Moronic rioters get their buddy killed.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

The wackos will put the driver in jail. Libber justice, crooks over cops....
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

How do you know it was a "woman", she might of identified as a man just earlier that day......
The initial report is the driver was trying to drive away from the area after getting caught with protestors all running towards it. In that process, the driver sped up to keep from being attacked... meanwhile an idiot gets in front of the truck while it is running. The driver, as seen in the video, slams on his brakes but was unable to stop hitting the moron. At that time, the crowd all start to attack the truck (again) leaving the driver no choice but to run over the person to possibly save their own lives.
Then.... when that driver is not charged, it will spawn more morons burning shit.
And that is the idiocy we are in.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

Many of these Prog "college kids" never studied science.

The law of action-reaction (Newton's third law) explains the nature of the forces between the two interacting objects. According to the law, the force exerted by object 1 upon object 2 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by object 2 upon object 1.
The Law of Action-Reaction (Revisited) - Physics…
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

I hope there was no damage to the truck.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

Wow! In for a penny, in for a pound. Playing chicken with an oncoming truck while holding a personal cardboard sign shows very questionable judgement. Running him down was probably wrong. I wonder if the guy had time to think "Oh $hit, I thought he would stop?" Once down though, with people running up to attack the truck, you would probably have no logical choice but to run over him again to escape or face you own possible destruction, afterall, you already ran him down once so second time is a freebie if anything is.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

The wackos will put the driver in jail. Libber justice, crooks over cops....
The law enforcement/corrections/judicial fiefdom will arrest the person because it is of their interest. Law enforcement must disobey their masters. Arresting their benefactors is suicide or tyranny.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

Quick, call the social worker.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

Quick, call the social worker.

Maybe it was a social worker that got run over.

Wonder what the rates of rapes, murder, and other assaults will be for those social workers taking the place of police and answering calls for domestic violence, prowlers, barking dogs, etc. Hey, a new cottage industry - kidnapping a social worker and hold the person for ransom from the city.
The dumbass stood in the road daring a truck to run him over in some childish game of chicken. The truck slammed on the brakes and sent him skidding across the road. Then, the moronic BLM rioters attack the truck, screaming and hitting it. The driver was forced to drive over the rioter to save his own life.

Quick, call the social worker.

Maybe it was a social worker that got run over.

Wonder what the rates of rapes, murder, and other assaults will be for those social workers taking the place of police and answering calls for domestic violence, prowlers, barking dogs, etc. Hey, a new cottage industry - kidnapping a social worker and hold the person for ransom from the city.

But, but, but kidnapping is illegal and no one would do something illegal.

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