Might want to stay away from the Texas State Fair, as an appeals court says that event can ban guns. Gun Free Zone anyone?

I see no reason to leave the US. Even on the rare occasions that I’m traveling or even more rarely vacationing, there are plenty of places to see here in the US. Besides, I’m not really the type of American you folks in the UK and Europe enjoy having in your countries anyway.
You don't have to leave the US, just look outside of the American bubble. If more did that, the world wouldn't have to suffer their tripe. The stuff most Americans come out with about things outside of their border just reeks vacant eyes. Their self defence mechanism are clichés, which we've got past again.
Court blocks Ken Paxton's appeal, gun ban will stay in place at State Fair of Texas Now i know Dallas is run by a Democrat Mayor, in a Republican State, and the appeal court is probably appointed by Joe Biden or Barrack Hussain Obama, but I for one, would never go to a place where there will be lots of people, not being able to protect themselves from criminals who dont follow signs, or laws. It worked so well for all these Gun Free Zones.

View attachment 1017563
Its in response to shoot outs that occurred last year there. Its now treated like private water and amusement parks, and concerts, and good old airports. Security screens for firearms at the entrance.
That's it, another one. Here's the full list to get them all out of the way -

These clichés just randomly appear in conversations, pretty much in the same way as Derangement Syndrome posts. I suppose it's called CDS (Cliché Derangement Syndrome)

1) If xxxxxxx country had a 2nd Amendment, it wouldn't have happened

2) Come try and take my guns

3) The answer to gun violence is more guns

4) Limey

5) Bow to your King (But Americans actually fail to mention they sing and pledge allegiance to a flag)

6) We kicked your British asses out (But Americans fail to mention the French saved the British colonies)

7) We have the 2nd Amendment (This one comes out when they're faced with common sense)

8) Guns in the UK are banned

9) Gun free zone

10) Democrats let the criminals out

11) Shooters are mental health patients

12) Brits have bad teeth

13) Your Muslims....

14) Dreadful food (But it's American food that gets banned across the globe. Just look at the size of America's inhabitants)

15) Our military

16) We won the world wars for everyone
You forgot:
*whats up with every five miles distance having a different accent? I means seriously!
*Also you pronounce 'aluminum' wrong. SHAME! :D
You don't have to leave the US, just look outside of the American bubble. If more did that, the world wouldn't have to suffer their tripe. The stuff most Americans come out with about things outside of their border just reeks vacant eyes. Their self defence mechanism are clichés, which we've got past again.
That’s exactly the opposite of what I was taught to do growing up. My family proudly boasts about killing Red Coats in two different wars and lynching one loyalist between those two wars. We lionize the family members who were in the military. We humiliate those who take government assistance and disown those who choose alternative lifestyles.

I AM the cliche if the Angry/Rude/Uninformed American Redneck. I’d be the American in Paris eating McDonald’s and KFC in Rome.
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I have dogs because I like dogs, little Jack Russells. Not for defence etc.. just because I like little stupid Jack Russells. The added benefit and drawback is, they bark at any noise. So when the bin gets emptied or the post lands, I shout at them to shut up. I have a ring doorbell because it's handy to answer the door from wherever I may be. So I added 2 cameras to the Ring setup aimed outback and the front. It was an after thought after having the doorbell for a while. The house came with the alarm, once in a blue moon I used it. One morning I woke up and I left the front two doors wide open all night, lol.

If over 50 odd years, have I felt the need to carry anything for protection? Nope. Have I ever needed to carry anything for protection? Nope. Am I worried, obsessed, anxious about my safety in the UK? Nope. In 50 odd years, what guns have I seen in public? About 2 months ago I saw a lad with an air rifle slung over his back in Sainsbury's supermarket. Am I waiting for or thinking about enemies suddenly jumping out on me? Nope. Have I been to gun shows? Yes. Have I owned shotguns? Yes. Do I still own shotguns? Nope, I just hire one if I go clay shooting with my lads. What do I own? Still just an air rifle that I target practice with once in a blue moon.

Do I worry about what happened nearly 300 years ago? Heck no. You would have to be paranoid and obsessed over that.

The UK public areas are gun free zones and we have guns. We are completely orientated differently towards guns. That's the difference. That's also the difference between you guys and Switzerland.
It's much simpler: your betters told you that you're not permitted to defend yourself. You were gelded decades ago.
That's it, another one. Here's the full list to get them all out of the way -

These clichés just randomly appear in conversations, pretty much in the same way as Derangement Syndrome posts. I suppose it's called CDS (Cliché Derangement Syndrome)

1) If xxxxxxx country had a 2nd Amendment, it wouldn't have happened

2) Come try and take my guns

3) The answer to gun violence is more guns

4) Limey

5) Bow to your King (But Americans actually fail to mention they sing and pledge allegiance to a flag)

6) We kicked your British asses out (But Americans fail to mention the French saved the British colonies)

7) We have the 2nd Amendment (This one comes out when they're faced with common sense)

8) Guns in the UK are banned

9) Gun free zone

10) Democrats let the criminals out

11) Shooters are mental health patients

12) Brits have bad teeth

13) Your Muslims....

14) Dreadful food (But it's American food that gets banned across the globe. Just look at the size of America's inhabitants)

15) Our military

16) We won the world wars for everyone
Must really piss you off, knowing that when i walk down the street if some thug wants to do me or my family bodily harm, i can defend myself with overpowering success. While you, must run away to some unarmed conehead bobby, who will probably outrun you, so you will still get the shit kicked out of you.

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