More 2018 Candidates Are Calling To Abolish ICE Under President Trump


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
When Randy Bryce first heard some of his fellow 2018 candidates calling to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), he thought it a somewhat radical position. But then he thought about it some more. No, he realized, abolishing an agency that has only been in existence for the last 15 years—especially one he saw as responsible for breaking families apart and instilling fear in immigrant communities—wasn’t that radical at all.

Bryce, who’s challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st District, announced his platform on the agency earlier this week, becoming at least the 13th congressional contender to call for its elimination. Just a year ago, such a suggestion might have been deemed fringe or too far left for a viable candidate to reasonably propose. But as ICE arrests surge under President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, the stance has become appealing to an incoming class of progressives that hopes to get the rest of the Democratic Party on board.

“ICE has grown power-hungry, sucking up more and more federal resources and directing them toward the deportation of children and families who have lived here for years and who are otherwise completely law-abiding,” Bryce told Newsweek on Thursday. “I think that ICE should be abolished and Congress should explore which existing agency could best house immigration and customs enforcement, so that only those who pose a true threat to our country’s security face deportation.”
With Randy Bryce, a growing number of 2018 candidates are calling to abolish ICE under Trump

I think the cheese has slid of his cracker.
When Randy Bryce first heard some of his fellow 2018 candidates calling to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), he thought it a somewhat radical position. But then he thought about it some more. No, he realized, abolishing an agency that has only been in existence for the last 15 years—especially one he saw as responsible for breaking families apart and instilling fear in immigrant communities—wasn’t that radical at all.

Bryce, who’s challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st District, announced his platform on the agency earlier this week, becoming at least the 13th congressional contender to call for its elimination. Just a year ago, such a suggestion might have been deemed fringe or too far left for a viable candidate to reasonably propose. But as ICE arrests surge under President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, the stance has become appealing to an incoming class of progressives that hopes to get the rest of the Democratic Party on board.

“ICE has grown power-hungry, sucking up more and more federal resources and directing them toward the deportation of children and families who have lived here for years and who are otherwise completely law-abiding,” Bryce told Newsweek on Thursday. “I think that ICE should be abolished and Congress should explore which existing agency could best house immigration and customs enforcement, so that only those who pose a true threat to our country’s security face deportation.”
With Randy Bryce, a growing number of 2018 candidates are calling to abolish ICE under Trump

I think the cheese has slid of his cracker.

Yeah, let's do away with it because it's only 15 years old. Nevermind that it was called the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) before the Customs part was added! What a bunch of dumbasses!
ICE doesn't break up families.
People who choose to violate our immigration laws do that to themselves.
They can take their families back with them.
Why don't we just turn our country over to the Mexicans and let them all come here and turn the whole nation into a socialist shithole?
When Randy Bryce first heard some of his fellow 2018 candidates calling to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), he thought it a somewhat radical position. But then he thought about it some more. No, he realized, abolishing an agency that has only been in existence for the last 15 years—especially one he saw as responsible for breaking families apart and instilling fear in immigrant communities—wasn’t that radical at all.

Bryce, who’s challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st District, announced his platform on the agency earlier this week, becoming at least the 13th congressional contender to call for its elimination. Just a year ago, such a suggestion might have been deemed fringe or too far left for a viable candidate to reasonably propose. But as ICE arrests surge under President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, the stance has become appealing to an incoming class of progressives that hopes to get the rest of the Democratic Party on board.

“ICE has grown power-hungry, sucking up more and more federal resources and directing them toward the deportation of children and families who have lived here for years and who are otherwise completely law-abiding,” Bryce told Newsweek on Thursday. “I think that ICE should be abolished and Congress should explore which existing agency could best house immigration and customs enforcement, so that only those who pose a true threat to our country’s security face deportation.”
With Randy Bryce, a growing number of 2018 candidates are calling to abolish ICE under Trump

I think the cheese has slid of his cracker.
Unreal. We are actually down to a party wanting to eliminate an agency because they are doing their job and getting criminals out of our country.
When Randy Bryce first heard some of his fellow 2018 candidates calling to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), he thought it a somewhat radical position. But then he thought about it some more. No, he realized, abolishing an agency that has only been in existence for the last 15 years—especially one he saw as responsible for breaking families apart and instilling fear in immigrant communities—wasn’t that radical at all.

Bryce, who’s challenging House Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st District, announced his platform on the agency earlier this week, becoming at least the 13th congressional contender to call for its elimination. Just a year ago, such a suggestion might have been deemed fringe or too far left for a viable candidate to reasonably propose. But as ICE arrests surge under President Donald Trump’s “America First” agenda, the stance has become appealing to an incoming class of progressives that hopes to get the rest of the Democratic Party on board.

“ICE has grown power-hungry, sucking up more and more federal resources and directing them toward the deportation of children and families who have lived here for years and who are otherwise completely law-abiding,” Bryce told Newsweek on Thursday. “I think that ICE should be abolished and Congress should explore which existing agency could best house immigration and customs enforcement, so that only those who pose a true threat to our country’s security face deportation.”
With Randy Bryce, a growing number of 2018 candidates are calling to abolish ICE under Trump

I think the cheese has slid of his cracker.
Unreal. We are actually down to a party wanting to eliminate an agency because they are doing their job and getting criminals out of our country.

It doesn't bode well for the Democratic Party.

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