cent, they just are not interested in doing it. All they have to do is answer their phone. Have you tried calling tech support for something like that? They either ignore you or treat you like you committed the crime, they assume you are the one in the wrong when in reality such people who buy the system and call them are doing them a favor. Points of sale which deal with second hand merchandise typically keep on record of the last person who sold them the product (with the exception of donated goods). If they did actually help these second hand purchasers they could track down idiots like Shogut easier and even improve (though only slightly for other reasons) their standing in the coder communities. They are not addressing the real problem, they are bandaiding it like so many other problems, it is another of their many new bad methods.
Don't mind Dogdork, he thinks he posted actual proof of such and is crying because I pointed out that what he posted was worth Dogbreath in court. ;)

I'm not crying you nut. :lol:

Seriously KK, look around, look at how many people have posted in this thread. Do you see anyone else agreeing with you? Everyone else who has posted in this thread are well-minded people.
well, to some warped minds.

Don't mind Dogdork, he thinks he posted actual proof of such and is crying because I pointed out that what he posted was worth Dogbreath in court. ;)

Is that what you were trying to say?

It was only one of my two main points. But yeah, he missed it. There are no FBI cases, so far there is no evidence to support the death threats, just some pastebin linked in a forum.

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