More Gay Cake fights: With Bert and Ernie?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
N. Irish bakery faces action over 'gay Bert and Ernie cake' snub

Is there any learning curve going on here?
Is this scenario just going to repeat, until when?

What do you think is going to happen to stop this nonsense?

clip said:
Belfast (United Kingdom) (AFP) - A Christian bakery in Northern Ireland said Tuesday it had been threatened with legal action after declining to make a cake featuring "Sesame Street" characters Bert and Ernie with a slogan supporting gay marriage.

Ashers Baking Company, which takes its name from a verse in the Bible, did not want to make the cake, which was also to feature the QueerSpace campaign group logo as well as the bedroom-sharing puppets.

The bakery chain said it has received a letter from Northern Ireland's Equality Commission threatening legal action.
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