Most Americans do not want to arm Israel

Most Americans want some kind of settlement and probably would be ok with pressuring Israel to act normal, but there are still a few that for some reason have the unquestioned codependent love of them for some reason. We still pretend to be working for peace while still going in debt to arm them, and the public somehow accepts any story they read.
Most Americans want some kind of settlement and probably would be ok with pressuring Israel to act normal, but there are still a few that for some reason have the unquestioned codependent love of them for some reason. We still pretend to be working for peace while still going in debt to arm them, and the public somehow accepts any story they read. View attachment 1018060
A good case can be made that our political class are traitors.
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It is "anti that nation" when that nation's majority of weapons are made in the USA and need our spare parts and ammo to function.
There is hardly any other nation in the West that will come to Israel's or any other nation's aid.
Most of the former "great" nations of the West are even more bankrupt than the USA.

The USA wouldn't be this "deep in" had we done things differently during the past few decades.
Waiting to react, rather than pro-act, and then only doing the minimum, the band-aid the solution, is one way to "rinse and repeat" later on.
First off I am a fellow Trump supporter and I find it unfortunate that you clicked fake news on about six of my posts. I wonder if you took the time to read any of them. Because some of the points in there are real news and if you’re clicking fake news, you’re engaging in partisan politics.

It is not fake news when we have data. The data says 30% of Trump supporters do not agree with arming Israel. And now most Americans do not agree with arming Israel. This should be no surprise because Candace Owens for example who is critical of Israeli actions in Palestine and Lebanon is overwhelmingly loved by conservative people. She has a top three podcast in the entire country. Almost her entire listener base are Trump supporters.

Within conservatives, there is a split on arming countries like Ukraine or Israel.

Also it was the United States military industrial complex that blocked Israel from creating its own own military jet program in the 1980s. A lot of people in Israel do not want any weapons from America. They want to be able to maintain their own military which they have the power to do so. That issue is the fault of the US military industrial complex so they need to reverse that policy. And right now Israel has nuclear weapons they face no threat from the Palestinians in the sense of Palestine has no conventional military. They’re only real threat is the Iranian military as Israel is surrounded by allies in the Arab countries now because of the Trump Abraham accords and other things.

I’m actually not going to get into debating the Israel Palestine conflict with you. I simply hope that you stop clicking fake news on my posts cause you’re doing this to a fellow Trump supporter and I have never clicked fake news on any of your posts or giving you any kind of a negative feedback. But I digress there it actually doesn’t really affect me. You can do it all you want. I’m just hoping you don’t as a sign of mutual respect.

As Americans, we should be able to have civil disagreements about arming foreign countries. And I believe in putting the American people first. Now you can provide your opinion that you think Israel is some kind of a vanguard of democracy in the Middle East and is in the front line against “Muslim Terrorists”. I have a right to disagree with that without being personally attacked. Just like you have a right to support Israel without being personally attacked. A more positive environment should be fostered here especially if it’s between Trump supporters
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It is "anti that nation" when that nation's majority of weapons are made in the USA and need our spare parts and ammo to function.
There is hardly any other nation in the West that will come to Israel's or any other nation's aid.
Most of the former "great" nations of the West are even more bankrupt than the USA.

The USA wouldn't be this "deep in" had we done things differently during the past few decades.
Waiting to react, rather than pro-act, and then only doing the minimum, the band-aid the solution, is one way to "rinse and repeat" later on.
Let them go to the EU with their hand out for cash and then they can buy our weapons... we are creating a welfare case out of Ukraine with no exit plan or end date or a cap on how much we give them...
Damn it... try being for our nation first for a change... we have people living on the streets... fucking wake up and start thinking for yourself not following the biased media....
The better solution is for "the State" to spend less, provide less, tax less, and allow more market and free enterprise to provide more jobs and grow the economy. Also find ways to provide "workfare" rather than "welfare".

If you looked at and understood the Debt Clock link I provided, especially look over the 'time machine' of past tallies, you'd see that proportionally Defense (warfare) spending has been declining compared to social services (bread and circuses) which are the ones rising and helping to drive up Deficit=Debt.

A reminder that the Nation's Defense is mandated by the Constitution, whereas Debt and Social Services are not. There are times when one needs to use the sword, not just keep sharpening it. History of the past century is filled with examples were early and correct use of small military force could have prevented later and larger problems.

I'll agree we could use leadership strong enough to stand up to and oppose tyranny and aggression from other nations. It would also help to acknowledge that there is Evil in the world and many nations are operating on it's behalf.

In the case of Israel, it is the frontline and bares the brunt of Islamic Jihad's attacks against the West. The USA began to provide military aid* to Israel when the USSR took interest in and provided weapons to the enemies of Israel. A couple stipendiaries were that many of our weapons systems got actual live combat, real world testing and Israel was able to provide us with technology insights of Soviet weapons they captured.

Another great service Israel provided was the destruction of Iraq's nuclear weapons program, June 1981;

* = JFK's Administration is the one that lifted the earlier Truman and Eisenhower policies prohibiting USA military aid to Israel.
I would much rather go into debt. helping Americans in need than helping Ukraine for free.... see I'm America first and American people first... That's the difference between you and I....
  1. Whether someone supports Israel or not, don’t be a reactionary to this. Slow down and breathe and listen to what the American people are saying. Don’t call somebody anti Jewish and don’t call somebody a terrorist sympathizer it’s dumb. It’s no different than saying people who support Israel are terrorists.

While the results are somewhat partisan a large minority of Trump supporters 30% of them that is …oppose arming Israel. So for the people who believe Israel can do nothing wrong you folks have a problem here. And I am a Trump supporter and 30% of us do not want to arm Israel. Frankly Israel does not need American weapons. They have nuclear weapons and the people they are fighting in Palestine are armed with rocks and pistols. Hezbollah also appears to be a paper Tiger and plenty of people in Israel no longer want American aid. They want to be able to be more independent.

Our tax dollars should not go to arming Israel. That is because of the Will of the American people. As said before and many people would agree with the following ….Individual America should be allowed to go to join the Israeli or Palestinian armed forces or the Russian or Ukrainian ones. Personally I wouldn’t fight for any of these groups, but I believe this is the best course to follow what the USA did during the Spanish Civil War when Americans were allowed to fight for both sides.

So most Americans do not support arming Israel and interestingly enough 30% of Trump supporters do not support arming Israel. That is a huge number. Some would think that only 2% of Trump supporters don’t support arming Israel.

This coincides with a Gallup poll back in march showing majority of Americans, disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Israel is already armed. This is what we should do with Israel...

  1. Stop protecting Israel with our veto in the UNSC.
  2. Stop all weapons shipments to Israel.
  3. Freeze all Israeli assets in US banks.
  4. Submit a binding resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to end the occupation or the decision to leave will no longer be Israel's to make.
First off I am a fellow Trump supporter and I find it unfortunate that you clicked fake news on about six of my posts. I wonder if you took the time to read any of them. Because some of the points in there are real news and if you’re clicking fake news, you’re engaging in partisan politics.

It is not fake news when we have data. The data says 30% of Trump supporters do not agree with arming Israel. And now most Americans do not agree with arming Israel. This should be no surprise because Candace Owens for example who is critical of Israeli actions in Palestine and Lebanon is overwhelmingly loved by conservative people. She has a top three podcast in the entire country. Almost her entire listener base are Trump supporters.

Within conservatives, there is a split on arming countries like Ukraine or Israel.

Also it was the United States military industrial complex that blocked Israel from creating its own own military jet program in the 1980s. A lot of people in Israel do not want any weapons from America. They want to be able to maintain their own military which they have the power to do so. That issue is the fault of the US military industrial complex so they need to reverse that policy. And right now Israel has nuclear weapons they face no threat from the Palestinians in the sense of Palestine has no conventional military. They’re only real threat is the Iranian military as Israel is surrounded by allies in the Arab countries now because of the Trump Abraham accords and other things.

I’m actually not going to get into debating the Israel Palestine conflict with you. I simply hope that you stop clicking fake news on my posts cause you’re doing this to a fellow Trump supporter and I have never clicked fake news on any of your posts or giving you any kind of a negative feedback. But I digress there it actually doesn’t really affect me. You can do it all you want. I’m just hoping you don’t as a sign of mutual respect.

As Americans, we should be able to have civil disagreements about arming foreign countries. And I believe in putting the American people first. Now you can provide your opinion that you think Israel is some kind of a vanguard of democracy in the Middle East and is in the front line against “Muslim Terrorists”. I have a right to disagree with that without being personally attacked. Just like you have a right to support Israel without being personally attacked. A more positive environment should be fostered here especially if it’s between Trump supporters
I've covered this several times in other posts.
This board only offers two ways to make a clear negative response-emoji; the thumbs down="disagree" or the "fake news". Too often the thumbs down isn't enough and the fake news has to fill in for a number of variations on negative rating.

In your case it is in reference to your 'conclusions' more than your 'data'. However, much of what you present as 'data'/'fact' is unsupported with a link or credible source and comes across as more your opinion. If it makes you feel better, give me "fake news" back. I have a thicker skin and less sensitive feelings on such matters, especially when knowing what pukes have done such.

You fail to grasp that nuclear weapons are strategic ones and not something you use in a tactical application. You don't drop a nuke in neighborhood where Hamas is holed up and has a network of underground tunnels and facilities. Downwind fallout alone should be a concern, but it seems to be something (one of many things) you don't understand or grasp. It's the concept of proportional response and nukes are reserved for a higher level of warfare such as counter to the nukes Iran is developing or that other Muslim nations might acquire, such as from North Korea maybe.

Hamas and Hezbollah are proxy militaries funded by and operating on behalf of Iran. We dealt with similar while we had our military in Iraq after removing Saddam. Iran is focused on any form of Jihad that will defeat the USA and also Israel. Iran is the current standard bearer for Islamic Jihad and a campaign of warfare against the Dar al-Haram that has been going on now for nearly 1400 years.

You can bow to Mecca if you wish, but I have no desire for that, or any religion for that matter.

The victims of the Oct. 7, 2023 would not consider the "Palestinians"(Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Etc.) the minor nuisance that you do. They employed more than "rocks and pistols".

We saw your line of thinking back in the 1930s when Germany, Italy, and Japan engaged in aggression(and conquest) against many of their neighboring nations and rather than take immediate action to nip that shit in the bud, we let them get away with years of it and then had a much larger war to fight on our hands.

As I've also pointed out several times on this board, there was a "two-state solution" for the area known as Israel, back in 1948, worked out by the United Nations, but rejected by the Arab/Muslim nations bordering in that region. The war has fluxed from low-level sniping harassment to full fledged assaults several times over the years and looks to continue that way for the near to distant future.

You can quisling and appease in your stance as much as you want, komrade, but your scheme of cowardice and submission is not one I can support or endorse. The alternative you seek is not something I support.
First off I am a fellow Trump supporter and I find it unfortunate that you clicked fake news on about six of my posts. I wonder if you took the time to read any of them. Because some of the points in there are real news and if you’re clicking fake news, you’re engaging in partisan politics.

It is not fake news when we have data. The data says 30% of Trump supporters do not agree with arming Israel. And now most Americans do not agree with arming Israel. This should be no surprise because Candace Owens for example who is critical of Israeli actions in Palestine and Lebanon is overwhelmingly loved by conservative people. She has a top three podcast in the entire country. Almost her entire listener base are Trump supporters.

Stop lying. 60%plus of America want to arm Israel.
Let them go to the EU with their hand out for cash and then they can buy our weapons... we are creating a welfare case out of Ukraine with no exit plan or end date or a cap on how much we give them...
Damn it... try being for our nation first for a change... we have people living on the streets... fucking wake up and start thinking for yourself not following the biased media....
We have a nation that is embroiled in the world affairs in many ways; from the natural resources overseas, the markets we sever and are served by, and from use of our dollar as a main medium of exchange. The dated and worn out concept of isolation won't work to our benefit.

In case you haven't noticed, EU is more bankrupt than the USA.

The "exit plan" is to see Russia give up, hopefully go broke in the effort, seek an armistice and give up on the war; and then we can step back on the military aid and support we give to Ukraine.

About 90+% of the people living on the streets have substance abuse habits (alcohol, drugs) and need to be cured of that before any more money thrown at them will "help". The solution is get then clean and sober than employed to help themselves. It's a matter of will and focus more than money.

I don't follow the biased media, I'm more an Epoch Times sort along with other unconventional sources.
I am putting America first by trying to deal with the global troubles where they are rather than wait for them to spill over to here.
This world is sphere, and we are all as much downhill and down wind of others as we are also up hill and up wind of them.

Also, I'm active in the conservative side of politics, such as with my local GOP and unfortunately there are too many among us that have embraced the revised version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as if the source is from God rather than Satan.

Too many fail to see the deceptions that the Dark Side cloaks itself in.
We have a nation that is embroiled in the world affairs in many ways; from the natural resources overseas, the markets we sever and are served by, and from use of our dollar as a main medium of exchange. The dated and worn out concept of isolation won't work to our benefit.

In case you haven't noticed, EU is more bankrupt than the USA.

The "exit plan" is to see Russia give up, hopefully go broke in the effort, seek an armistice and give up on the war; and then we can step back on the military aid and support we give to Ukraine.

About 90+% of the people living on the streets have substance abuse habits (alcohol, drugs) and need to be cured of that before any more money thrown at them will "help". The solution is get then clean and sober than employed to help themselves. It's a matter of will and focus more than money.

I don't follow the biased media, I'm more an Epoch Times sort along with other unconventional sources.
I am putting America first by trying to deal with the global troubles where they are rather than wait for them to spill over to here.
This world is sphere, and we are all as much downhill and down wind of others as we are also up hill and up wind of them.

Also, I'm active in the conservative side of politics, such as with my local GOP and unfortunately there are too many among us that have embraced the revised version of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as if the source is from God rather than Satan.

Too many fail to see the deceptions that the Dark Side cloaks itself in.
I don't care if they are broke so are we... maybe its time they print money...
You lost me at "Epoch Times". Post-truth social posing with alternate facts.
Sorry to hear that.
At least ET tends to be more objective and factual than the majority of MSM.
And it is one of many non-MSM I use to get more accurate info than the "fake news" put out by MSM.

Something acquired via G2/S2 is avoid source bias and gauge by content.

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