Might want to stay away from the Texas State Fair, as an appeals court says that event can ban guns. Gun Free Zone anyone?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Court blocks Ken Paxton's appeal, gun ban will stay in place at State Fair of Texas
DALLAS — A Texas court of appeals has denied the request by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to block a gun ban by the State Fair of Texas. The fair will go forward this weekend with the gun ban in place.
The request was denied by the 15th Court of Appeals in Dallas County on Tuesday afternoon. This came after Dallas County District Court Judge Emily Tobolowsky’s ruling Thursday allowing the State Fair of Texas to proceed with its policy.
Now i know Dallas is run by a Democrat Mayor, in a Republican State, and the appeal court is probably appointed by Joe Biden or Barrack Hussain Obama, but I for one, would never go to a place where there will be lots of people, not being able to protect themselves from criminals who dont follow signs, or laws. It worked so well for all these Gun Free Zones.

Court blocks Ken Paxton's appeal, gun ban will stay in place at State Fair of Texas Now i know Dallas is run by a Democrat Mayor, in a Republican State, and the appeal court is probably appointed by Joe Biden or Barrack Hussain Obama, but I for one, would never go to a place where there will be lots of people, not being able to protect themselves from criminals who dont follow signs, or laws. It worked so well for all these Gun Free Zones.

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In the UK and Europe, all public areas and events/businesses where the public is invited, are what you call, "Gun free zones".

In the UK and Europe does gun free zones work, and in America where any loon can wander about in public with a gun work well? The stats answer that.
In the UK and Europe, all public areas and events/businesses where the public is invited, are what you call, "Gun free zones".

In the UK and Europe does gun free zones work, and in America where any loon can wander about in public with a gun work well? The stats answer that.
Do you have a border with a country known to have drug cartels that bring illicit drugs and guns across daily?
I have a standing policy that I avoid any place that:

1. Bans or limits my ability to carry self-defense tools and weapons


2. Does not provide armed security at a ratio of no less than 1 officer per 10 occupants.
I have a standing policy that I avoid any place that:

1. Bans or limits my ability to carry self-defense tools and weapons


2. Does not provide armed security at a ratio of no less than 1 officer per 10 occupants.
You have that in America but gun deaths and knife deaths exceeds the UK's and Europe's stats. So obviously you've listed fallacies.

You believe you have those as a solution to your imaginary problems, but in reality, it makes matters worse.
You have that in America but gun deaths and knife deaths exceeds the UK's and Europe's stats. So obviously you've listed fallacies.

You believe you have those as a solution to your imaginary problems, but in reality, it makes matters worse.
Yet in your country, shootings, knifings and cars are out their killing people like you.

The EU has plenty of borders to such problems.
Funny how the last administration, murders were at an all time low, except for the Governors of Michigan and New York, killing 10s of thousands of elderly, but the reason why crime was at a low, was that people had more money in their pockets, were working and being happy. Once Democrats got it, the whole world went to hell in a hand basket.
Court blocks Ken Paxton's appeal, gun ban will stay in place at State Fair of Texas Now i know Dallas is run by a Democrat Mayor, in a Republican State, and the appeal court is probably appointed by Joe Biden or Barrack Hussain Obama, but I for one, would never go to a place where there will be lots of people, not being able to protect themselves from criminals who dont follow signs, or laws. It worked so well for all these Gun Free Zones.

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then don't go.
Yet in your country, shootings, knifings and cars are out their killing people like you.

Per capita, the US is 13 times worse on knife deaths and 46.6 times worse on gun deaths than the UK.

So you claim you have/need guns for self defence, yet the UK and Europe doesn't. So why aren't your stats lower per capita? Both braincells please.
You have that in America but gun deaths and knife deaths exceeds the UK's and Europe's stats. So obviously you've listed fallacies.

You believe you have those as a solution to your imaginary problems, but in reality, it makes matters worse.
No. You just don’t understand… We have plenty of places that ban weapons. The bad people walk right past the signs with their weapons. Item 2 is what doesn’t happen. 99% of the gun free zones have zero security at all, never mind sufficient security, which makes them total soft targets. Which is why I won’t go to those places.

I have a good friend who owns a restaurant near my home. I’ve never been there because it’s an unsecured gun free zone.
Funny how the last administration, murders were at an all time low, except for the Governors of Michigan and New York, killing 10s of thousands of elderly, but the reason why crime was at a low, was that people had more money in their pockets, were working and being happy. Once Democrats got it, the whole world went to hell in a hand basket.
Court blocks Ken Paxton's appeal, gun ban will stay in place at State Fair of Texas Now i know Dallas is run by a Democrat Mayor, in a Republican State, and the appeal court is probably appointed by Joe Biden or Barrack Hussain Obama, but I for one, would never go to a place where there will be lots of people, not being able to protect themselves from criminals who dont follow signs, or laws. It worked so well for all these Gun Free Zones.

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I agree that willy-nilly gun carry should be banned

We should go back to licensed concealed carry with training and background checks

But those people should be allowed to carry in public with few or any restrictions
No. You just don’t understand… We have plenty of places that ban weapons. The bad people walk right past the signs with their weapons. Item 2 is what doesn’t happen. 99% of the gun free zones have zero security at all, never mind sufficient security, which makes them total soft targets. Which is why I won’t go to those places.

I have a good friend who owns a restaurant near my home. I’ve never been there because it’s an unsecured gun free zone.
It's not getting through to you. The public places in the UK and Europe are ALL gun free zones and we all suffer a tiny proportion of your stats. So wandering around in public with guns and having an Amendment that gives idiots guns, has never, isn't, and won't work, it has the opposite result.

It's there, the stats and reality are slapping your chops and you guys deny it. Have guns, that's not the problem because the UK and Europe enjoy guns, just stop taking them into public places, lock them up when not in use, and the biggest one of all, stop letting idiots have them. Take guns seriously.
Per capita, the US is 13 times worse on knife deaths and 46.6 times worse on gun deaths than the UK.

So you claim you have/need guns for self defence, yet the UK and Europe doesn't. So why aren't your stats lower per capita? Both braincells please.
And who is the President of the United States again? When you have weak leadership, then hell doth run over. By the way, down in my small town, crime is almost non existent. We have conceal carry laws, and...
It's not getting through to you. The public places in the UK and Europe are ALL gun free zones and we all suffer a tiny proportion of your stats. So wandering around in public with guns and having an Amendment that gives idiots guns, has never, isn't, and won't work, it has the opposite result..
That’s because you fuckwits are residents and subjects, not true citizens. You sit there and blindly let your government thoroughly abuse you day after day, praising them for the scraps they deem you worthy of.

You don’t have the problems because your countries have never allowed you sufficient privileges to understand what individuality and self-determination actually are. You’re sheep, not human beings, and you like it that way.
That’s because you fuckwits are residents and subjects, not true citizens. You sit there and blindly let your government thoroughly abuse you day after day, praising them for the scraps they deem you worthy of.

You don’t have the problems because your countries have never allowed you sufficient privileges to understand what individuality and self-determination actually are. You’re sheep, not human beings, and you like it that way.
Oh they still have problems, but since their little Island is surrounded by water, they dont have a flood of criminal elements coming into their country like we do.
That’s because you fuckwits are residents and subjects, not true citizens. You sit there and blindly let your government thoroughly abuse you day after day, praising them for the scraps they deem you worthy of.

You don’t have the problems because your countries have never allowed you sufficient privileges to understand what individuality and self-determination actually are. You’re sheep, not human beings, and you like it that way.
Just a load of useless Yank clichés because you know you're wrong, you Yanks do that because common sense shows you up like a right tit. So try again.

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