Mosaic of Kamala Harris made out of all the black men she locked up and kept in prison past their release date for jail labor


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013

Democrats are low information voters and don’t know her history and/or don’t care about the lives she’s negatively impacted. It’s why most women vote Democrat. They aren’t interested in current events and vote by who they want to have a margarita with.


She was a prosecutor. D'Oh!

Unlike Trump, she did not go after black men and women simply because they were black.


Put nothing beyond that sick man's mind.

Mr. Trump wanted to put innocent black men, young men, to death.


Harkening back to her time as prosecutor, Harris says, 'I know Donald Trump's type'​

With that out of the way, Kamala Harris began launching verbal salvos at Donald Trump, comparing him to the criminals and wrongdoers she used to meet in the courtroom.

“Before I was elected vice-president, before I was elected United States senator, I was elected attorney general of the state of California, and I was a courtroom prosecutor before then,” Harris said.

And in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds: predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.

The crowd loved that line, and Harris kept at it:

And in this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.

As attorney general of California, I took on one of our country’s largest for-profit colleges that was scamming students. Donald Trump ran a for-profit college that scammed students. As a prosecutor, I specialized in cases involving sexual abuse. Well, Trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse.

As attorney general of California, I took on the big Wall Street banks and held them accountable for fraud. Donald Trump was just found guilty of fraud on 34 counts.

Let’s also make no mistake, this campaign is not just about … Donald Trump. This campaign is about who we fight for. This is about who we fight for.
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Democrats are low information voters and don’t know her history and/or don’t care about the lives she’s negatively impacted. It’s why most women vote Democrat. They aren’t interested in current events and vote by who they want to have a margarita with.
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Um, all those guys committed crimes, right?

Not seeing a problem here.
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Democrats are low information voters and don’t know her history and/or don’t care about the lives she’s negatively impacted. It’s why most women vote Democrat. They aren’t interested in current events and vote by who they want to have a margarita with.
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These activities are going to make attack ads. Those Dem who were worried about her electability are going to be even more concerned.

When you have record low approval ratings while V.P and there is a record number of Americans who believe the country is going in the wrong direction, this is a difficult sell. The primary reason she is chosen is due to the inability for the Biden donations to be transferred to anyone but her.
Hilarious! From the moron who insists people should not go to jail for gun crimes!
Are there any true "gun crimes" if everyone has a god-given right to a gun?

Right after the funerals.

He'll be dead long before they are. Enjoying the nice money they won from NYC...

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Democrats are low information voters and don’t know her history and/or don’t care about the lives she’s negatively impacted. It’s why most women vote Democrat. They aren’t interested in current events and vote by who they want to have a margarita with.
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is she "soft on crime" or not?

She was a prosecutor. D'Oh!

Unlike Trump, she did not go after black men and women simply because they were black.


Put nothing beyond that sick man's mind.

Mr. Trump wanted to put innocent black men, young men, to death.

This is without a doubt the dumbest post I've seen here in a while. So now Trump was a prosecutor? LMAO

Face it, Kamala Harris ruined 1000's of black lives just to make a name for herself. America has a right to know just how many black men she put in jail for simple misdemeanors. It will all come out. Trump had many friends in the black community until Democrat leaders and the MSM told sheep like you otherwise.


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