Mooch claims America has lost hope with election of Trump.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
That's funny. Jim Brown and Ray Lewis are more hopeful than ever after meeting with Trump. Now they have a President who will work with them to improve conditions in the Inner Cities. Her loser husband never gave them the time of day since he doesn't give a rats ass about the problems in the Black community. And neither does Mooch. They are the two biggest phonies to ever occupy the White House.
Now the First Hermaphrodite knows how the rest of us feel every time that overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged, ingrate, bitter, chip-on-shoulder, utterly white-hating racist, sneering PIG opens its mouth (while going out of its way to waste as much white-taxpayer money it can). The nicest thing I can say about these odious Obamaggots is that they truly deserve each other; it's a match made in heaven, or hell as the case may be.
I lost hope after 8 years of obozo and what looked like a coming 8 years of hillary. The election of trump has GIVEN hope to most americans.
Hell. We all lost hope during his first term

You know. The one where his administration was supposed to be the most transparent in history.

You know. The one where he saddled the American taxpayer with Oboma care??

You know. The one where he made his apology tour all over the world.

You know. The one where Hope and Change never happened??

I, for one, will be glad to see the back side of this useless poser.

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