Most talented young political minds are all Conservatives! Here’s my top ten


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Candace Owens
Charlie Kirk
Dan Crenshaw
Matt gaetz
Joel Patrick
Rob Smith
Mike Johnson ( of Louisiana)
John Ratcliffe
Tucker Carlson

I can go on and on, but the most influential people on the Internet the most searched are some of these people in this list.

The future is bright not for republicans but for America.
I Forgot Greg Gutfeld,, but you gotta watch him he could switch , his kind hates nationalism .. but great mind
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It's much easier to become a Democrat rising star. All you have to do is memorize a few things like, medicare for all, green new deal, open borders, free college, debt forgiveness, reparations, Whitey is a racist, millionaires suck especially the old White ones, Free speech only includes things they agree with and above everything else - RESIST. You could teach anyone to parrot those platitudes. That's why you have so many simple minded Dems. They had to dumb down the curriculum to get them to buy in.
How can Gen Z have the full picture when they have been denied options?
Why am I listening to a faggot talk?
Oh yeah, Gen Z, truth has been hidden from them and Commie teachers all the time, that will will work out great!

My God, one of the youngers talked about taking Granddad out back and putting him down because he can no longer work.

Okay, Granddad is responsible for said Communist-indoctrinated kid having a home in the 1st fucking place.

The sheer disrespectfulness of that pisses me off.

That little mofo could be living in the projects if not for Granddad that can no longer work.

Also there are many things to be learned from the elders. Just because a person's working time has ended does not make them useless to society.
Far from that.

But apparently that's what the kids are being taught in schools today.
Aktion T-4 Nazi shit is what the commies are preaching in the schools now.

Wait til I get me some money, I'm donating to the Shriners.
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Candace Owens
Charlie Kirk
Dan Crenshaw
Matt gaetz
Joel Patrick
Rob Smith
Mike Johnson ( of Louisiana)
John Ratcliffe
Tucker Carlson

I can go on and on, but the most influential people on the Internet the most searched are some of these people in this list.

The future is bright not for republicans but for America.

If these are the brightest conservative minds, then the right hand side of the aisle is in BIG trouble. :)
Outside of Dan Crenshaw (who comes off as a tool but can at least make an argument), the rest are all just varying degrees of batshit crazy.
Candace Owens
Charlie Kirk
Dan Crenshaw
Matt gaetz
Joel Patrick
Rob Smith
Mike Johnson ( of Louisiana)
John Ratcliffe
Tucker Carlson

I can go on and on, but the most influential people on the Internet the most searched are some of these people in this list.

The future is bright not for republicans but for America.

If these are the brightest conservative minds, then the right hand side of the aisle is in BIG trouble. :)
Outside of Dan Crenshaw (who comes off as a tool but can at least make an argument), the rest are all just varying degrees of batshit crazy.
Cool story .. pls provide your promising bunch
Candace Owens
Charlie Kirk
Dan Crenshaw
Matt gaetz
Joel Patrick
Rob Smith
Mike Johnson ( of Louisiana)
John Ratcliffe
Tucker Carlson

I can go on and on, but the most influential people on the Internet the most searched are some of these people in this list.

The future is bright not for republicans but for America.

If these are the brightest conservative minds, then the right hand side of the aisle is in BIG trouble. :)
Outside of Dan Crenshaw (who comes off as a tool but can at least make an argument), the rest are all just varying degrees of batshit crazy.
Cool story .. pls provide your promising bunch

Your OP isn't about the promising bunch on the other side of the aisle. So far, you've come up with one name that I would catagorize as promising.
I'll give you one. Justin Amash. While I don't agree with everything he espouses, he at least comes off as reasonable. And he has the courage of sticking to his convictions when the lion share of the rest of his mates just follow the lapdogs. I'd put Rand Paul in that catagory too, but the guy just comes off as too big of a douche. :)
Candace Owens
Charlie Kirk
Dan Crenshaw
Matt gaetz
Joel Patrick
Rob Smith
Mike Johnson ( of Louisiana)
John Ratcliffe
Tucker Carlson

I can go on and on, but the most influential people on the Internet the most searched are some of these people in this list.

The future is bright not for republicans but for America.

If these are the brightest conservative minds, then the right hand side of the aisle is in BIG trouble. :)
Outside of Dan Crenshaw (who comes off as a tool but can at least make an argument), the rest are all just varying degrees of batshit crazy.
Cool story .. pls provide your promising bunch

Your OP isn't about the promising bunch on the other side of the aisle. So far, you've come up with one name that I would catagorize as promising.
I'll give you one. Justin Amash. While I don't agree with everything he espouses, he at least comes off as reasonable. And he has the courage of sticking to his convictions when the lion share of the rest of his mates just follow the lapdogs. I'd put Rand Paul in that catagory too, but the guy just comes off as too big of a douche. :)
I love Rand! Justin is a hack.. he was probably turned down by trump for a job.. embarrassing how you lefties latch on to Disenfranchised people

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