Most Americans do not want to arm Israel


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

An overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in its war against Hamas over the militant group running the Gaza Strip, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more.

Fuck Hamas. They are no better than the Japanese Fascist who carried out the Raping of Nanjing.
THe civilized world has an obligation in my opinion to ensure that other democracies and allies are defended, especially if they are the victim of repeated attacks.

If Israel wasn't protected by the U.S and given critical, timely intelligence, what would the end results have been during the 67 and 73 wars?

Whether Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel or England, the Free World has to first, NOT become like the enemies we fight, and second, stand with one another. I do find it peculiar though that some are far more outspoken about arms to Ukraine but more of a church mouse where Israel is concerned.

This suggests to me that there is politics and perhaps even money laundering of some kind going on. They know Israel is strict with their rules of government procurement, whereas Ukraine is full of corruption.

You can be sure that if Israel knew of an imminent attack on England they would share that information. They've certainly made the U.S aware of potential terror attacks and vice versa.

Now, a nation would have to decide what they would share in the event of an adversarial state being attacked, even then, the West generally likes peace around the globe.

We are losing this peace and it's because of Western weakness and a major shift. Tough decisions are ahead to shift the pendulum back. Democracies vs authoritarians. We should and must demand better of each other, but, also have each others back, within reason.
"They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent." from A. Jackson.

IMVO In My Vaunted Opinion----the above remark marks the author as
a product of Medieval Antisemtism of the "christ-kller" school which was
based on the "MAGICAL EVIL OF THE JEWS" and the pathetic victims model---the humble, albeit noble, christians. I grew up with it. -----short explanation
of the terms. "they have nuclear weapons" THE MAGIC EVIL POWER vs
"rocks and pistols" --pathetic but noble victims,------then the "so let them
go to hell, to gas chambers, to bombardment, to rape, mutilation, pillage
and murder rampages by their justly enraged "victims" like "hezbollah
the (poor pathetic victim) paper tiger----BESIDES---THEY DON'T WANT US
(and our noble gospels) I grew up with it in the traditional christian town of
my childhood and later from the muslims from ALL OVER the world with
whom I worked as an adult. Solomon said There is nothing new under the son. The book called ECCLESIASTES ---is the most sublime of the biblical
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Americans that love this country believe in supporting our allies.....not paying our enemies to destroy them like Democrats are doing.

Who's the greater enemy? Iran, Hamas, China, Russia, or Democrats.

Democrats hands-down.
THe civilized world has an obligation in my opinion to ensure that other democracies and allies are defended, especially if they are the victim of repeated attacks.

If Israel wasn't protected by the U.S and given critical, timely intelligence, what would the end results have been during the 67 and 73 wars?
America's wars against Vietnam and Iraq can't be claimed to be justified on any grounds.

The remaining US wars of aggression can at least be imagined by some as being justified

The two obvious aggressions cast the die on US foreign policy.

As China and Russia and the Brics rise to taking over world supremacy, will they be aggressors too? Or will they break the mold and find some other way?
Yeah, they do. Americans overwhelmingly hates Russia.
Does not matter. The fact is that OVERWHELMINGLY, Americans
"vote their pockets" which is why "it's coming out of your tax
the USA. it has BROAD BASED appeal.
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.
If some folk on the board didn't show their hate towards Jews and didn't show their support for terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, then they wouldn't get called out. The Jew haters and terrorist lovers didn't wind their necks in, that's the dumb part. You can't be called out for something you don't partake in.

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