Mooching off Medicaid


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
Are you wondering why so many Republican governor's are suddenly changing their tune about the Medicaid expansion part of Obamacare? Is it because they've seen the light or heard from their constituents?

Naw...they've figured out another way to shift our tax dollars into the pockets of their corporate buddies. What a surprise, huh?

At least the GOP is consistent. If they can dream up a way to screw little people and enrich their corporate pals, they won't hesitate to do it.

What absolutely astonishes me is how so many people can be convinced to support a party which is raping them blind.

"...So ignore all the talk about too much government spending and too much aid to moochers who don’t deserve it. As long as the spending ends up lining the right pockets, and the undeserving beneficiaries of public largess are politically connected corporations, conservatives with actual power seem to like Big Government just fine...."
MediCal pays a flat rate fee of $17 for a PCP office visit, no matter what tx the patient needs.

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