Modern Quest: The Library Doll


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-escapism vignette (my last one) inspired by the imaginarium-paranoia film Tomorrowland.

Signing off,


Abdi was a romantic Arabian prince in the modern world who dreamed of meeting a beautiful Hollywood actress and learning about all the color and magic of American culture. Abdi decided to flee his Arabian palace for one summer month and travel to Hollywood and try to meet the American actress Jennifer Connelly. Abdi showed up at a special autograph-signing Connelly was doing at a bookstore conference for celebrities in environmentalism politics. Abdi walked up to her and asked, "Will you go on a fantastic quest for fairies with me?"


Jennifer did not know how to respond, but Abdi's sincere interest in fairies intrigued the actress, especially since she had already made two films about enchanting imaginative 'intelligence' - A Beautiful Mind and The Rocketeer! Abdi convinced Jennifer to go with her to the Sheridan Library (at Johns Hopkins University) where he was convinced lay hidden the fairy-like spirit of the fabled Lady of the Lake (from Arthurian legend).


Jennifer and Abdi ran through the halls of the Sheridan, searching for strange signs of the existence of the Lady of the Lake. Jennifer asked Abdi why he thought there were clues to the fabled muse's existence at the Sheridan, and Abdi explained, "The Lady of the Lake hides in the realm of youthful education, I am convinced!" Despite Abdi's child-like curiosity, Jennifer found this odd quest to be refreshing and gender-idealistic, so she carried on with Abdi, and when the two thought they spotted an image of a wispy female figure moving across the library-window which stared out into the trees, Jennifer and Abdi realized that a touch of youthful idealism had given shape to a 'primal daydream.' Unfortunately for this romantic young couple, North Korea was about to launch nuclear missiles onto NY and DC, and all hell was about to break loose!




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