Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

No, turn about is fair play. You lied, period, twice that you have been called on. Now, why don't you address the questions I posed?

Why is Microsucks punishing second hand purchasers of their products and where is proof that these death threats happened?

Your first question has been addressed by Jon below, and I already answered the second. And I didn't lie.
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By the way....I would really love to hear that explanation now

Already said I won't explain how I know. ;) Nice try though.

The only logical explanation is you are talking out of your ass because they don't close and are open as we speak

Did you notice the difference: I said MS technical support ... forgetting we were talking about XBox ... so I was wrong, wrong tech suport, so ... yeah ... why don't you address the two questions I posted several times instead of attacking someone who admitted to making a mistake? Or are you that insecure about your own points?
Why is Microsucks punishing second hand purchasers of their products

Because that's the breaks, kid. Second hand buyers should be more aware of what they are purchasing. Caveat emptor.

and where is proof that these death threats happened?

He posted more proof that they did happen than you posted to prove they didn't. Even if his source was unreliable. Where's your proof to disprove his proof? Nothing? Didn't think so. Shut up.
wtf are you babbling about. You were wrong about MS support also...They close at 9 PST

Do you try to be this dumb on purpose or is it something that comes naturally?
wtf are you babbling about. You were wrong about MS support also...They close at 9 PST

Do you try to be this dumb on purpose or is it something that comes naturally?

I think she tries at it. Not even God would pull this kind of prank on someone.
wtf are you babbling about. You were wrong about MS support also...They close at 9 PST

Do you try to be this dumb on purpose or is it something that comes naturally?

As I had already posted mind you. So she's dumb on purpose or can't read.
Why is Microsucks punishing second hand purchasers of their products

Because that's the breaks, kid. Second hand buyers should be more aware of what they are purchasing. Caveat emptor.

and where is proof that these death threats happened?

He posted more proof that they did happen than you posted to prove they didn't. Even if his source was unreliable. Where's your proof to disprove his proof? Nothing? Didn't think so. Shut up.

No, he posted pastebin links ... not proof anywhere, nothing about any arrests or even FBI reports, just claims from a IRC (which I am always on) channel (which I don't frequent) that was shown to be "edited" for something which can easily be faked. As to why ... why not? Companies have used such tactics before as PR stunts, start a rumor and watch the sympathy pour in. Prove there were real death threats, and why punish second hand purchasers? If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.
Second hand xbox owners buy them at their own risk.

They are second hand and not guaranteed by the company if they have already been tampered with. Thats the risk you pay for paying a lot less money for a brand new X-box.

It's risk vs reward.

If they bought a brand new x-box that was covered by Microsoft they would have nothing to worry about
If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

They bought the systems second hand, legally it's their responsibility to make sure it's not pirated. You truly do see this as some sort of war against Microsoft. Let me guess, you think you're John Conner and Microsoft is Cyberdyne?
lol please show me the law where it says Microsoft is responsible for X-box's sold on a second hand purchase?

I am really interested in that.

There is no way for Microsoft to monitor that. If anything it is the retailer's responsibility not to take in a modded x-box or sell one to a customer. Microsoft is not liable in any way shape or form
No, he posted pastebin links ... not proof anywhere, nothing about any arrests or even FBI reports, just claims from a IRC (which I am always on) channel (which I don't frequent) that was shown to be "edited" for something which can easily be faked.

As the events in question occurred in the last 24 hours, why would you think arrests would be made already?

If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated.

No, there is no law against that. They agreed to the terms of service, and the terms of service puts the burden of validity on the user. Period.

But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

You mistake me for a Microsoft supporter. I don't like them any more than the next guy. But I get their products for free, and I have no problems running them. I just think your nose-in-the-air elitist attitude is fucking obnoxious, and I think your incessant posting of "switch to Ubuntu" in every thread is the equivalent of spamming the boards with advertisements, as well as useless to helping the posters with their problems.
lol please show me the law where it says Microsoft is responsible for X-box's sold on a second hand purchase?

I am really interested in that.

There is no way for Microsoft to monitor that. If anything it is the retailer's responsibility not to take in a modded x-box or sell one to a customer. Microsoft is not liable in any way shape or form

Of course not, KK is taking tips from Orly Taitz now though. Bullshit cases, here we come! :rofl:
If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

They bought the systems second hand, legally it's their responsibility to make sure it's not pirated. You truly do see this as some sort of war against Microsoft. Let me guess, you think you're John Conner and Microsoft is Cyberdyne?

Legally? Sure ... but is it good PR for the company? ;) No, which is fine, also why threads like this getting so long so fast are also a good thing ... helps people see the kind of company they are giving their money to so eventually they will stop giving their money to said company. So yeah, keep trying to rationalize how this is what they should do, you are only helping programmers who are tired of getting fucked by them spread the word.
Here's a hint.

Xbox's target demographic isn't the programmer who is going to spread the word on how they are getting fucked because they can't use their modded box.

It's the 10 year old kid
Legally? Sure ... but is it good PR for the company? ;) No, which is fine, also why threads like this getting so long so fast are also a good thing ... helps people see the kind of company they are giving their money to so eventually they will stop giving their money to said company. So yeah, keep trying to rationalize how this is what they should do, you are only helping programmers who are tired of getting fucked by them spread the word.

This thread had nothing to do with Microsoft. It had to do with how ignorant you are.
Legally? Sure ... but is it good PR for the company? ;) No, which is fine, also why threads like this getting so long so fast are also a good thing ... helps people see the kind of company they are giving their money to so eventually they will stop giving their money to said company. So yeah, keep trying to rationalize how this is what they should do, you are only helping programmers who are tired of getting fucked by them spread the word.

And since none of us don't like Microsoft really, none of us care. You're arguing legal terms, you've been proven wrong.

Spreading the word how? If I were someone who stumbled upon this thread, I wouldn't use Linux simply because batshit insane people like you use it.
This thread had nothing to do with Microsoft. It had to do with how ignorant you are.

That's what it is now.

This thread originally had to do with crazy people until she turned it into another of her Crusades against Microsoft threads. That she does for pretty much every thread related to computers in this forum.

Now it's just a example of how ignorant she is, as you said.

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