Military retirees face cuts

No HG, for most of us we overworked for everything we get.... Of course there are some skaters but they also get their bennies.

Even those slackers put in more work than these clowns trying to compare Military retirement pay to welfare.

hey its the same way with Govt workers.....i bet when its pouring rain and windy and cold none of those Welfare people are outside in it with me and my fellow Letter Carriers.....but yet some of the Righties here have compared me to them also....

I agree. :thup:
Me too Ollie. HATE the freaking government, but LOVE that retirement check and the benefits EARNED.

And I love how it drives the Liberal kooks absolutely bat-shit crazy.


Yes, you EARNED your pension and benefits on a set agreement.

And my wife's teacher pension is no less earned. The cops, firefighters, garbage collectors, street workers' government are no less EARNED either.

No matter what government agency you retire from they should NOT touch the benefits you have EARNED.

Too bad the GOP conservatives don't agree with us and want to take away what you've earned.
This thread is not about local state-employed people in the 50 states which may have laws as different from each other as daylight is from dark. This thread IS about American veterans who are called on to provide for the common defense to fulfill a constitutional necessity. In the course of their training, they are taught to put themselves in the line of fire, which often they take as instant or slow death, and disability of many kinds of insufferable conditions.

They gave much more than they'll ever get back from the government that cuts their benefits the minute a Clinton or Carter gets elected and starts kissing ass to the Jane Fondas of life who go overseas and Schmooze with the enemy, calling attention to to victimology issues as presented by the enemy rather than American intelligence that showed the actual atrocities committed by her poo-faced criminal consorts.

I'm guessing that you missed the posts that detailed that it is the GOP CONSERVATIVES in CONGRESS that are proposing cuts to military benefits.

It's the "Clintons and Carters" (as you call them) that are protecting our soldiers.

Now what do you have to say about the "Clintons and Carters" in relation to military benefits?

How about the GOP CONSERVATIVE CONGRESS PEOPLE wanting to CUT them?

Why would anyone want someone else to take a cut in a program they have , with good faith, paid into to expect their money back. Be it a worker in any sector or one that retires from the service.
After reading all of the comments it seems that the right-wing has accomplished its task.
Divide us and then they conquer.
The left is always anklebiting soldiers. Men in the service take an oath to serve the nation, then are put through training that puts them at serious risk to life and limb so unlike any other profession, the Constitution made amends for "providing for the common defense." As such, their benefits come from the common pocket as the Constitution allows.

Local teachers, firemen, policemen, government employees, postal employees, and many others make up service type jobs that benefit us all and should be compensated as best their employers can. Many of them work not for the federal government, but for cities, counties, states, and other local entities. Their jobs have local specifity, not defense. As such, we've made requests that people take these issues to threads in which they can make a case for the local or other entity that writes out their paycheck. This is not about union fights in Wisconsin. And hopefully, it's not going to be.

No problem. You're right that this is not about state and local government employees. I was just drawing a parallel with ALL people employed by a government entity. It is wrong to change the rules on anyone once they are retired or close to it.

Either you agree or you don't.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

While it's true we now have to pay for somethings in TRICARE, there have been no changes to retirement programs retroactively. There are three retirement programs (Final Pay, High-3, and CSB/REDUX.

Each has a specific implementation date based on DIEMS (Date of Initial Entry to Military Service). DIEMS is determined by:

  • The DIEMS for Academy graduates who entered the Academy with no prior service is the date they reported to the Academy, not the date they graduated.
  • Beginning an ROTC scholarship program or enlisting as a Reserve in the Senior ROTC program sets the DIEMS, not the graduation or commissioning date.
  • Members who entered the military, separated, and then rejoined the military have a DIEMS based on entering the first period of military service.
  • The DIEMS for members who enlisted under the delayed entry program is when they entered the delayed entry program, not when they initially reported for duty.
  • For those who joined the Reserves and later joined the active component, their DIEMS is the date they joined the Reserves.

Final Pay is date of joining prior to 9/8/1980. High-3 was after 9/8/1980. and CSB/REDUX 8/1/1986 (With those joining after that date having a choice between High-3 and CSB/REDUX.

None of us have had our pension checks be any different then what we agreed to when we first enlisted.

Which System Applies to You
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Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues

Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless.
Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?
Why would anyone want someone else to take a cut in a program they have , with good faith, paid into to expect their money back. Be it a worker in any sector or one that retires from the service.
After reading all of the comments it seems that the right-wing has accomplished its task.
Divide us and then they conquer.

like our President and the Democrats are trying to bring the Country together.....:eusa_eh:
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless.
Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I was wondering if I was the only Vet who felt this way about the VA, some of my buddies get some pretty good money from them every month for disabilities however I didn't get shit from those guys except a 6 month presciption of sleeping pills, they are booked up 6 months in advance for any kind of therapy or counseling here in Birmingham.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless. Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I went through school on the GI Bill and got my first mortgage through the VA.

I don't remember any unusual red tape, but this was back in the '70s. Things may have changed since then however.
Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless. Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I went through school on the GI Bill and got my first mortgage through the VA.

I don't remember any unusual red tape, but this was back in the '70s. Things may have changed since then however.

I don't know about VA loans but dealing with the VA hospital if you need any real help can be a real pain in the ass if you live in a big city.
Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless.
Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I was wondering if I was the only Vet who felt this way about the VA, some of my buddies get some pretty good money from them every month for disabilities however I didn't get shit from those guys except a 6 month presciption of sleeping pills, they are booked up 6 months in advance for any kind of therapy or counseling here in Birmingham.

HG....i deliver mail to Vets who live on my route.....from the oldest guy WW2 Vet to a Vietnam Vet to a 90's Iraqi Vet......3 of them said they would avoid it at all costs....the Vietnam Vet goes there and he thinks its as most things go i guess it depends on the person......
I do some volunteer work at the local VA Clinic. Mostly directing people to the right waiting room or helping them fill out some file request. There is a lot of what I would call unneeded paperwork, but at the same time I've seen many veterans get medical care that they may not have ever received if not for the VA.
The VA should be cut. They're worthless.
Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I was wondering if I was the only Vet who felt this way about the VA, some of my buddies get some pretty good money from them every month for disabilities however I didn't get shit from those guys except a 6 month presciption of sleeping pills, they are booked up 6 months in advance for any kind of therapy or counseling here in Birmingham.

HG....i deliver mail to Vets who live on my route.....from the oldest guy WW2 Vet to a Vietnam Vet to a 90's Iraqi Vet......3 of them said they would avoid it at all costs....the Vietnam Vet goes there and he thinks its as most things go i guess it depends on the person......

I went there once and I never went back, I think it depends where you live, my friend in Oregon lives in Salem and he said the VA hospital there is excellent, the ones in the bigger cities though are usually jam packed and there is a waiting list for everything, that has been my experience at least.
Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless. Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

I went through school on the GI Bill and got my first mortgage through the VA.

I don't remember any unusual red tape, but this was back in the '70s. Things may have changed since then however.

I dealt with the VA (my Dad) mostly through the 90s. Togus - in Maine. Just being there - it felt like you were back in time - like the 1860s. I won't bore you with all the details, let's just say, it wasn't a pleasant experience compared to taking him to a civilian doctor.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


Bachmann is a wingnut, wouldn't say that about Ryan though. He may be trying to cut back VA spending, but not necessarily for healthcare to military vets, especially disabled ones. Dems are against ANY kind of spending cuts, except maybe defense spending that is not in their district.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


Go Republicans!

Lower my taxes and get all those vets off the public sugar tit.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


Go Republicans!

Lower my taxes and get all those vets off the public sugar tit.

You are the poster child for abortion.
Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


Go Republicans!

Lower my taxes and get all those vets off the public sugar tit.

No. Only one. That whiny crybaby internet Warrior. He'd love sucking the public tit while hypocritically bitching about eveyone else if he ever served.

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Military members and retirees have already seen changes to their retirement and health benefits. When I came in back in the 70s, we were promised FREE healthcare for life and a pension of 50% of your highest annual pay. Now I have to pay for what was once promised to be free, and many retirees get a pension check that is less than what they were promised when they initially enlisted.

I was lucky, I came home in one piece both physically and mentally, the same cannot be said for many others. Most of them get some kind of disabilty waiver from taxes, but to ask them to pay more for their medical bills is just not right. I do not believe you will find many pols who will support that, and NONE on the GOP side outside maybe of a few wingnuts.

Hmmmm.....I believe you would hard pressed to find any DEMS outside of a few wingnuts too. But the fact is that the ones pushing this the hardest are GOP folks, specifically Michelle Bachmann and Paul Ryan (ok....they're wingnuts).

Republican’s War on Veterans Benefits Continues


The VA should be cut. They're worthless.
Too much red tape.
Typical government buerocracy.
As a retiree, I use a private doctor paid for by Tricare.
Which will never be cut. It would be the final nail in the elected officials' coffin who conceived it.

Since when do you give a shit about vets, by the way.
Shouldn't you be off at a war protest spitting on them?

Nope. I'll only spit on you since I agree with others who feel that there's no way you ever spent a day in the military. You're just a fucking internet rambo wanna-be. How did I figure it out? Because you have no clue as to what is disrespectful and what is not and your support of wasting military lives. That and your phony, over the top outrage. Hell, you didn't even know that it's the GOP conservatives looking to cut military benefits!! Oh I think you know or are related to someone who served but I'm certain you have never been in the military.

So now go peddle your bullshit elsewhere, Wannabe.

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