More truth is coming out

Thanks, we need all the "truth" we can get, there's so much fake news and all.
"Now I can say that I still haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had" - LENA DUNHAM

I knew the left loves abortions, but Holy fuck. Anne Coulter was right about it being their sacrement.

So to be proud woman you have to have an abortion.....the left is really really fucked up.

A lot of saying that make pretty good money on organs of those killed unborn babies.
Liberals need their Lamborghinis.....

"Now I can say that I still haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had" - LENA DUNHAM

I wonder if she has kids, if so, I then have to wonder what they are thinking about that comment.
If she has no kids, I would assume that she is ugly or something (I have no clue what she looks like) and she just wishes that somebody would have at least once her her life had sex with her causing the need for an abortion.
For or against abortions, I honestly can not believe that anyone, any woman that has ever had one did so with pride and not at least a good deal of soul searching before she had it. Its why as against it as I am, I will NOT criticize any woman that did have one. I have no idea how painful of a decision it was for her in the first place.
But to come out and say you wished you had one? this woman is hopefully not representative of those that are pro choice.
There's something genuinely wrong with today's liberal. I don't know how or why exactly, but I'd say PC is a major component.

Nihilist/communist doctrine taught from kindergarten to college graduation in the public schools and universities. And millions more coming down the pipeline. Trump best do everything he can to stack the courts and fix the infrastructure while he can because this might be the last election a populist will ever win....there's just too many of them.

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