More uncounted votes found.

This keeps happening over and over.

Sorry. Biden will win Georgia. Accept reality and move on.

This keeps happening over and over.

Sorry. Biden will win Georgia. Accept reality and move on.

"Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the memory sticks behind the curtain....."
This keeps happening over and over.

Sorry. Biden will win Georgia. Accept reality and move on.

"Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the memory sticks behind the curtain....."

Not a smidgeon of fraud and inaccuracy.
Government and computers are a bad mix ... let's forbid this and let government wither away on it's own ...

This is why I endorse the Free Speech of those I disagree with ... keep speaking ... you might be right ... this is atrocious ... thank you for finding this and sharing ...
"Nothing to see here. Pay no attention to the memory sticks behind the curtain....."

So why do you think the Republicans were hiding those votes? What did that fraud gain the Republicans who perpetrated it?

Oh wait, it wasn't fraud. It was just Republicans being incompetent.
This keeps happening over and over.

Sorry. Biden will win Georgia. Accept reality and move on.

Accept reality? what reality....the reality that the demonRats tried to steal this election? No way!

This keeps happening over and over.

I need some hope that we have a justice system that will prevail.
This sounds like promising evidence.
The only hope is in Jesus. We have to pray that God is not ready to turn America and the world over the the End Times New World Order & The Great Reset, that he will expose Election Fraud and Voter Fraud, and that He hold back His hand of wrath.

God's prophetic time clock will eventually have to run, but we an petition the court of heaven to issue a stay on that judgment and we can use the remaining time we have to preach The Gospel, to draw closer to God, before the time of The Gentiles Ends, and The Time of Jacob's Trouble begins.

God is who appoints rulers over us, and He appoints those men over us whom we deserve whether they be Evil or Good. God can accomplish His plans either way, but He does hear our prayers and can be persuaded to hand down mercy for a time, rather than judgment, so do not put your faith in men, put your faith in Yeshua God, son of God and The Father.

Pray and watch. Watch Syria, Russia, Iran, Turkey, and watch all things concerning Israel, and watch America and pray for her, and our leaders. If God removes His restraining hand, then Joe Biden will preside over the destruction of America, and we will watch our power wane and diminish.

BTW, where have all the flu deaths gone in 2020?

This keeps happening over and over.

Is there an article that goes with the link?

When I go there, I can only see the title?

Can you cut and paste the news article to your link, (from this Chinese billionaire' s Epoc times internet site)?

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