Mom outraged after judge okays school punishing child for writing ‘any life’ below Black Lives Matter sketch California youngster was banned fro

According to the write up, underneath the picture is where the additional words were written, and so can such an action really be considered vandalism if the picture was not damaged in any way?

God bless you always!!!

Here it is. You tell me.
Screenshot (10).png

this racist school is damaging this little girl. hope the mom wins. this liberal racist crap is damaging our kids;. the little girl did nothing wrong as was right.
A white woman looking for a payday.
Whoever did the writing misspelled the word "matters".

God bless you and them always!!!

I saw that. The question is whether or not the graffiti artist vandalized the original work.
That's what it looks like to me.

They're really young kids. But it's still wrong. I'm sure that a lesson will be learned there by all involved.

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