Most Americans do not want to arm Israel

Americans are willing to draft Andrew Jackson and send him to the IDF.

Stop the nonsense, AJ.
Typical troll post. There is nothing you can do about the data. The majority of American people do not support Armin Israel.

Troll on.

Honest support of Israel will admit that support of Israel is not popular among the American people. And that an overwhelming number of arab people including Arab Christians and atheists oppose the IDF and Israeli government.

You’re trying to say 2+2 = 5. So like I said troll on It’s all you do in most threads anyway.
You Gallop Poll link is from March 27, 2024, and I didn't bother with your second link.

You're conflating the position that Israel has gone too far by indiscriminate bombing of civilians with the overall disgust with Hamas.
Of course you don’t bother with the second link because it refutes your own link. As this war in Palestine raged on more and more Americans including Trump supporters realized it was ridiculous to send taxpayer money to Israel …when we have record numbers of homeless Americans and a border problem that we need to resolve.

With respect you are blatantly trolling as you admit to refusing to read fresh data that negates your link. And you probably just can’t take it that 62% of Democrats do not support army Israel, 30% of Trump supporters do not support Army Israel.

You won’t talk about the Arab Christians, who overwhelmingly oppose the idea. You’ll never talk about the fact or you simply don’t know that historically speaking Palestinian resistance was often led by Arab Christians in your case you probably don’t know it.
THe civilized world has an obligation in my opinion to ensure that other democracies and allies are defended, especially if they are the victim of repeated attacks.

If Israel wasn't protected by the U.S and given critical, timely intelligence, what would the end results have been during the 67 and 73 wars?

Whether Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel or England, the Free World has to first, NOT become like the enemies we fight, and second, stand with one another. I do find it peculiar though that some are far more outspoken about arms to Ukraine but more of a church mouse where Israel is concerned.

This suggests to me that there is politics and perhaps even money laundering of some kind going on. They know Israel is strict with their rules of government procurement, whereas Ukraine is full of corruption.

You can be sure that if Israel knew of an imminent attack on England they would share that information. They've certainly made the U.S aware of potential terror attacks and vice versa.

Now, a nation would have to decide what they would share in the event of an adversarial state being attacked, even then, the West generally likes peace around the globe.

We are losing this peace and it's because of Western weakness and a major shift. Tough decisions are ahead to shift the pendulum back. Democracies vs authoritarians. We should and must demand better of each other, but, also have each others back, within reason.
Acknowledge that the overwhelming member of Arab Christians and atheist oppose Israel policies.

You are presenting a Zionist narrative. Of the entire situation. And that’s your right, but you should be honest and acknowledge that your opinion is not popular in the Christian world.
Acknowledge that the overwhelming member of Arab Christians and atheist oppose Israel policies.

You are presenting a Zionist narrative. Of the entire situation. And that’s your right, but you should be honest and acknowledge that your opinion is not popular in the Christian world.

My opinion is popular and it is morally justified, regardless of the community observing it.
25 years of funding and fighting wars with billions of wasted dollars that could have gone to the American people... I know I'm sick of it and I don't understand why everyone isn't sick of it...
Just think what that money could have done for our infrastructure or a better retirement program that isn't broken...
I say enough... tell Ukraine no and tell Israel no... let them fight their own battles....
This is what most American people now realize. And also brave politicians like Thomas Massey. And honest journalist like Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens.
I find it amazing that some Americans still want to fund ANY overseas war, when we've been lied to over and over about the reasons for going to war. I mean, Americans either have very short memories, or they're just brainwashed dupes.
Calling Israel a criminal, genocidal, terrorist nation is VERY dumb

And libs do that all the time

Almost no Americans think like that. That is a Zionist narrative brought to us by APAC and things like that. They complain like BLM babies if somebody has a legitimate criticism of the Israeli government they scream racism. It’s a BLM tactic. Very juvenile.

You got 30% of Trump supporters that don’t want to the Israeli government. And Republican politicians like Thomas Massey. Honest journalist like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, who have broken away from the propaganda of the mainstream media to report Honestly on various situations.

Israel doesn’t need American taxpayer dollars. They have a very strong military. And I’m certain that the billionaires who support Israel can fund Israel enough money… likewise individual Americans if they want to should be able to go and enjoy the IDF. But no more taxpayer to Israel or Ukrainian government. And that is the position of the American patriots its what the majority of American people want.
I find it amazing that some Americans still want to fund ANY overseas war, when we've been lied to over and over about the reasons for going to war. I mean, Americans either have very short memories, or they're just brainwashed dupes.
And thankfully now perhaps with the advent of alternative media most American people have woken up. The Zionist propaganda machine can’t play their same tired game of claiming to be the defenders of democracy in the Middle East. It nonsense Israel’s policies are racist in the West Bank. And they can run their government how they see it, but with the rise of alternative media they can’t get away with it as easy.

Even look at the streets of Israel there are massive protests by the Israeli people against Netanyahu . Because they realize that in the long-term game they need to have a different policy. What they’re doing now is not sustainable.

The question is how will the American politicians react to this? Because even most Democrat politicians overwhelmingly support Israel. They’re going against their own voters. Republicans are also probably now well aware that a large segment of Trump supporters don’t agree with funding Israel.
Of course you don’t bother with the second link because
It is behind a paywall

Six in 10 Americans (60%) prefer the United States support Israel militarily until the 115 hostages remaining in Gaza are returned. While three-quarters of Republicans (76%) favor supporting Israel until the hostages are released, Democrats and Independents are far more divided (55% and 52%, respectively). When it comes to Hamas, fewer Americans (49%) favor the United States supporting Israel militarily until it is dismantled or destroyed, while 44 percent oppose supporting Israel until this military objective is achieved. Nearly seven in 10 Republicans (67%) favor supporting Israel until Hamas is dismantled, compared to only four in 10 Independents (44%) and Democrats (41%).
Only 1/3 of the people in the poll indicate that they are following the situation closely. That's the approximate number of the people that approve of Israel's efforts. The rest are drones who rely on left wing propaganda from the likes of the mainstream media and the Palestine demonstrators.
Only 1/3 of the people in the poll indicate that they are following the situation closely. That's the approximate number of the people that approve of Israel's efforts. The rest are drones who rely on left wing propaganda from the likes of the mainstream media and the Palestine demonstrators.
You don’t know that. Those people who are “closely” following the situation could overwhelmingly be critics of Israel.

Here’s a thing one doesn’t have to follow the situation every day to realize it’s wrong to send tax dollars to Israel.

Don’t leave out the fact that conservative Arab Christians overwhelmingly oppose Israel’s policies. And that informed Americans who watch people like Tucker Carlson or Candace Owens do not agree with funding Israel.
An overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in its war against Hamas over the militant group running the Gaza Strip, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more.

Fuck Hamas. They are no better than the Japanese Fascist who carried out the Raping of Nanjing.
Yeah when you call ALL people of Gaza and Lebanon terrorists then you can justify killing all of them. And it's fucking evil to do that.
Yeah when you call ALL people of Gaza and Lebanon terrorists then you can justify killing all of them. And it's fucking evil to do that.
War is hell. After breaking the truce, and the raping across southern Israel the Israelis would be justified in total war against Hamas and demand an unconditional surrender of Hamas in Gaza like we did to Japan in WWII. After the raping and pillaging of Nanjing and the Bataan Death march, we killed civilians, men women and children with Bombs, fire bombings and atomic weapons until they surrendered. But the world treats Israelis differently don't they.
Does not matter. The fact is that OVERWHELMINGLY, Americans
"vote their pockets" which is why "it's coming out of your tax
the USA. it has BROAD BASED appeal.
Americans will always support Israel and Ukraine, and skull fuck Russia until it bleeds from the eyes.

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