Zone1 military spending on longlasting/endless wars while people suffer cripplingly high food and gas prices : should we just vote no to all that?

far more than me

I would not spend a dime of Govt money on green energy. I would also quit being the world's police force. We can defend our own country without bases in more than 85 countries
If you were a limey you would probably have supported the Munich Agreement

I’m far from a globalist, but you carry the Fortress America meme too far
If you were a limey you would probably have supported the Munich Agreement

I’m far from a globalist, but you carry the Fortress America meme too far

Do tell, what benefit has the US received from the more than 3 trillion dollars we have spent in the Middle East, mostly between Iraq and Afghanistan?

What are we gaining by our base in Egypt?

What are we gaining by our base in Kosovo?


Do tell, what benefit has the US received from the more than 3 trillion dollars we have spent in the Middle East, mostly between Iraq and Afghanistan?

Its been very harmful to US interests

But you are so bitter you want to gut the military as revenge, and I dont agree
I agree.

Agreed again. One of Trump's biggest failures. He should have pulled us out of Afghanistan as promised. He should have known that if he lost in 2020, his successor would either not pull out or make a mess of it.

Either way, the most likely, of not certain, scenario was an immediate Taliban takeover so it was laughable to hear the Biden administration say that they had prepared for every possibility except an immediate taliban takeover.
BOTTOM LINE. A LARGE WAR, BUILT ON A LIE, That never should have gone so wide & so far.

Its been very harmful to US interests

But you are so bitter you want to gut the military as revenge, and I dont agree

I am not bitter, why is everything about emotions for you people?

I do not want to gut the military, I want us to quit being the world's police force and use our money wisely.
I am not bitter, why is everything about emotions for you people?

I do not want to gut the military, I want us to quit being the world's police force and use our money wisely.
Meaning let the russians have europe, and the chinese can have asia, africa and south America
Meaning let the russians have europe, and the chinese can have asia, africa and south America

The EU can kick Russia ass 10 times to Tuesday. Russia cannot even take over a tiny little country like Ukraine.

I am good with the US keeping our bases in Japan and South Korea.

China already has pretty much taken Africa and South America and is zeroing in on Latin America.

It is our military spending that is allowing China to do this. While we were spending trillions in the Middle East China was spending billions in Africa and South America and Latin America.

How has that worked out for us?
While we were spending trillions in the Middle East China was spending billions in Africa and South America and Latin America.
You keep bitching about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and I keep agreeing with you

Do you expect a pat on the back or something?

But I suppose letting the arabs overrun Israel is your primary target

And thats not going to happen no matter how much Godless libs wish it so
But I suppose letting the arabs overrun Israel is your primary target

Do you get a discount on the straw you buy to build your strawmen?

I have been told by you and so many people on here that Israel is God's chosen people. If this is the case, why do they need us?
Do you get a discount on the straw you buy to build your strawmen?

I have been told by you and so many people on here that Israel is God's chosen people. If this is the case, why do they need us?
We are part of Israel’s defense, and part of God’s promise

There will come a time when Israel stands alone

Thats when Jesus returns as the Messiah

Which wont be a happy day for you if you live to see it

And mankind will suffer unspeakable horrors leading up to it
And yet here we are helping to fulfill God’s promise

Well, at least your are....though only with your tax dollars...well really not even your tax dollars as it is all going on the US credit card so our kids and grandkids can pay for it.

Wow, that is a heck of a sacrifice from you!
Well, at least your are....though only with your tax dollars...well really not even your tax dollars as it is all going on the US credit card so our kids and grandkids can pay for it.

Wow, that is a heck of a sacrifice from you!
I would support reducing the budget across the board equally, including foreign aid, military spending, welfare, and entitlements including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ect

Along with that have a reduction in force of the entire federal departments

It used to be called the Penny Plan and its still a good idea

The way it works is freeze this year’s spending for next year with no automatic increases and then reduce spending by a number we can agree on

About 1-5% each year till the budget is balanced
I would support reducing the budget across the board equally, including foreign aid, military spending, welfare, and entitlements including SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ect

So you favor cutting SS benefits as that is the only way to reduce the cost of them.

Along with that have a reduction in force of the entire federal departments

Including the DOD? But yes, this does need to happen. If I were the POTUS I would require a 3% cut for 5 years straight. The first year or two would be easy with just cutting out waste and getting rid of the "use it all or we will lose it" mentality that happens at the end of every FY.

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