More proof that Conservatives are morons


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009

Stupid Hannity Retweets a message from "Donnie L'il Hands" ????
I love these insipid moonbat troll threads. Then when they get trolled on them, they piss and moan.

Fuck you wrongwinger, and every other mindless piece of shit moonbat like you.

"Donnie little hands", in 11 days, becomes the most powerful man in the world.

I'm more optimistic than I was, I figured even IF Trump won (and at the time I thought it unlikely) the US was on it's way to an Idiocracy. After the meat puppet faggot rode an electoral wave of zero substance and a cult of personality, I was disturbed by Trump's emergence and I figured Kanye had a good chance in 2020.

I've since changed my mind. I was wrong. Trump is going to try and fix shit. The insane reactions of the bed wetters is just icing on the cake.

"Donnie little hands", in 11 days, becomes the most powerful man in the world.


Nothing to be scared of.

Pro-jobs trade policy, enforcing immigration laws, not fucking with Russia, none of this is scary.

You need to be more distrustful of people that tell you what you want to hear.

Russia is fucking with us.

We started it, and Trump will stop it.

Putin will be happy to have peace between us.
Maybe Hannity can invite Donnie L'il Hands on his show

They can discuss foreign policy
"Donnie little hands", in 11 days, becomes the most powerful man in the world.


Nothing to be scared of.

Pro-jobs trade policy, enforcing immigration laws, not fucking with Russia, none of this is scary.

You need to be more distrustful of people that tell you what you want to hear.

Russia is fucking with us.

We started it, and Trump will stop it.

Putin will be happy to have peace between us.

How did we start it?

Whose side are you on?
"Donnie little hands", in 11 days, becomes the most powerful man in the world.


Nothing to be scared of.

Pro-jobs trade policy, enforcing immigration laws, not fucking with Russia, none of this is scary.

You need to be more distrustful of people that tell you what you want to hear.

Russia is fucking with us.

We started it, and Trump will stop it.

Putin will be happy to have peace between us.

How did we start it?

Whose side are you on?
Obama tried to give into Putin and he refused. Even idiot Hillary tried the reset switch and failed. Don't worry Trump will make it good again.
"Donnie little hands", in 11 days, becomes the most powerful man in the world.


Nothing to be scared of.

Pro-jobs trade policy, enforcing immigration laws, not fucking with Russia, none of this is scary.

You need to be more distrustful of people that tell you what you want to hear.

Russia is fucking with us.

We started it, and Trump will stop it.

Putin will be happy to have peace between us.

How did we start it?

Whose side are you on?

Messing with the governments that border Russia.

That was LOOKING FOR trouble.

NATO expansion was a bad idea too. I am not prepared to fight WWIII over estonia.

I'm on our side. But we have NOTHING to gain from fucking with RUssia.
Hannity's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He's not for the meat-and-potatoes conservative, though he might whet the appetites of the newbies, or the milk-and-honey types just beginning to understand truth, history, and freedom.

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