Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

So really, the topic never changed.


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I'd rep you if I could. :lol:
Why is Microsucks punishing second hand purchasers of their products

Because that's the breaks, kid. Second hand buyers should be more aware of what they are purchasing. Caveat emptor.

and where is proof that these death threats happened?

He posted more proof that they did happen than you posted to prove they didn't. Even if his source was unreliable. Where's your proof to disprove his proof? Nothing? Didn't think so. Shut up.

No, he posted pastebin links ... not proof anywhere, nothing about any arrests or even FBI reports, just claims from a IRC (which I am always on) channel (which I don't frequent) that was shown to be "edited" for something which can easily be faked. As to why ... why not? Companies have used such tactics before as PR stunts, start a rumor and watch the sympathy pour in. Prove there were real death threats, and why punish second hand purchasers? If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

it's fucking HILARIOUS that you mention my name at this point in your Fail Cruise down the River Bullshit. Seriously. You should have walked away 15 pages ago instead of making a complete ass out of yourself. You are a farce. Nothing more, nothing less.
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it's fucking HILARIOUS that you mention my name at this point in your Fail Cruise down the River Bullshit. Seriously. You should have walked away 15 pages ago instead of making a complete ass out of yourself. You are a farce. Nothing more, nothing less.

15 pages ago? You're giving her 7 pages to make a fool out of herself. She should of just had never entered this thread at all. :lol:
Here's a hint.

Xbox's target demographic isn't the programmer who is going to spread the word on how they are getting fucked because they can't use their modded box.

It's the 10 year old kid

:eusa_eh: That was my point about why they should care about the second hand purchasers. However, everyone with half a brain knows that XBox is a MS product, so it is still playing the victim for PR. Post proof, actual proof, that there were death threats against him and I'll recant, until then, it's just a PR stunt.
Legally? Sure ... but is it good PR for the company? ;) No, which is fine, also why threads like this getting so long so fast are also a good thing ... helps people see the kind of company they are giving their money to so eventually they will stop giving their money to said company. So yeah, keep trying to rationalize how this is what they should do, you are only helping programmers who are tired of getting fucked by them spread the word.

This thread had nothing to do with Microsoft. It had to do with how ignorant you are.

:doubt: XBox is a Microsucks product. So yeah, it does. XBox employees are Microsucks employees.
Because that's the breaks, kid. Second hand buyers should be more aware of what they are purchasing. Caveat emptor.

He posted more proof that they did happen than you posted to prove they didn't. Even if his source was unreliable. Where's your proof to disprove his proof? Nothing? Didn't think so. Shut up.

No, he posted pastebin links ... not proof anywhere, nothing about any arrests or even FBI reports, just claims from a IRC (which I am always on) channel (which I don't frequent) that was shown to be "edited" for something which can easily be faked. As to why ... why not? Companies have used such tactics before as PR stunts, start a rumor and watch the sympathy pour in. Prove there were real death threats, and why punish second hand purchasers? If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

it's fucking HILARIOUS that you mention my name at this point in your Fail Cruise down the River Bullshit. Seriously. You should have walked away 15 pages ago instead of making a complete ass out of yourself. You are a farce. Nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever thief. Nice to see you still haven't been arrested for your pirating yet, criminal.
:eusa_eh: That was my point about why they should care about the second hand purchasers. However, everyone with half a brain knows that XBox is a MS product, so it is still playing the victim for PR. Post proof, actual proof, that there were death threats against him and I'll recant, until then, it's just a PR stunt.

Time for you to go to the hole in which you came from:

Pirates send death threats to Stephen Toulouse – Xbox 360 Banmaster | LazyGamer .:: Console and PC Gaming News ::.

Apparently someone managed to get his personal phone number and then posted it onto 4Chan for all to see. Then some pea brained pirates got the bright idea of using that number to send death threats to Stephen, his wife and his dogs.

You do have to wonder what was going through these guys/girls heads when they picked up the phone and made physical death threats over the fact that Stephen had banned them from Xbox Live for stealing someone else’s property.

Well Stephen has submitted all the details and timings to the local police for them to follow up and also logged onto the local #IRC channel to try and stop the death threats from coming in. : Pirates make death threats to Xbox 360 Director of Policy Enforcement Stephen Toulouse.
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No, he posted pastebin links ... not proof anywhere, nothing about any arrests or even FBI reports, just claims from a IRC (which I am always on) channel (which I don't frequent) that was shown to be "edited" for something which can easily be faked. As to why ... why not? Companies have used such tactics before as PR stunts, start a rumor and watch the sympathy pour in. Prove there were real death threats, and why punish second hand purchasers? If these XBox owners were smart they'd sue, there is a law against that, they bought the system legit second hand, they are not to be blamed because some asshole like Shogut went and pirated. But meh ... if them's the breaks, great, it will boost popularity for Linux and Mac even more ... so thanks for demonstrating that Microsucks is a soulless and vile corporation now who has lost their way. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will learn their mistakes before it's too late ... but meh, either way, us non-MS drones win another battle against them.

it's fucking HILARIOUS that you mention my name at this point in your Fail Cruise down the River Bullshit. Seriously. You should have walked away 15 pages ago instead of making a complete ass out of yourself. You are a farce. Nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever thief. Nice to see you still haven't been arrested for your pirating yet, criminal.

Go ahead and mount a laughable CRUSADE, ****. As has already been noted, you seem conveniently shrill about using a ripped OS 10 years ago while acting so cavalier about anything to fuck microsoft. I have a license for xp, vista and win7. Hell, if anything it amounted to student use which is usually licensed for free anyway.

But hey, we REALLY know that your trite reaction isn't REALLY about that anyway... go ahead and save as much face as you think you can. We are ALL laughing at you.
:eusa_eh: That was my point about why they should care about the second hand purchasers. However, everyone with half a brain knows that XBox is a MS product, so it is still playing the victim for PR. Post proof, actual proof, that there were death threats against him and I'll recant, until then, it's just a PR stunt.

Time for you to go to the hole in which you came from:

Pirates send death threats to Stephen Toulouse – Xbox 360 Banmaster | LazyGamer .:: Console and PC Gaming News ::.

Apparently someone managed to get his personal phone number and then posted it onto 4Chan for all to see. Then some pea brained pirates got the bright idea of using that number to send death threats to Stephen, his wife and his dogs.

You do have to wonder what was going through these guys/girls heads when they picked up the phone and made physical death threats over the fact that Stephen had banned them from Xbox Live for stealing someone else’s property.

Well Stephen has submitted all the details and timings to the local police for them to follow up and also logged onto the local #IRC channel to try and stop the death threats from coming in. : Pirates make death threats to Xbox 360 Director of Policy Enforcement Stephen Toulouse.

Now was that so fucking hard? Until now it was pretty one-sided ... you had no proof. Your first one ... proof, your second one however is still just a blip of a report claiming something. Here's a hint, without the details, nothing can be proven. Your first link is enough, though it's still not proof that this is not a publicity stunt. I will wait to see the FBI reports on it, but at least now there's a story, and it says (something I never got an accurate answer to) that it's his "personal" number, which does make it serious, because if in fact someone does have his personal number out there, likely it was a hacker, which is a serious crime. But ... since this is all you have, written yesterday, and nothing more added, I am still doubting it's completely authentic. Why haven't any other news networks picked up the story? This is something, that if true, is rather big, bigger than Palin's account getting hacked for certain. Why is it only appearing in forums and on MS owned or influenced sites still?
Now was that so fucking hard? Until now it was pretty one-sided ... you had no proof. Your first one ... proof, your second one however is still just a blip of a report claiming something. Here's a hint, without the details, nothing can be proven. Your first link is enough, though it's still not proof that this is not a publicity stunt. I will wait to see the FBI reports on it, but at least now there's a story, and it says (something I never got an accurate answer to) that it's his "personal" number, which does make it serious, because if in fact someone does have his personal number out there, likely it was a hacker, which is a serious crime. But ... since this is all you have, written yesterday, and nothing more added, I am still doubting it's completely authentic. Why haven't any other news networks picked up the story? This is something, that if true, is rather big, bigger than Palin's account getting hacked for certain. Why is it only appearing in forums and on MS owned or influenced sites still?

I had proof in the first place, you just didn't consider it "good enough" because you're arrogant.

This is not a publicity stunt. Unless you say the people in the IRC chat are in it on too.

And it's not bigger than Palin's account getting hacked but you're just trying to overhype their story so if it doesn't show up in the MSM then you'll say it's a fraud. I know exactly what you're doing there hack.
Now was that so fucking hard? Until now it was pretty one-sided ... you had no proof. Your first one ... proof, your second one however is still just a blip of a report claiming something. Here's a hint, without the details, nothing can be proven. Your first link is enough, though it's still not proof that this is not a publicity stunt. I will wait to see the FBI reports on it, but at least now there's a story, and it says (something I never got an accurate answer to) that it's his "personal" number, which does make it serious, because if in fact someone does have his personal number out there, likely it was a hacker, which is a serious crime. But ... since this is all you have, written yesterday, and nothing more added, I am still doubting it's completely authentic. Why haven't any other news networks picked up the story? This is something, that if true, is rather big, bigger than Palin's account getting hacked for certain. Why is it only appearing in forums and on MS owned or influenced sites still?

I had proof in the first place, you just didn't consider it "good enough" because you're arrogant.

This is not a publicity stunt. Unless you say the people in the IRC chat are in it on too.

And it's not bigger than Palin's account getting hacked but you're just trying to overhype their story so if it doesn't show up in the MSM then you'll say it's a fraud. I know exactly what you're doing there hack.

:doubt: No, you posted a forum post link and a three paragraph blip. Why didn't you read the rest of my post here? You keep claiming the ability to debate but you have done nothing but accuse and not even read most of what's present in opposition to you. Read it, if you want to debate, otherwise I can go back to returning the favor. ;)
:doubt: No, you posted a forum post link and a three paragraph blip. Why didn't you read the rest of my post here? You keep claiming the ability to debate but you have done nothing but accuse and not even read most of what's present in opposition to you. Read it, if you want to debate, otherwise I can go back to returning the favor. ;)

I posted more than that throughout this thread. You still deny it actually truly happened. You seriously say you know all about the internet but you don't know about 4chan? :eusa_eh:

People on there who were banned would surely call and make threats because some of them are idiots. I have asked questions which it took PAGES for you to even answer. At every turn, you have been proven wrong but not only me but people who I disagree with completely on topics.
I just thought of something mean to do ... I can use an emulator from Linux and mask it as a legitimate X-Box ... but I don't want to waste the bandwidth ... meh ... maybe when I get really bored again sometime.

You know if you do that, you can kiss that full rack of blades goodbye for Christmas. :(
:doubt: No, you posted a forum post link and a three paragraph blip. Why didn't you read the rest of my post here? You keep claiming the ability to debate but you have done nothing but accuse and not even read most of what's present in opposition to you. Read it, if you want to debate, otherwise I can go back to returning the favor. ;)

I posted more than that throughout this thread. You still deny it actually truly happened. You seriously say you know all about the internet but you don't know about 4chan? :eusa_eh:

People on there who were banned would surely call and make threats because some of them are idiots. I have asked questions which it took PAGES for you to even answer. At every turn, you have been proven wrong but not only me but people who I disagree with completely on topics.

I didn't deny it, I am merely saying there needs to be more evidence than a couple of blips and forum posts. Until solid evidence one way or the other appears, from a souorce other than MS or it's affiliates, your point is still unprovable. However now you are making a huge assumption that all people would break a law just for a company being stupid? That's pretty much the crux of your problem here, you are swallowing the story too easily and not doubting it just because you think people would actually do that en-mass? Your point actually makes the story less believable now, and I have been known to exaggerate but this is beyond even mine. So thousands of people would be willing to break a federal (I think?) law just because they lost a gaming account on some server? That's illogical. Maybe a few people would do that, but thousands, even hundreds is a stretch. You are missing a lot of my points, so reread them and try to actually debate this, otherwise admit that you are just easily fooled.

Until I see a story, not just blips with unproven statements and really unsubstantial sources, it will not be fact, and since it's not fact it's safe to assume it's a PR stunt. Here's a hint, find a report on something that is not affiliated with Microsoft, anything. CNN, CBS, a city or state newspaper, anything, that shows real numbers and police or FBI interviews ... anything like that.
I just thought of something mean to do ... I can use an emulator from Linux and mask it as a legitimate X-Box ... but I don't want to waste the bandwidth ... meh ... maybe when I get really bored again sometime.

You know if you do that, you can kiss that full rack of blades goodbye for Christmas. :(

Well ... I wouldn't get caught (which was my point in that), nor would I actually do that. ;) I'm not a criminal, just a smartass.
I didn't deny it, I am merely saying there needs to be more evidence than a couple of blips and forum posts. Until solid evidence one way or the other appears, from a souorce other than MS or it's affiliates, your point is still unprovable. However now you are making a huge assumption that all people would break a law just for a company being stupid? That's pretty much the crux of your problem here, you are swallowing the story too easily and not doubting it just because you think people would actually do that en-mass? Your point actually makes the story less believable now, and I have been known to exaggerate but this is beyond even mine. So thousands of people would be willing to break a federal (I think?) law just because they lost a gaming account on some server? That's illogical. Maybe a few people would do that, but thousands, even hundreds is a stretch. You are missing a lot of my points, so reread them and try to actually debate this, otherwise admit that you are just easily fooled.

Until I see a story, not just blips with unproven statements and really unsubstantial sources, it will not be fact, and since it's not fact it's safe to assume it's a PR stunt. Here's a hint, find a report on something that is not affiliated with Microsoft, anything. CNN, CBS, a city or state newspaper, anything, that shows real numbers and police or FBI interviews ... anything like that.

Except these websites are not MS's lackey. Do I think some people would call up the Policy Head of 360 with "death threats" because they got banned from 360 for doing stupid shit? Yes.

Nobody ever said thousands, or even hundreds. YOU are taking my argument out of context ONCE AGAIN. YOU are a liar. I suggest you stop doing so.

You prove once again you're a hack.

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