Military retirees face cuts

Any Brain Dead Lifer, who bitches about how much she/he hates "Big Government" and takes a U.S. Government Retirement Check, accepts U.S. Tax Payer Supported Government Health Care should either shut the hell up, or refuse their check and health care.

You cannot bitch about how much you hate "Big Government", while taking Government Money.

Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

The retirement check doesn't even cover my mortgage - but it's something for time served. More enjoyable, it drives Liberal's fucking nuts that retirees get a check and there's not a fucking thing they can do about it. What should be cut is their fucking food stamps.
Those of you whose incomes are derived from military retirement had best understand that after your masters has raped the middle class, they ARE going to come after you, too.

Oh I know you think they love you guys, but they do not love you guys more than they love MONEY.

The die that many of YOU folks helped the GOP cast is rolling.

Eventually you're going to crap out, just like the civilians have already done.

CAPITAL has no loyalty. folks.

Too late......

GOP demands benefits for the military be on chopping block | Veterans News Now


They're just starting, DaG.

I have to hand it to the GOP, they're very good long range planners.

When they're ready to go after the benefits of the military full filt boogie, they'll have already paved the way with enormous propaganda campaigns designed to convince the American taxpayer that the veterans are a bunch of no-account government workers who fail to give us the full measure to justify their salaries and benefits.

You know...much like they are currently doing to teachers, firemen, cops, and pretty much every federal state or local worker in the nonmilitary sector?

Really these people have no shame and not a shred of patriotism or gratitude to the men and women who fight and die for them.

They never really did, either.

At least not in my lifetime.
Any Brain Dead Lifer, who bitches about how much she/he hates "Big Government" and takes a U.S. Government Retirement Check, accepts U.S. Tax Payer Supported Government Health Care should either shut the hell up, or refuse their check and health care.

You cannot bitch about how much you hate "Big Government", while taking Government Money.

Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

No HG, for most of us we overworked for everything we get.... Of course there are some skaters but they also get their bennies.
Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

The retirement check doesn't even cover my mortgage - but it's something for time served. More enjoyable, it drives Liberal's fucking nuts that retirees get a check and there's not a fucking thing they can do about it. What should be cut is their fucking food stamps.

I am puzzled how some of these guys compare Military retirement pay to welfare and food stamps.
Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

No HG, for most of us we overworked for everything we get.... Of course there are some skaters but they also get their bennies.

Even those slackers put in more work than these clowns trying to compare Military retirement pay to welfare.
Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

No HG, for most of us we overworked for everything we get.... Of course there are some skaters but they also get their bennies.

Even those slackers put in more work than these clowns trying to compare Military retirement pay to welfare.

This is true.
What part of the message : It's the GOP trying to cut military pensions is confusing some of you?

BigNCreb apparently doesn't get, it, I'm an intenet Warrior, doesn't apparently get it either.

Hence my suspicion that they choose NOT to get the stunningly obvious, followed very closely by my suspicion that neither of them truly gives a rat's ass about Vets.

And naturally, the previous suspicion leads me to the concluding suspicion that we are discussing this issue with childish trolls pretending to be VETs.
Yes, because cuts happening now during the Obama administration are Bush's fault.


Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich. Go to for the numbers.

Now we can't afford to pay military retiree benefits for the people that voted Republican.

It's called karma.

and you're called an ungrateful traitorous little twat.
What part of the message : It's the GOP trying to cut military pensions is confusing some of you?

BigNCreb apparently doesn't get, it, I'm an intenet Warrior, doesn't apparently get it either.

Hence my suspicion that they choose NOT to get the stunningly obvious, followed very closely by my suspicion that neither of them truly gives a rat's ass about Vets.

And naturally, the previous suspicion leads me to the concluding suspicion that we are discussing this issue with childish trolls pretending to be VETs.

What part of I don't give a fuck - it'll never happen are you not getting, assbrain?
Why would anyone want someone else to take a cut in a program they have , with good faith, paid into to expect their money back. Be it a worker in any sector or one that retires from the service.
After reading all of the comments it seems that the right-wing has accomplished its task.
Divide us and then they conquer.
Any Brain Dead Lifer, who bitches about how much she/he hates "Big Government" and takes a U.S. Government Retirement Check, accepts U.S. Tax Payer Supported Government Health Care should either shut the hell up, or refuse their check and health care.

You cannot bitch about how much you hate "Big Government", while taking Government Money.

Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Me too Ollie. HATE the freaking government, but LOVE that retirement check and the benefits EARNED.

And I love how it drives the Liberal kooks absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Yes, you EARNED your pension and benefits on a set agreement.

And my wife's teacher pension is no less earned. The cops, firefighters, garbage collectors, street workers' government are no less EARNED either.

No matter what government agency you retire from they should NOT touch the benefits you have EARNED.

Too bad the GOP conservatives don't agree with us and want to take away what you've earned.

Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Me too Ollie. HATE the freaking government, but LOVE that retirement check and the benefits EARNED.

And I love how it drives the Liberal kooks absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Yes, you EARNED your pension and benefits on a set agreement.

And my wife's teacher pension is no less earned. The cops, firefighters, garbage collectors, street workers' government are no less EARNED either.

No matter what government agency you retire from they should NOT touch the benefits you have EARNED.

Too bad the GOP conservatives don't agree with us and want to take away what you've earned.


I would like to see everyone get to keep what they were promised, are we in that much of a bind to where someone is going to have to give up something?:(
Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Me too Ollie. HATE the freaking government, but LOVE that retirement check and the benefits EARNED.

And I love how it drives the Liberal kooks absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Yes, you EARNED your pension and benefits on a set agreement.

And my wife's teacher pension is no less earned. The cops, firefighters, garbage collectors, street workers' government are no less EARNED either.

No matter what government agency you retire from they should NOT touch the benefits you have EARNED.

Too bad the GOP conservatives don't agree with us and want to take away what you've earned.


I'm sorry I haven't followed everything that close, Who has said they want to take anything away from Government workers other than collective bargaining? I haven't heard anyone saying that their retirement was being taken away, except of course for the military, but they have always wanted to change that. And they have, several times. So please tell us what is being taken from a teacher of 20 years, as an example. And please include who is taking it........
Hey stupid, it was earned. And we are the ones who have dedicated our lives to making sure you can sit on your ass and say such stupid things. You want to sit on your fat ass and attack the very people who gave you that right? Start with this one. I do not support big Government but I earned every fucking dime I get in retirement benefits. And even then it is less than what I was promised by our too big Government. Once you know what you are talking about you can bitch, but until that decade, shut the hell up.

Me too Ollie. HATE the freaking government, but LOVE that retirement check and the benefits EARNED.

And I love how it drives the Liberal kooks absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Yes, you EARNED your pension and benefits on a set agreement.

And my wife's teacher pension is no less earned. The cops, firefighters, garbage collectors, street workers' government are no less EARNED either.

No matter what government agency you retire from they should NOT touch the benefits you have EARNED.

Too bad the GOP conservatives don't agree with us and want to take away what you've earned.
This thread is not about local state-employed people in the 50 states which may have laws as different from each other as daylight is from dark. This thread IS about American veterans who are called on to provide for the common defense to fulfill a constitutional necessity. In the course of their training, they are taught to put themselves in the line of fire, which often they take as instant or slow death, and disability of many kinds of insufferable conditions.

They gave much more than they'll ever get back from the government that cuts their benefits the minute a Clinton or Carter gets elected and starts kissing ass to the Jane Fondas of life who go overseas and Schmooze with the enemy, calling attention to to victimology issues as presented by the enemy rather than American intelligence that showed the actual atrocities committed by her poo-faced criminal consorts.
Why would anyone want someone else to take a cut in a program they have , with good faith, paid into to expect their money back. Be it a worker in any sector or one that retires from the service.
After reading all of the comments it seems that the right-wing has accomplished its task.
Divide us and then they conquer.
The left is always anklebiting soldiers. Men in the service take an oath to serve the nation, then are put through training that puts them at serious risk to life and limb so unlike any other profession, the Constitution made amends for "providing for the common defense." As such, their benefits come from the common pocket as the Constitution allows.

Local teachers, firemen, policemen, government employees, postal employees, and many others make up service type jobs that benefit us all and should be compensated as best their employers can. Many of them work not for the federal government, but for cities, counties, states, and other local entities. Their jobs have local specifity, not defense. As such, we've made requests that people take these issues to threads in which they can make a case for the local or other entity that writes out their paycheck. This is not about union fights in Wisconsin. And hopefully, it's not going to be.
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It's alright Becki, we understand that they have to come down on others to build themselves up. There was a story a few years back which I never verified but the situation is right.

Supposedly General Frank (I believe) was speaking to a group of young men who were preparing to be some of the first to return from Iraq. He mentioned to them that there could be some lowlifes that would want to mimic the 60's and spit at them or at least look down on them. The good general told those young men that if this happens and some clown tries this, look at the girl he is with, smile at her, and give her a little nod. She'll know she's with a pussy.

True story or not, that's how I look at many of these fools.......
Why would anyone want someone else to take a cut in a program they have , with good faith, paid into to expect their money back. Be it a worker in any sector or one that retires from the service.
After reading all of the comments it seems that the right-wing has accomplished its task.
Divide us and then they conquer.
The left is always anklebiting soldiers.

The "left" as in the GOP?

Interesting, POV.

Now the grand old party are lefties?

Man those freaking lefties are under every bed, aren't they?

They must be the dust bunnies of American politics!
It's alright Becki, we understand that they have to come down on others to build themselves up. There was a story a few years back which I never verified but the situation is right.

Supposedly General Frank (I believe) was speaking to a group of young men who were preparing to be some of the first to return from Iraq. He mentioned to them that there could be some lowlifes that would want to mimic the 60's and spit at them or at least look down on them. The good general told those young men that if this happens and some clown tries this, look at the girl he is with, smile at her, and give her a little nod. She'll know she's with a pussy.

True story or not, that's how I look at many of these fools.......

As Washington looks to squeeze savings from once-sacrosanct entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, another big social welfare system is growing as rapidly, but with far less scrutiny: the health and pension benefits of military retirees.

Military pensions and health care for active and retired troops now cost the government about $100 billion a year, representing an expanding portion of both the Pentagon budget — about $700 billion a year, including war costs — and the national debt, which together finance the programs.

Making even incremental reductions to military benefits is typically a doomed political venture, given the public’s broad support for helping troops, the political potency of veterans groups and the fact that significant savings take years to appear.

But the intense push in Congress this year to reduce the debt and the possibility that the Pentagon might have to begin trimming core programs like weapons procurement, research, training and construction have suddenly made retiree benefits vulnerable, military officials and experts say.

Any Brain Dead Lifer, who bitches about how much she/he hates "Big Government" and takes a U.S. Government Retirement Check, accepts U.S. Tax Payer Supported Government Health Care should either shut the hell up, or refuse their check and health care.

You cannot bitch about how much you hate "Big Government", while taking Government Money.

if someone spends 20+ years in the Military they can bitch about whatever they want.....oh and by the can bitch about "small Govt" and still take your Retirement check that you earned........
Ollie the lack of respect for our service men and women astounds me, how can someone fix their mouth to say people in the Military are just handed things? you work for every damn thing you get in the service, hands down.

No HG, for most of us we overworked for everything we get.... Of course there are some skaters but they also get their bennies.

Even those slackers put in more work than these clowns trying to compare Military retirement pay to welfare.

hey its the same way with Govt workers.....i bet when its pouring rain and windy and cold none of those Welfare people are outside in it with me and my fellow Letter Carriers.....but yet some of the Righties here have compared me to them also....

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