Might want to stay away from the Texas State Fair, as an appeals court says that event can ban guns. Gun Free Zone anyone?

Oh they still have problems, but since their little Island is surrounded by water, they dont have a flood of criminal elements coming into their country like we do.
All the clichés have started, you need to stop that playground shit. Maybe you've just highlighted another point, Yanks are too immature to handle guns.
Just a load of useless Yank clichés because you know you're wrong, you Yanks do that because common sense shows you up like a right tit. So try again.
It’s not common sense to live unarmed and defenseless under any circumstances. I’d rather live in the middle of a war zone than in a place which denies me my natural right to defend myself by whatever means are necessary.

Then again my family has a history of killing Brits on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean over the last 400 years.
We are wrong? Who saved your sorry ass in WWII again, with our guns?
That's it, another one. Here's the full list to get them all out of the way -

These clichés just randomly appear in conversations, pretty much in the same way as Derangement Syndrome posts. I suppose it's called CDS (Cliché Derangement Syndrome)

1) If xxxxxxx country had a 2nd Amendment, it wouldn't have happened

2) Come try and take my guns

3) The answer to gun violence is more guns

4) Limey

5) Bow to your King (But Americans actually fail to mention they sing and pledge allegiance to a flag)

6) We kicked your British asses out (But Americans fail to mention the French saved the British colonies)

7) We have the 2nd Amendment (This one comes out when they're faced with common sense)

8) Guns in the UK are banned

9) Gun free zone

10) Democrats let the criminals out

11) Shooters are mental health patients

12) Brits have bad teeth

13) Your Muslims....

14) Dreadful food (But it's American food that gets banned across the globe. Just look at the size of America's inhabitants)

15) Our military

16) We won the world wars for everyone
It’s not common sense to live unarmed and defenseless under any circumstances. I’d rather live in the middle of a war zone than in a place which denies me my natural right to defend myself by whatever means are necessary.

Then again my family has a history of killing Brits on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean over the last 400 years.
You are not in a war zone, the UK is not in a war zone, Europe is not in a war zone.
Mature up? Nothing more mature and masculine than huddling with your family in the corner of the room begging the home invaders not to kill you all.
When did your home get invaded, you kept that quiet?

With my home, the dogs bark at the slightest sound, CCTV will pick up any outside movement, and the house alarm sensors downstairs will trigger the alarm.
You are not in a war zone, the UK is not in a war zone, Europe is not in a war zone.
Life is a war zone. Always has been. I’ve been very happy to have a gun with me on more than a few occasions over the last 25 years. I don’t trust anyone sufficiently to not consider them a threat. That includes the 5 people I live with.
Life is a war zone. Always has been. I’ve been very happy to have a gun with me on more than a few occasions over the last 25 years. I don’t trust anyone sufficiently to not consider them a threat. That includes the 5 people I live with.
Well, you live in a sad state of affairs.
When did your home get invaded, you kept that quiet?

With my home, the dogs bark at the slightest sound, CCTV will pick up any outside movement, and the house alarm sensors downstairs will trigger the alarm.
Ah, so as I thought you rely on others (animals and technology to defend you. I don’t have that much faith. My dogs bark but they would never attack. I also don’t rely on technology.

As for being invaded… back in 2018, we had a phenomenon her in the US called Pokémon GO. It was an online game that sent players wandering around to electronically “capture” various monsters and battle them against other players. Unbeknownst to me, the app placed a major location to collect these monsters in my backyard. One evening my sister-in-law informed me that she thought someone was in the storage building/workshop out back. So I went out and ended up confronting a 20-something year old college kid about WTF he was doing on my property, nevermind in my building at gunpoint. He urinated on himself as he told me. I sent him packing with a warning. My wife and I had to post additional No Trespassing signs and still warn another handful of trespassers off the property over the next two months after that.
Ah, so as I thought you rely on others (animals and technology to defend you. I don’t have that much faith. My dogs bark but they would never attack. I also don’t rely on technology.

As for being invaded… back in 2018, we had a phenomenon her in the US called Pokémon GO. It was an online game that sent players wandering around to electronically “capture” various monsters and battle them against other players. Unbeknownst to me, the app placed a major location to collect these monsters in my backyard. One evening my sister-in-law informed me that she thought someone was in the storage building/workshop out back. So I went out and ended up confronting a 20-something year old college kid about WTF he was doing on my property, nevermind in my building at gunpoint. He urinated on himself as he told me. I sent him packing with a warning. My wife and I had to post additional No Trespassing signs and still warn another handful of trespassers off the property over the next two months after that.
I have dogs because I like dogs, little Jack Russells. Not for defence etc.. just because I like little stupid Jack Russells. The added benefit and drawback is, they bark at any noise. So when the bin gets emptied or the post lands, I shout at them to shut up. I have a ring doorbell because it's handy to answer the door from wherever I may be. So I added 2 cameras to the Ring setup aimed outback and the front. It was an after thought after having the doorbell for a while. The house came with the alarm, once in a blue moon I used it. One morning I woke up and I left the front two doors wide open all night, lol.

If over 50 odd years, have I felt the need to carry anything for protection? Nope. Have I ever needed to carry anything for protection? Nope. Am I worried, obsessed, anxious about my safety in the UK? Nope. In 50 odd years, what guns have I seen in public? About 2 months ago I saw a lad with an air rifle slung over his back in Sainsbury's supermarket. Am I waiting for or thinking about enemies suddenly jumping out on me? Nope. Have I been to gun shows? Yes. Have I owned shotguns? Yes. Do I still own shotguns? Nope, I just hire one if I go clay shooting with my lads. What do I own? Still just an air rifle that I target practice with once in a blue moon.

Do I worry about what happened nearly 300 years ago? Heck no. You would have to be paranoid and obsessed over that.

The UK public areas are gun free zones and we have guns. We are completely orientated differently towards guns. That's the difference. That's also the difference between you guys and Switzerland.
The UK public areas are gun free zones and we have guns. We are completely orientated differently towards guns. That's the difference. That's also the difference between you guys and Switzerland.
I agree that your society’s total lack of historical approval of private ownership of almost all weapons by your governments is a major difference between the US and Europe/UK.

It’s also part of why I would never visit your part of the world, in spite of the fact that the medieval period I love researching so much is mainly focused in your part of the world.
I agree that your society’s total lack of historical approval of private ownership of almost all weapons by your governments is a major difference between the US and Europe/UK.

It’s also part of why I would never visit your part of the world, in spite of the fact that the medieval period I love researching so much is mainly focused in your part of the world.
Do you know anything about the UK? For example, when was gun licensing introduced etc.., where did the British colonies get it's bill of Rights from?

I've been to the US quite a few times, have you not been to the UK? Do you have a passport?

You're and ideal candidate, but I know you won't, but watch the many different Americans on YouTube that either live abroad or have been abroad for any length of time.
Do you know anything about the UK? For example, when was gun licensing introduced etc.., where did the British colonies get it's bill of Rights from?

I've been to the US quite a few times, have you not been to the UK? Do you have a passport?

You're and ideal candidate, but I know you won't, but watch the many different Americans on YouTube that either live abroad or have been abroad for any length of time.
I know enough (I work for the US portion of a major UK utility company and have always been a student of medieval history) To know that there’s nothing in Europe or the UK to interest me.

I was in Canada once returning to Bee England from Minnesota once in my youth. Outside of that I’ve never stepped foot on foreign soil and the furthest I’ve ever been from New England is Texas, Colorado and Puerto Rico. My wife and I went on a Caribbean cruise 5 years ago and I refused to get off at any ports other than Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

I don’t need to watch the videos. Plenty of my own family members have been to Europe and some have even lived there for several years. Most of the things I’d want to see have been Destin the last 600 years.
I know enough (I work for the US portion of a major UK utility company and have always been a student of medieval history) To know that there’s nothing in Europe or the UK to interest me.

I was in Canada once returning to Bee England from Minnesota once in my youth. Outside of that I’ve never stepped foot on foreign soil and the furthest I’ve ever been from New England is Texas, Colorado and Puerto Rico. My wife and I went on a Caribbean cruise 5 years ago and I refused to get off at any ports other than Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

I don’t need to watch the videos. Plenty of my own family members have been to Europe and some have even lived there for several years. Most of the things I’d want to see have been Destin the last 600 years.
Ok, oh dear.

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