Microsoft bans "small percentage" of Live accounts - Death Threats in Reaction

If you want a real debate, post a real story on something, then we'll debate. Hint: When I am debating I take the "unpopular" side ... always.

By unpopular side you mean the side of the criminally insane?

:doubt: You really don't care to know about anything that you don't agree with, so stop trying. You will either resort to posting inane rants like Shogut, or someday open your eyes to alternative angles of seeing things. There are always at least two sides to every story, most stories have many more.

As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.
*rae* You debate? Could have fooled me. :eusa_whistle:

If you want a real debate, post a real story on something, then we'll debate. Hint: When I am debating I take the "unpopular" side ... always.

You and Charlie Bass have something in common then. You can be batshit insane together. Though by "unpopular" I am sure you actually mean: Batshit insane side.

Wow ... so you are one of those people who think that if something is unpopular it's automatically bad ... good to know you don't think for yourself. Do you talk with a lisp to?
:doubt: You really don't care to know about anything that you don't agree with, so stop trying. You will either resort to posting inane rants like Shogut, or someday open your eyes to alternative angles of seeing things. There are always at least two sides to every story, most stories have many more.

As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.

More personal attacks instead of actually addressing the questions! Duck, dodge, and weave. KK, you sure you aren't a boxer?
If you want a real debate, post a real story on something, then we'll debate. Hint: When I am debating I take the "unpopular" side ... always.

By unpopular side you mean the side of the criminally insane?

:doubt: You really don't care to know about anything that you don't agree with, so stop trying. You will either resort to posting inane rants like Shogut, or someday open your eyes to alternative angles of seeing things. There are always at least two sides to every story, most stories have many more.

As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.


Wow ... so you are one of those people who think that if something is unpopular it's automatically bad ... good to know you don't think for yourself. Do you talk with a lisp to?

Not at all, but I know that batshit insane views are bad. Which you are taking in this thread. I think for myself all the time. Question is, can you think for yourself without believing in the hype that Big Bad Microsoft is just out to eat children and use their bones to make computers?
Criminally fucking retarded is more like it.

notice how she keeps trying to move away from her pirates and used game statement in some "unpopular is the BEST" bullshit.

Criminally fucking retarded is more like it.

notice how she keeps trying to move away from her pirates and used game statement in some "unpopular is the BEST" bullshit.
Good point.

KK...please provide evidence that MS considers resold games pirated.

If you can, I'll pos rep you.

If you can't, I'll continue to believe, as I've always thought...that you are an idiot.
Criminally fucking retarded is more like it.

notice how she keeps trying to move away from her pirates and used game statement in some "unpopular is the BEST" bullshit.

You mean she might actually have to answer for her bullshit? NEVER! :eek: :rofl:
Good point.

KK...please provide evidence that MS considers resold games pirated.

If you can, I'll pos rep you.

If you can't, I'll continue to believe, as I've always thought...that you are an idiot.

She already said there is no way to "link" it. She then proceeded to ask me for evidence to prove she is wrong. :cuckoo:
Maybe some thinking music will help KK come up with some legitimate answers:

By unpopular side you mean the side of the criminally insane?

:doubt: You really don't care to know about anything that you don't agree with, so stop trying. You will either resort to posting inane rants like Shogut, or someday open your eyes to alternative angles of seeing things. There are always at least two sides to every story, most stories have many more.

As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.



How so? I know quite a bit about Windoze ... and I don't agree with it now, did once a long time ago, just not now. I don't agree with Bush ... but meh, like him better than Obama. I really don't like Obama ... but don't whine when he gets "fancy mustard". I don't like people who are anti-gay (mostly because they keep calling me a lesbo just because I won't fuck em) ... but many of my friends are anti-gay on here.

So tell me ... how is that ironic?
Since it's clear no one actually read it, considering not one counter point was posted:
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One thing about business that people don't seem to realize, all that information is already accessible. The one point about this story that sends up huge red flags is that they don't say which number the calls were made, nor which email. If it's his personal ones then those who did should have gone to jail for many reasons, none of which was stated and the story just dies. If this was more than a publicity stunt the story would go on, more people would have reported it, and those who made such messages would have been jailed. None of that has happened, most of the IRC chat networks don't even know this happened. IRC is not just an isolated chat program ... it's a network of a lot of chat servers, and you move from one channel to another with the click of a button, many log onto several channels ... rumors spread very quickly, stories like this are wildfire in IRC ... but nothing ... so yeah, this looks more like a lie the more I take this story apart, it's a PR stunt, nothing more, to get fanbois like Shogut's attention and scare them a bit. The reality is that most of such mods to the X-Box are undetectable to the server, so even if they tried they would have only gotten a few of them, and as I said, not the ones who made the mods but some poor sap who bought a used system to save a few bucks in these times of economic turmoil.

No, this is not a story based completely on fact, and MS is famous in the computer world for stunts like this, it's not unheard of. Here's a clue: Doubt everything you read, unless you are in the fire you don't know what's burning.
KK, I actually read your batshit insane posts. However, you clearly did not read the articles. Especially when you said several times, "why did he not go to the FBI."
KK, I actually read your batshit insane posts. However, you clearly did not read the articles. Especially when you said several times, "why did he not go to the FBI."

Really? Where? All the link you provided has is a bunch of round numbers and a lot of innuendo. Please show me where it says all that?
:doubt: You really don't care to know about anything that you don't agree with, so stop trying. You will either resort to posting inane rants like Shogut, or someday open your eyes to alternative angles of seeing things. There are always at least two sides to every story, most stories have many more.

As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.



How so? I know quite a bit about Windoze ... and I don't agree with it now, did once a long time ago, just not now. I don't agree with Bush ... but meh, like him better than Obama. I really don't like Obama ... but don't whine when he gets "fancy mustard". I don't like people who are anti-gay (mostly because they keep calling me a lesbo just because I won't fuck em) ... but many of my friends are anti-gay on here.

So tell me ... how is that ironic?

yea, koder.. You've been proving how much you "know" for like 12 pages.

Really? Where? All the link you provided has is a bunch of round numbers and a lot of innuendo. Please show me where it says all that?

:eusa_eh: Go back and read the second article in the OP. Then come back and apologize for being so stupid.
As for your "insanity" accusation, I never do the same thing twice ... unless there is some good humor to be had at someone elses expense.

On numerous occasions you have ranted incessantly about Windows, expecting someone to care. Yet, still no one does.

Since it's clear no one actually read it, considering not one counter point was posted

How are we supposed to counter a diatribe of your bullshit insanity?

Also, KK, I want to point out that your obnoxious fangirlism single-handedly prevented me from switching to Ubuntu. When I posted a thread asking if I could still run Office on Ubuntu, instead of simply saying, "Yes, here's how" (which was the answer), you tried to force feed me Open Office. I had already stated I had tried and did not like Open Office, to which you insulted my intelligence and said that I just didn't know how to use it. The simple truth was Open Office could not run the add-ins I needed for work. Said add-ins, created by the programmers at my company specifically to run on Office, are a requirement for me to do my job. Your response? I can give you some add-ins that will do most of what the ones you use do. Great, I can then do most of my job on Open Office and then still switch to Office to finish it. Why would I ever fucking do that?

The point is: your obnoxious fangirlism needs to stop. It's really grating on people's nerves. It's literally the equivalent of opening every political thread to find sealybobo's links to Thom Hartmann's latest bullshit.
Really? Where? All the link you provided has is a bunch of round numbers and a lot of innuendo. Please show me where it says all that?

:eusa_eh: Go back and read the second article in the OP. Then come back and apologize for being so stupid.

I did read it, the whole 3 paragraphs they had.

Is there some sort of minimum requirement to be considered worthy evidence? Your bullshit rant was only a paragraph, and you expect all of us to take it as the mother fucking gospel.

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