Most Americans do not want to arm Israel

25 years of funding and fighting wars with billions of wasted dollars that could have gone to the American people... I know I'm sick of it and I don't understand why everyone isn't sick of it...
Just think what that money could have done for our infrastructure or a better retirement program that isn't broken...
I say enough... tell Ukraine no and tell Israel no... let them fight their own battles....
25 years of funding and fighting wars with billions of wasted dollars that could have gone to the American people... I know I'm sick of it and I don't understand why everyone isn't sick of it...
Just think what that money could have done for our infrastructure or a better retirement program that isn't broken...
I say enough... tell Ukraine no and tell Israel no... let them fight their own battles....
^^^^ populist american POV
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Isn't "large minority" an oxymoron?
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Israel Is Our Shield

Israel has been in the front lines in the War on Terror long before misinformed Americans had a wake-up call that Islam is our existential enemy and must be destroyed on all fronts, especially back here in sleeper-cell America.
An overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in its war against Hamas over the militant group running the Gaza Strip, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more.

Fuck Hamas. They are no better than the Japanese Fascist who carried out the Raping of Nanjing.
No, they don’t. Why do you people troll like this. Your link is old. My link is from September. Stop the trolling.

You’ve been utterly brainwashed my friend. And thank God for people like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, who are interviewing Arab Christians, who overwhelmingly oppose the Israeli government. Most Jews of the world disagree with what Israel is doing. You’re on the wrong side here.

It’s really interesting that a very sizable minority of Trump supporters 30% of them don’t want to arm Israel. That’s the data there is nothing you can do about it or any troll can do about it.
Israel Is Our Shield

Israel has been in the front lines in the War on Terror long before misinformed Americans had a wake-up call that Islam is our existential enemy and must be destroyed on all fronts, especially back here in sleeper-cell America.
Most Israeli people agree with my viewpoint and they’re fed up with their own government. That’s what you’re missing here. You’re a reactionary. Do you hate the 30% of Trump supporters that don’t want our Israel?

Israel is doing nothing for me. I don’t want my tax dollars going to Israel, Palestine, Russia, or Ukraine when we have homeless Americans. Israel has killed Christians in Lebanon. Tucker Carlson interviewed to Palestinian priest who opposes the idea. Now, what are you gonna say. You gonna keep rambling on about Islam this Islam that. Seriously what are you gonna do now. Are you going to troll?

People like Candace Owens a big-time conservative are also very much on point. islam has done nothing to us. By your Logic do you hate the British because they killed thousands of American patriots in the American revolutionary war and the war of 1812? … some Muslims have killed innocent people …are you seriously that backward or evil to think that all Muslims are the problem? Because by you’re own logic if you’re against all Muslims would have to apply to all British people.

So you’re being brainwashed by the Israeli lobby.

You have your free speech in average respect that. But interestingly, enough many of the Muslim majority country support a strong patriarchy and reject the radical left wing. Look at all the left-wing filth we have in America. So now what are you gonna say are you going to keep trolling with that nonsense point about Israel, being our shield or recognize that many of us Trump supporters don’t want to arm Israel and we want to end homelessness in America and solve the problems we have in this country, including our border issue.
You can be sure that if Israel knew of an imminent attack on England they would share that information. They've certainly made the U.S aware of potential terror attacks and vice versa.
Warnings Smugly Ignored by Know-It-All Nincompoops

Around February 22, 1973, the Israelis shot down a Libyan airliner illegally flying over their territory, because they had found out that the Arabs were planning to hijack a plane and fly it into a large building to get a massive death toll.

But our fratboys and nutty professors at the C"I"A thought the Israelis were just making an excuse to cover up the fact that the airliner was merely off-course and not flown by any terrorists. Nothing in America is protected by the carbon-copy types in charge of everything, whether it be the economy, government, national defense, or the culture.

The self-hating Jews at the ignorant New York Times accused the Israelis of being trigger-happy cowboys playing at being tough guys instead of being the weakling jurinalists' model Jews, exemplified by Woody Allen. Even after 9/11, our worthless and incompetent media have never mentioned this preview of it.

Shamed by the decadent West, the Israelis were intimidated from taking pre-emptive action in the First October War. If it hadn't been for the amazing General Ariel Sharon, they would have been conquered and the West would have been the next to fall under the Dark Ages of Nazislami tyranny.
If individual Americans want to send money to Israel or go join the IDF they should be allowed to. But it’s people like Thomas Massie a Republican and many Trump supporters who don’t want our taxpayer dollars going to things like the Ukraine military, or the Israel military. We need to solve homelessness in America and the border issue in our country.

Many Jews of the world agree with what I’m saying they’re even more critical of Israeli government than I am. But because of the strong Israel lobby in America, which is effectively brainwashing people and buying many politicians including Democrats ….anytime a strong supporter of Israel sees legitimate criticism of the IDF or the Israeli government. They lose their mind and call people anti-Jewish. That’s unacceptable behavior…. Of course it’s a BLM tactic like how BLM people call anyone racist if they don’t agree with their politics.
The Israeli lobby is powerful. They’ve actually been able to brainwash some Americans to believe that all Palestinians ever do is terrorism. When in reality bc Palestinians lack a conventional military they have to resort to gorilla warfare like tactics. Just like Zionist did before 1948. Zionists killed British civilians before 1948. And they also attacked the USS liberty killing over 30 Americans.

One Wonders why Israel is such a hot topic in America. When there are very violent wars going on in Myanmar and Somalia. It’s because of the powerful Zionist lobby in America. Democrat and GOP Politicians who support Israel always claim its a human rights thing and that is the right thing to support Israel…well if they actually cared about human rights They would try to end the wars in Myanmar and Somalia …. Same issue with the American media which is heavily influenced by Zionists. Notice how the American media bombards us with constant information on Israel and Ukraine yet nothing about those Africans in Somalia or the situation in Myanmar.
Most Israeli people agree with my viewpoint and they’re fed up with their own government. That’s what you’re missing here. You’re a reactionary. Do you hate the 30% of Trump supporters that don’t want our Israel?

Israel is doing nothing for me. I don’t want my tax dollars going to Israel, Palestine, Russia, or Ukraine when we have homeless Americans. Israel has killed Christians in Lebanon. Tucker Carlson interviewed to Palestinian priest who opposes the idea. Now, what are you gonna say. You gonna keep rambling on about Islam this Islam that. Seriously what are you gonna do now. Are you going to troll?

People like Candace Owens a big-time conservative are also very much on point. islam has done nothing to us. By your Logic do you hate the British because they killed thousands of American patriots in the American revolutionary war and the war of 1812? … some Muslims have killed innocent people …are you seriously that backward or evil to think that all Muslims are the problem? Because by you’re own logic if you’re against all Muslims would have to apply to all British people.

So you’re being brainwashed by the Israeli lobby.

You have your free speech in average respect that. But interestingly, enough many of the Muslim majority country support a strong patriarchy and reject the radical left wing. Look at all the left-wing filth we have in America. So now what are you gonna say are you going to keep trolling with that nonsense point about Israel, being our shield or recognize that many of us Trump supporters don’t want to arm Israel and we want to end homelessness in America and solve the problems we have in this country, including our border issue.
Your Beloved Masters, the RichKid Reich, Invented Anti-Semitism Centuries Ago
The Israeli lobby is powerful. They’ve actually been able to brainwash some Americans to believe that all Palestinians ever do is terrorism. When in reality bc Palestinians lack a conventional military they have to resort to gorilla warfare like tactics. Just like Zionist did before 1948. Zionists killed British civilians before 1948. And they also attacked the USS liberty killing over 30 Americans.

One Wonders why Israel is such a hot topic in America. When there are very violent wars going on in Myanmar and Somalia. It’s because of the powerful Zionist lobby in America. Democrat and GOP Politicians who support Israel always claim its a human rights thing and that is the right thing to support Israel…well if they actually cared about human rights They would try to end the wars in Myanmar and Somalia …. Same issue with the American media which is heavily influenced by Zionists. Notice how the American media bombards us with constant information on Israel and Ukraine yet nothing about those Africans in Somalia or the situation in Myanmar.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

Bootlicking buttboys for the bosses. Of course, these sniveling creatures are programmed to answer, "But the JOOZE are the bosses!!!"
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The Israeli lobby is powerful. They’ve actually been able to brainwash some Americans to believe that all Palestinians ever do is terrorism. When in reality bc Palestinians lack a conventional military they have to resort to gorilla warfare like tactics. Just like Zionist did before 1948. Zionists killed British civilians before 1948. And they also attacked the USS liberty killing over 30 Americans.

One Wonders why Israel is such a hot topic in America. When there are very violent wars going on in Myanmar and Somalia. It’s because of the powerful Zionist lobby in America. Democrat and GOP Politicians who support Israel always claim its a human rights thing and that is the right thing to support Israel…well if they actually cared about human rights They would try to end the wars in Myanmar and Somalia …. Same issue with the American media which is heavily influenced by Zionists. Notice how the American media bombards us with constant information on Israel and Ukraine yet nothing about those Africans in Somalia or the situation in Myanmar.
your posts fascinate me----you know so much. Do you know anything about the jewish book called "the talmud"?
My link is from September.
You Gallop Poll link is from March 27, 2024, and I didn't bother with your second link.

You're conflating the position that Israel has gone too far by indiscriminate bombing of civilians with the overall disgust with Hamas.
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