Most Americans do not want to arm Israel

Typical troll post. There is nothing you can do about the data. The majority of American people do not support Armin Israel.

Troll on.

Honest support of Israel will admit that support of Israel is not popular among the American people. And that an overwhelming number of arab people including Arab Christians and atheists oppose the IDF and Israeli government.

You’re trying to say 2+2 = 5. So like I said troll on It’s all you do in most threads anyway.
You are fibbing, and it is not working. America supports Israel and has armed her for more than 70 years. Not stopping, Josef.
The Israeli lobby is powerful. They’ve actually been able to brainwash some Americans to believe that all Palestinians ever do is terrorism. When in reality bc Palestinians lack a conventional military they have to resort to gorilla warfare like tactics. Just like Zionist did before 1948. Zionists killed British civilians before 1948. And they also attacked the USS liberty killing over 30 Americans.

One Wonders why Israel is such a hot topic in America. When there are very violent wars going on in Myanmar and Somalia. It’s because of the powerful Zionist lobby in America. Democrat and GOP Politicians who support Israel always claim its a human rights thing and that is the right thing to support Israel…well if they actually cared about human rights They would try to end the wars in Myanmar and Somalia …. Same issue with the American media which is heavily influenced by Zionists. Notice how the American media bombards us with constant information on Israel and Ukraine yet nothing about those Africans in Somalia or the situation in Myanmar.
Written, and debunked over a century ago; yet it still infests too many human minds and is expressed in growing variations.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion[c] is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination. Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy.

The text was exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and by the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924. Beginning in 1933, distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if they were factual, to be read by German schoolchildren throughout Nazi Germany.[1] It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by antisemitic groups as a genuine document. It has been described as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written".[2]
Yeah when you call ALL people of Gaza and Lebanon terrorists then you can justify killing all of them. And it's fucking evil to do that.
But it's OK to call the ALL Jews diabolical villains to justify killing all of them, such as we've seen for centuries now.

Israel and the IDF are not out to kill ALL inhabitants of Gaza and Lebanon. The problem is that Hamas and Hezbollah are willing to use the innocent as shields and prohibit the people there from leaving.

But then there is the question of where can they leave to, who will take them in?

History shows that neighboring Muslim nations won't. That trend started in wake of the 1948 war so that the "Palestinians" and others could be used as pawns and fodder for future efforts to destroy the nation of Israel.
An overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in its war against Hamas over the militant group running the Gaza Strip, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more.

Fuck Hamas. They are no better than the Japanese Fascist who carried out the Raping of Nanjing.
And NEITHER THE DEMS (how unsuprising not) and Trump have not been saying why Israel needs more arms.

Ms Hunt's show on CNN (I turn it on at 530am before the dog walks me) had rep Auchincloss on this am. (no relation to the Kennedys, praise god.) And HE is the REAL DEAL


The core problem that Israel has is, Hezbollah has more than 100,000 precision guided munitions, which can overwhelm Iron Dome, which is the air defense system that Israel uses to protect its major cities. So, Prime Minister Netanyahu cannot promise the Israeli people that they can live peaceably, not just in the north of Israel, which had to be depopulated, but actually in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem, as well. And no leader of any democratic nation would ever allowed that position to be sustained. They have to remove that capability from southern Lebanon.

Now, if the United Nations had done its job and preserved the 2006 accord, this would not have been necessary. But the U.N. peacekeepers fail to prevent Hezbollah from encroaching upon Israeli territory. So now Israel's going to need to respond.

HUNT: How much goodwill do you think is left for Israel, and how much of a potential challenge, considering the war in Gaza, the way it sparked international backlash. Now they're opening this additional front. How much support do they need from Western nations? And do you think it's going to be there if this continues?

AUCHINCLOSS: Yes, if Israel had taken lectures from the United Nations and '48 or '67, or '73, it wouldn't exist as a nation. Israel's going to have to pursue its own security and self-interest here. And these politicians at the United Nations need to remember that they only have jobs because ultimately the United States was willing to fight for civilization when words failed during World War II. And Israel now similarly will fight for civilization against terrorists like Sinwar and Nasrallah, who hold no value of human life.
The Israeli lobby is powerful. They’ve actually been able to brainwash some Americans to believe that all Palestinians ever do is terrorism. When in reality bc Palestinians lack a conventional military they have to resort to gorilla warfare like tactics. Just like Zionist did before 1948. Zionists killed British civilians before 1948. And they also attacked the USS liberty killing over 30 Americans.

One Wonders why Israel is such a hot topic in America. When there are very violent wars going on in Myanmar and Somalia. It’s because of the powerful Zionist lobby in America. Democrat and GOP Politicians who support Israel always claim its a human rights thing and that is the right thing to support Israel…well if they actually cared about human rights They would try to end the wars in Myanmar and Somalia …. Same issue with the American media which is heavily influenced by Zionists. Notice how the American media bombards us with constant information on Israel and Ukraine yet nothing about those Africans in Somalia or the situation in Myanmar.
Meanwhile, Muslims hyjacked American airliners on Sept. 11, 2001 and killed nearly 3,000 people, mostly Americans.

We tried to "make peace" in Somalia, and the Muslims gave us the "Blackhawk Down" event in Mogadishu.

What you are seeking is an end to the 1400 years of near constant warfare against the world undertaken by Islam in the name of Allah. Until the dogma and scripture of Islam are invalidated, the Earth will have perpetual warfare. Until either all of us are Muslim, of the religion of Islam is abrogated and/or abolished.
Most Israeli people agree with my viewpoint and they’re fed up with their own government. That’s what you’re missing here. You’re a reactionary. Do you hate the 30% of Trump supporters that don’t want our Israel?

Israel is doing nothing for me. I don’t want my tax dollars going to Israel, Palestine, Russia, or Ukraine when we have homeless Americans. Israel has killed Christians in Lebanon. Tucker Carlson interviewed to Palestinian priest who opposes the idea. Now, what are you gonna say. You gonna keep rambling on about Islam this Islam that. Seriously what are you gonna do now. Are you going to troll?

People like Candace Owens a big-time conservative are also very much on point. islam has done nothing to us. By your Logic do you hate the British because they killed thousands of American patriots in the American revolutionary war and the war of 1812? … some Muslims have killed innocent people …are you seriously that backward or evil to think that all Muslims are the problem? Because by you’re own logic if you’re against all Muslims would have to apply to all British people.

So you’re being brainwashed by the Israeli lobby.

You have your free speech in average respect that. But interestingly, enough many of the Muslim majority country support a strong patriarchy and reject the radical left wing. Look at all the left-wing filth we have in America. So now what are you gonna say are you going to keep trolling with that nonsense point about Israel, being our shield or recognize that many of us Trump supporters don’t want to arm Israel and we want to end homelessness in America and solve the problems we have in this country, including our border issue.
Other side of the coin, from a post in thread;

What is Israel Doing that Drive the Muslims Crazy?​

The short answer is they; Jews/"Zionists"/Israel; have occupied land that many Muslims consider "theirs" and in which no other religion or ethnic is to be dominate or Rule.

The longer answer examines the background for this and we start with this;

Dar al-Harb vs. Dar al-Islam​

A crucial distinction made in Islamic theology is that between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam. ...

What Do Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam Mean?​

To put it simply, Dar al-Harb is understood as "territory of war or chaos." This is the name for the regions where Islam does not dominate and where divine will is not observed. It is, therefore, where continuing strife is the norm.

By contrast, Dar al-Islam is a "territory of peace." This is the name for those territories where Islam does dominate and where submission to God is observed. It is where peace and tranquility reign.

The Political and Religious Complications

The distinction is not quite as simple as it may appear at first. For one thing, the division is regarded as legal rather than theological. Dar al-Harb is not separated from Dar al-Islam by things like the popularity of Islam or divine grace. Rather, it is separated by the nature of the governments which have control over a territory.

A Muslim-majority nation not ruled by Islamic law is still Dar al-Harb. A Muslim-minority nation ruled by Islamic law could qualify as being part of Dar al-Islam.

Dar Al-Harb vs. Dar Al-Islam: War and Peace in Islam

The difference between Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harab is extremely complicated. Explore these two Islamic terms and how they affect war and peace.
Divisions of the world in Islam - Wikipedia
Within the scripture~dogma~theology of Islam there is a fundamental concept such that any land ever in the Dar al-Islam is a land that belongs FOREVER within the Dar al-Islam.

Since Islam conquered and imposed Sharia in the Levant (Israel, Palestine) roughly 1400 years ago, the change of hands to a non-Muslim Rule, i.e. the Jewish nation state is an insult and assault upon Islam and that land, Israel, must be returned into the fold of Dar al-Islam.

Other areas have a similar fate awaiting them, on the lands taken from the Dr al-Islam and which must be returned, such as Spain, most of Southern France, many parts of Southern to South-Eastern Europe, etc. But for now, primer focus and effort is towards Israel. Those other lands are later on the "to do" return-list.

Of course the Jews, especially the "Zionists" within that religion/ethnic, see the land of Israel as one they first claimed over 4000 years ago and have occupied for most of that time. Though not always with autonomy and Jewish religion and customs, and culture being dominate.

There is a further subtext backdrop here as well. Before he departed the Earthly realm, one of Muhammad's last instructions to his followers was that Allah had commanded that the whole World, all of humankind, MUST be converted to Islam. Either as believers=Muslims, or as people dominated and in submission to Islam. This can be by military force if "persuasion" doesn't work.

Icing on the cake is that Islamic concept of Paradise/Heaven is such that there are many levels, with the higher ones increasingly more luxurious, elaborate, with greater rewards and riches, etc. The more one excels in conquest, conversions, killing infidels, and/or martyrdom to the cause and advance of Islam, the higher level and greater rewards they will receive in Paradise.

Hence this motto;

NO Allah = NO Peace
KNOW Allah = KNOW Peace
Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

The highlighted text shows where you made your mistake. That's a nice collection of BS you have there. Israel cannot use nuclear weapons without destroying their own country. Hamas and Hezbollah are much better armed than what you said. Hezbollah launched a ballistic missile, probably supplied by Iran, at Tel Aviv. Where do they get their rockets and drones from? What about the Houthis firing at international shipping and naval vessels?

The obvious problem is in the lack of education that you and like-minded people may have received from the toxic media.
25 years of funding and fighting wars with billions of wasted dollars that could have gone to the American people... I know I'm sick of it and I don't understand why everyone isn't sick of it...
Just think what that money could have done for our infrastructure or a better retirement program that isn't broken...
I say enough... tell Ukraine no and tell Israel no... let them fight their own battles....
Those billions paid the salaries of millions of people whether in the military, or those supplying the weapons and supplies they consumed. Any savings would have just been spent on useless social programs for liberals to waste on programs that do not and never will improve life for your average American.
Written, and debunked over a century ago; yet it still infests too many human minds and is expressed in growing variations.

The Protocols of the Elders of ZionThe Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia[c] is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination. Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy.

The text was exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and by the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924. Beginning in 1933, distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if they were factual, to be read by German schoolchildren throughout Nazi Germany.[1] It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by antisemitic groups as a genuine document. It has been described as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written".[2]
Readers Become Flies Caught in the Authors' Spiderweb

Try to read more deeply; don't be mentored by CliffsNotes college graduates. The real focus of Protocols is an attack on the rights of the common people by the RichKid Reich. The spoiled-putrid guilltine-fodder couldn't openly say, "We who were born rich are your natural Masters. You have no rights whatsoever; God has decided that we have all the rights."

So they posed the struggle for popular rights as hopeless movements that are easily taken over by the Jews, who murdered the Son of God. Therefore, it is useless for the commoners to try rising out of their low-born subservience, because they would only become enslaved by the Jews, who are not the ones appointed by God to rule over them.
Acknowledge that the overwhelming member of Arab Christians and atheist oppose Israel policies.

You are presenting a Zionist narrative. Of the entire situation. And that’s your right, but you should be honest and acknowledge that your opinion is not popular in the Christian world.
Nice contradiction in terms, The overwhelming number of Arabs are not Christian, as to make them so small they are not significant. My best friend's grandparents immigrated from Syria in the 1950s because they were Christians and constantly persecuted by the Arabs. That was 70 years ago. Why is Lebanon's government so dysfunctional? They have a religion-based structure to their government where minority faiths make governing almost completely impossible. That's why Hezbollah are run amuck with no threat of the Lebanese government curbing their threats against Israel.

The average American, whether liberal or conservative does not have the education or experience the grasp the nuances of these situations to even offer an opinion. That is why we depend on elected representatives to help guide them through these issues.
Readers Become Flies Caught in the Authors' Spiderweb

Try to read more deeply; don't be mentored by CliffsNotes college graduates. The real focus of Protocols is an attack on the rights of the common people by the RichKid Reich. The spoiled-putrid guilltine-fodder couldn't openly say, "We who were born rich are your natural Masters. You have no rights whatsoever; God has decided that we have the all the rights."

So they posed the question of popular rights as hopeless movements that are easily taken over by the Jews, who murdered the Son of God. Therefore, it is useless for the commoners to try to get out of their low-born subservience, because they would only become enslaved by the Jews, who are not the ones appointed by God to rule over them.
You are actually more crazy than a guy I know whose house I walk past every morning and see his 20by20 fucking Israeli flag. Good thing he's in Mississippi where nobody really knows what the flag stands for. lol
And thankfully now perhaps with the advent of alternative media most American people have woken up. The Zionist propaganda machine can’t play their same tired game of claiming to be the defenders of democracy in the Middle East. It nonsense Israel’s policies are racist in the West Bank. And they can run their government how they see it, but with the rise of alternative media they can’t get away with it as easy.

Even look at the streets of Israel there are massive protests by the Israeli people against Netanyahu . Because they realize that in the long-term game they need to have a different policy. What they’re doing now is not sustainable.

The question is how will the American politicians react to this? Because even most Democrat politicians overwhelmingly support Israel. They’re going against their own voters. Republicans are also probably now well aware that a large segment of Trump supporters don’t agree with funding Israel.
Those protests were against the government because they felt they were not doing enough to free their hostages. Again, you are barking up the wrong tree. Deals were proposed to get more hostages released, but Hamas rejected them time and again when they finally realized their reason for fighting was gone and they knew they would eventually lose.
You don’t know that. Those people who are “closely” following the situation could overwhelmingly be critics of Israel.

Here’s a thing one doesn’t have to follow the situation every day to realize it’s wrong to send tax dollars to Israel.

Don’t leave out the fact that conservative Arab Christians overwhelmingly oppose Israel’s policies. And that informed Americans who watch people like Tucker Carlson or Candace Owens do not agree with funding Israel.
Most of the world's Arab Christians live in Lebanon and let the Hezbollah terrorists run rampant in their country. Is that who you are talking about?
Those billions paid the salaries of millions of people whether in the military, or those supplying the weapons and supplies they consumed. Any savings would have just been spent on useless social programs for liberals to waste on programs that do not and never will improve life for your average American.
Those jobs just don't blow away in the wind because we aren't at war or funding one... we are behind in stock piling our own weapons for our defense...
We also have several space programs alive and well where these people can find work...
No... that argument is like the one liberals used to use when they were anti war... they would say the troops being deployed costs the USA too much money... ignoring the fact that stateside troops still need to be paid and trained....
We don't have to actively be at war to keep people employed... that's a false argument...
Nice contradiction in terms, The overwhelming number of Arabs are not Christian, as to make them so small they are not significant. My best friend's grandparents immigrated from Syria in the 1950s because they were Christians and constantly persecuted by the Arabs. That was 70 years ago. Why is Lebanon's government so dysfunctional? They have a religion-based structure to their government where minority faiths make governing almost completely impossible. That's why Hezbollah are run amuck with no threat of the Lebanese government curbing their threats against Israel.

The average American, whether liberal or conservative does not have the education or experience the grasp the nuances of these situations to even offer an opinion. That is why we depend on elected representatives to help guide them through these issues.
Except most of our elected representatives are just as, if not more clueless than most of those voting for them.
A major reason our nation and the world is in the mess it is.

After a couple of decades involved local and state politics, I'm speaking from first hand experience. Part of the challenge is that the demands of campaigning for office; time, energy, costs, public abuse, etc. means it takes a certain personality type to stick with it, especially beyond the first try/effort.
None of the above matters. None of it.

If the Arabs overrun Israel, the Jews will nuke the ME into molten glass.

Don't ever for a second doubt it.

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