Military Look-alike


Sep 23, 2010
[ame=]Ron Paul on CSPAN 1997 - Federal Police - YouTube[/ame]​

Soon after the massacre in Waco, Texas, the Butcher responsible for the massacre got busy arming more federal bureaucrats. In case you missed it in the 1997 video then-Rep. Ron Paul said:

“Thanks to a recent article by Joseph Farah, director of the Western Journalism Center of Sacramento, California, appearing in the Houston Chronicle, the surge in the number of armed federal bureaucrats has been brought to our attention. Farah points out that in 1996 alone, at least 2,439 new federal cops were authorized to carry firearms. That takes the total up to nearly 60,000. Farah points out that these cops were not only in agencies like the FBI, but include the EPA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Even Bruce Babbitt, according to Farah, wants to arm the Bureau of Land Management. Farah logically asks, ‘When will the NEA have its armed art cops?’ This is a dangerous trend.”

The question is: How much input did the Butcher’s Wife have in arming federal bureaucrats? After all, she was co-president at the time! I have no answer to my question except to say that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton surely could have sent some of those armed bureaucrats to protect Americans in Benghazi.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi
By Jake Tapper

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Ron Paul also said:

. . . it’s “ironic that the proliferation of guns in the hands of the bureaucrats is pushed by the anti-gun fanatics who hate the Second Amendment and would disarm every law-abiding American citizen.”

“Yes, we need gun control. We need to disarm our bureaucrats, then abolish the agencies. If government bureaucrats like guns that much, let them seek work with the NRA,” he said.

Right on. Except that abolishing the agencies first takes care of the disarming.

And here comes ol’ reliable: INCREMENTALISM:

A recent Fox News report confirmed that as of about 18 months ago, federal agencies had some 120,000 full-time officers carrying guns, double the number reported in 1997.

Incidentally, an accurate number of armed bureaucrats is a mystery until the public has some idea of how many state-government guns will join with federal-government guns against private sector Americans?

A bigger mystery is how the US military will react? Will military personnel turn their guns on the American people regardless of posse comitatus? Will enlisted personnel refuse to obey officers who order attacks on average Americans? Nobody knows the answers. I do know that the military helped out in the assault on the Branch Davidian Compound:

The military also lent sophisticated technological support -- including experimental surveillance robots and a television satellite signal jammer.

The FBI used the top-secret Air Force jamming device to shut off the Davidians' access to television, including CNN and other newscasts, documents show. The jammer was provided to assist the FBI's psychological warfare operation, designed to get the Davidians to surrender, said a former Pentagon official who asked not to be identified.

A report prepared after congressional hearings in 1995 sharply criticized Reno, calling her decision to approve the FBI's assault plan "premature, wrong and highly irresponsible." But the panel concluded that the military support given to both the ATF and FBI was legal.

Reno, Angry, Vows to Press FBI on Waco
By Edward Walsh and Richard Leiby
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, August 27, 1999; Page A1 Reno, Angry, Vows to Press FBI on Waco

No surprise there. Everything the government does is legal according to the government.

Then there is ammunition:

One of the biggest recurring headlines in recent months has been the multiple massive ammunition purchases on the part of the federal government.

WND reported months ago that the federal agencies drew the ire of Congress by sucking up ammunition supplies so fast that citizens and even police forces have been unable to meet their own needs.

One big purchase was for the Transportation Security Administration, which doesn’t even arm most of its agents.


. . . then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted that the federal government was drying up ammunition supplies.

She was asked by a House panel about the huge government purchases, estimated to be in the range of 1.6 billion rounds, enough for many years of war at the rate ammunition is used by the U.S. military.


“This was a five-year strategic sourcing contract for up to one-point-whatever billion rounds,” she confirmed.

Calculations done by the Washington Examiner suggest the reported 1.6 billion rounds would be enough for “something like a 24-year supply of ammunition on hand.”

Ron Paul predicted BLM overreach 17 years ago
'There was never meant to be a federal police force'
Published: 1 day ago
by Bob Unruh

Ron Paul predicted BLM overreach 17 years ago

Tie it all together with modern weaponry not available to private Americans like tank flamethrowers:

[ame=]Waco Tank Flamethrower - YouTube[/ame]​

Add in training, armored vehicles, helicopters, intelligence capabilities, media silence, and so on and it looks like federal government bureaucrats are being transformed into a military force unrestricted by posse comitatus.

Finally, Harry Reid called Americans supporting Cliven Bundy domestic terrorists. “Terrified” is the better word. Terrified of government guns.
we all know more guns is good.

To Old Rocks: Not in the government’s hands.

Scalia also predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps.

“You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,”

Justice Scalia to Law Students: If Taxes Become Too High ‘Perhaps You Should Revolt’
April 20, 2014
Mike Paczesny

Justice Scalia to Law Students: If Taxes Become Too High ?Perhaps You Should Revolt? » The Rundown Live

They got you both ways. If a militarized bureaucracy cannot get you they send in real soldiers:

A decision from the U.S. Supreme Court means the federal government now has an open door to “detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker,” critics of the high court’s ruling said.

The high court by its own order this week refused to review an appellate-level decision that says the president and U.S. military can arrest and indefinitely detain individuals.

Supreme Court green lights detention of Americans
Lets stand arrests of 'anyone viewed as a troublemaker'
Published: 13 hours ago
by Bob Unruh

Supreme Court green lights detention of Americans

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