MS-13 Hunting Party kill’s student in San Francisco he begs 4 his life shot 9 times


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
takes one to the head.

MS-13 leader convicted of racketeering in San Francisco

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

San Francisco, California – The authorities have convicted a local MS-13 gang leader, Danilo Velasquez, aka “Triste”and his flunky Luis Herrera, aka “Killer,” both were found guilty on a host of charges which includes racketeering, conspiracy and multiple murders.

There are many stories in this article but this one stick out to me.

This story is about one of the murder victims he was a not a gang member and was an innocent young college student riding in a car with his peers. He was shot 9 times and begged for his life before he died in 2009.

MS-13, La Mara Salvatrucha are the most vicious and dangerous gangs in America. A majority of its members are illegal aliens and they are all over the United States.

A local MS-13 leader Danilo Velasquez, aka “Triste”and his fledgling Luis Herrera, aka “Killer,” murdered a young college student named Moises Frias.

These dangerous MS-13 clowns worked the city streets of San Francisco without a conscience and they call the Mission District their territory and their attitudes were no body better go on their turf unless they want to be killed. For fun they would track down rival gang members and try to kill them wherever they were found.

When the Feds cracked down on the MS-13 gang members in 2008 many gangsters were arrested and sent to prison. Velasquez called for violence in the streets to protests the arrests of the gang member's family and friends.

These thugs rummbled with other gangs, and they extorted money from people and they killed just for fun. Velasquez and Herrera have been charged with many murders.

The college student that they killed was traveling in a car with 3 other college students and some professional people. Velasquez and Herrera saw them in their car and wanted to have a little fun so they followed them.

Herrera was driving a stolen car and Velasquez and a 3rd gang member were passengers and they were all dangerously armed.

The 3 thugs followed the student’s car and boxed them in at a traffic light in Daly City. Velasquez and Herrera pulled out semi-automatic handguns and fired into the drivers and passenger doors of the student’s car. Velasquez then aimed directly at 3 of the people in the student’s car and fired, luckily his gun kept sticking. One student Moises Frias was killed he was hit 9 times and took one to the head. The others survived because of the gun malfunction and the 3rd thug ran out of bullets. It was Herrera’s weapon that had killed Moises Frias. Herrera took a plea deal and told on the others.

“The survivors of the shooting testified at trial that the victim begged for the shooting to stop immediately before he died.”

Velasques and Herrera have been charged and convicted of many crimes, here are the charges.

Velasquez was convicted of conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise, conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering, conspiracy to commit assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering, and using and discharging a firearm in connection with a crime of violence.

Herrera pleaded guilty to seven racketeering related counts, including use of a firearm causing the death of Frias. As part of his plea, Herrera admitted that he was part of the MS-13 hunting party that followed the victims’ car on February 19, 2009, and murdered Moises Frias (the guy college student).

The 3rd Thug, its unknown what he got.

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Meanwhile I'm deployed fighting foreign terrorist. I think it's time to kick some domestic ass!
Hell yeah but first a beer to toast liberty's other fine men
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Yea, got a nest of `em livin' 3 doors down from me...

... they're real trash...

... local cops do little more than shake their finger at `em.
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MS-13 is big in my area. The Hispanic kid finds it hard to fight the pull of gang life and join, despite the love and support from their families. During their early to mid-teens, the jump-in, three dot tattoo, and initiation happens and life as they know it changes forever.

Individually, most of them are scrawny punks. It takes a number of them to terrorize a neighborhood or just a person or two. MS-13 is just another example of the decay of society. A decay that us good Americans must prepare for.
Yeah, thank God we don't have any American gangs. How terrible would it be if we found out that people born and raised in this country did this kind of thing too? Imagine if they were white? Oh, the horror...As we all know, only illegal immigrants kill people. Pretty sure every one crossing the border is just coming up here to reek havoc on our society. I'm sure all that, "we're trying to feed our families" BS is just a bunch of lies. Good thing no large American corporations like Tyson are having large numbers of illegal immigrants shipped up here to work in their factories. Yeah, it's good to know that only Mexicans do bad things and that they are all evil little f#@kers. The Christian thing to do would be to just grease them all, right?
Yeah, thank God we don't have any American gangs. How terrible would it be if we found out that people born and raised in this country did this kind of thing too? Imagine if they were white? Oh, the horror...As we all know, only illegal immigrants kill people. Pretty sure every one crossing the border is just coming up here to reek havoc on our society. I'm sure all that, "we're trying to feed our families" BS is just a bunch of lies. Good thing no large American corporations like Tyson are having large numbers of illegal immigrants shipped up here to work in their factories. Yeah, it's good to know that only Mexicans do bad things and that they are all evil little f#@kers. The Christian thing to do would be to just grease them all, right?

'feed our families'???? Have you seen ONE thin person crossing the border??? THEY COME HERE FOR THE PERKS THIS GOVERNMENT GIVES THEM!!! Where else do they do for the illegals what they do for them here???? Name me ONE country and then we will talk. As for having 'white gangs' here - of course we have them. So is that a good reason to let more cirminals in???? More gang bangers??? YOU don't think we have enough born and bred that we have to IMPORT them???? Geez your comments were asinine!
Yeah, thank God we don't have any American gangs. How terrible would it be if we found out that people born and raised in this country did this kind of thing too? Imagine if they were white? Oh, the horror...As we all know, only illegal immigrants kill people. Pretty sure every one crossing the border is just coming up here to reek havoc on our society. I'm sure all that, "we're trying to feed our families" BS is just a bunch of lies. Good thing no large American corporations like Tyson are having large numbers of illegal immigrants shipped up here to work in their factories. Yeah, it's good to know that only Mexicans do bad things and that they are all evil little f#@kers. The Christian thing to do would be to just grease them all, right?

Yeah, thank God we don't have any American gangs.

In my opinion, that’s your thought and it’s an attempt of a thinly veiled cover up for the criminal illegal aliens. You know damn well every American knows that there are American gangs in America. Both Blacks and Whites have gangs for instance the Hell’s Angels and Black Panthers just to name two that have been around before you were born.

How terrible would it be if we found out that people born and raised in this country did this kind of thing too?

We Americans are quite aware that some Americans are committing crimes. As, was pointed out to you before. We have enough crime and criminals in America and we don’t need to import criminals or poverty from 3rd world countries.

The foreign illegal alien and their criminals drain the economy and over crowd the jails and prisons. The tax payers are forced to pay for their legal fees because they are indigent bums (no money). We the tax payers are forced to pay for their welfare and other social services that they drain dry. Then we have to put up with them Killing Americans. We have to draw the line somewhere and demand that our politicians close the flood gate called the Southern border and deport ALL illegal aliens from America! No matter if the illegal alien is a man, woman or child they all must be treated equally and deported in a safe and humane manner ASAP!

Imagine if they were white? Oh, the horror...

You say, imagine if they were white. That says to me that you are a product of an illegal alien.

As we all know, only illegal immigrants kill people.

First of all according to the Federal Gov., “immigrants” are people who LEGALLY ask to enter the United States and they go through the proper procedures to do so legally they follow the laws and play by the rules until they achieve U.S. citizenship.

The “illegal aliens” sneak into the country illegally and cut in line in front of the “immigrants” and demand amnesty, Open Borders and all the welfare and social services they can suck up.

The pro-illegal alien supporters like to call their “criminal illegal alien” friends and relative “immigrants” because it sounds better and more legal and it might confuse some Americans to give them amnesty and open borders. Frankly, I don’t think the Average Joe wants to give the illegal aliens diddly-squat.

The truth of the matter is that the “illegal alien” is just a person who lied, cheated and stole his way into America. Once in America he then demands the keys to the country and all the freebies he can get his hands on. The illegal aliens and their supporters are all a bunch of 3rd world parasites they're a plague of locust raping the land of everything good and living.

Pretty sure every one crossing the border is just coming up here to reek havoc on our society.

Everyone crossing our Southern border is wreaking havoc on our economy that’s for sure. Many of the illegal aliens, men and women, that come to America are often wanted by the law in their own counties and are running away. These criminals find it easy to cross the Southern border and they enter into the U.S. to escape from going to jail in their country of origin.

I'm sure all that, "we're trying to feed our families" BS is just a bunch of lies.

Yes, that is a bunch of lies more than 50% of the illegal aliens had jobs in their countries of origin and quit before they came to America and the illegal aliens didn’t have American born kids when they crossed the border either!

Most of the illegal aliens (men and women) had families in their own countries that they left behind. They deserted their spouses and their children when they came to America. Those families are still waiting for their mommy and daddy to return.

Instead the illegal alien parents start churning out new kids, with a new families in America and they forget about those children that they left behind in their countries of origin.

The illegal aliens have kids as fast as they can after they hit U.S. dirt. They do this so that they can collect the Welfare Bucks and all the free social services that go along with birthing an "American born child", the Anchor Baby.

The illegal aliens only have their children in America because it brings them money and benefits. The illegals don’t really want children what they really want is the welfare checks. They have their kids to collect the benefits. They could care less about their own children.

Anyone living in an area with illegal aliens can turn on the 6:00 News and see how they treat their children it's terrible, they beat them and negect them and worse. Many are raped in the home by their own parent. Or the mother’s let the kids get raped by other illegal aliens living in the household of 20 and she never tells anyone. The parents put their children in dangerous situations that no one in their right mind would. They teach their children how to be criminals and to hate Americans. I’d say that over 60% of all children born to illegal aliens are sexually abused in their own homes. It’s a national disgrace to allow these 3rd world people come to America and commit disgusting and heinous crimes! Their children should be taken away from them.

The American born child provides the illegal aliens with free section 8 housing for the entire family whether their legal or not along with free food stamps, paid utilities, free medical care.

If that child has physical disabilities they really hit the jackpot and the Social Security check start rolling. Then their child is qualified for a ton more "free money" and upgraded benefits. This is why we American must demand our politicians to close the Southern border and End Birthright Citizenship.

Good thing no large American corporations like Tyson are having large numbers of illegal immigrants shipped up here to work in their factories.

Sounds like you know something that Immigration and Control and Enforcement (ICE) would love to know. Which Tyson plant is hiring illegal aliens and bringing them into the America illegally from foreign countries? Those jobs would be gladly welcomed by many unemployed Americans.

Yeah, it's good to know that only Mexicans do bad things and that they are all evil little f#@kers.

The term "illegal alien" is not a race of people. It is a group of people from different countries who are criminals that are breaking the United States Federal Immigration Laws. Using the term ‘illegal alien’ is NOT a racist remark or a racial slur. It is a term created by the Federal Government and is used in the Federal Immigration Laws describing illegal alien foreign national law breakers.

IMO, coined by a great patriot they are “Crimigrants.”

The Christian thing to do would be to just grease them all, right?

Grease them, you mean cook them? Oh my heavens no! We Americans are very civilized and wouldn’t harm a hair on the heads of the illegal aliens or their illegal alien children. We only want them arrested and deported safely back to their countries of origin where they belong.

We want our government to put the military on the Southern border to make sure that they can’t come back in without proper documentation. Everyone who enters into America must have proper documentation. It’s not wrong to demand the same standards for everyone including the illegal aliens. No one is above the laws!

We’re not saying they can never come back. We’re saying come the legal way or don’t come at all.
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Here we see the fucking idiot wolfdouche performing his usual act while responding to the fucking idiot dipshit.
Yeah, thank God we don't have any American gangs. How terrible would it be if we found out that people born and raised in this country did this kind of thing too? Imagine if they were white? Oh, the horror...As we all know, only illegal immigrants kill people. Pretty sure every one crossing the border is just coming up here to reek havoc on our society. I'm sure all that, "we're trying to feed our families" BS is just a bunch of lies. Good thing no large American corporations like Tyson are having large numbers of illegal immigrants shipped up here to work in their factories. Yeah, it's good to know that only Mexicans do bad things and that they are all evil little f#@kers. The Christian thing to do would be to just grease them all, right?

Actually yes. MS-13 is a terrorist organisation run from El Salvadore. The best thing we could do would be to hunt them down and kill them. They are the most violent group I know of and seek out poor victims like this one purely to terrorise the area.
this is conservative fear-mongering at its best, designed to create an 'us versus them' attitude. What is the sensationalism here? Is this anything really new??? This is well-known gang activity that has happened countless times in American history. It is not a positive phenomenon. It is terrible of course, and they should be brought to justice and this type of activity averted. But, I don't understand this OP. What about Crips, Bloods, KKK, and the Latin Kings? There have been violent American gangs around and will be around as long as money can be made from the sale of illegal drugs. If they weren't illegal, this wouldn't happen- that is just a fact, I am not saying it is desirable, but one option if people would let go of fear. Gangs that have hurt innocent people for no reason. In the 80's, gang activity was terrible in New York. You could get stabbed because local gangs were doing initiations for its newest members. The tone of this OP is like that of a bunch of scared middle-class white people in the conservative fifties so scared of the new minority family down the street. I use this analogy simply in drawing a parallel to the xenophobic mentality that I see more and more now by white conservative america again. I thought we had smartened. I thought that us, as human race, had moved past this pettiness. These are human problems that create these conditions, not anything attributable to a certain race, creed, etc.... I am not excusing these gang members, as their actions incite anger for me too, but I dont' attribute it to them being mexican, or a minority. It is a product of those circumstances, and always will be, as a way achieving status, money and power within the confines of poverty. It is the appeal to xenophobic mentalities that worries me: creating 'us versus them,' as if America has never seen anything like this, and it is just these 'damn mexicans.' Please. Grow up, and take the blinders off. Hate and fear do nothing to change this.
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Liberals are much better at fear mongering than are conservatives. It has nothing to do with fear mongering as much as common sense and liberals are very short in that.
Liberals are much better at fear mongering than are conservatives. It has nothing to do with fear mongering as much as common sense and liberals are very short in that.

I don't see how you can honestly say that liberals even fear monger to near the degree conservatives do. What common sense is there in blaming an entire race for the actions of a few, and omitting the circumstances that produce that behavior? Oh, I know... it's all about the conservative creed of personality responsibility. That, magically, we are in control of everything in life as people, because, we all live in a vacuum, yet magically interact with each other in this worldly interface without somehow being affected by each other. Even things we don't have control over, like everything outside of ourselves, we have control over... so if people do bad things, they are simply bad people, and that's where it ends. There is no consideration for circumstances, and no such thing as empathy or 'walking a mile in someone else shoes' before you judge them. Conservatives tend to be immature little children who point their finger but never look at themselves. Liberals aren't perfect either, but not near the hypocrites as conservatives.
Liberals are much better at fear mongering than are conservatives. It has nothing to do with fear mongering as much as common sense and liberals are very short in that.

I don't see how you can honestly say that liberals even fear monger to near the degree conservatives do. What common sense is there in blaming an entire race for the actions of a few, and omitting the circumstances that produce that behavior? Oh, I know... it's all about the conservative creed of personality responsibility. That, magically, we are in control of everything in life as people, because, we all live in a vacuum, yet magically interact with each other in this worldly interface without somehow being affected by each other. Even things we don't have control over, like everything outside of ourselves, we have control over... so if people do bad things, they are simply bad people, and that's where it ends. There is no consideration for circumstances, and no such thing as empathy or 'walking a mile in someone else shoes' before you judge them. Conservatives tend to be immature little children who point their finger but never look at themselves. Liberals aren't perfect either, but not near the hypocrites as conservatives.

Liberals legislate on fear you boob! Good gosh, where do you people come from!
this is conservative fear-mongering at its best, designed to create an 'us versus them' attitude. What is the sensationalism here? Is this anything really new??? This is well-known gang activity that has happened countless times in American history. It is not a positive phenomenon. It is terrible of course, and they should be brought to justice and this type of activity averted. But, I don't understand this OP. What about Crips, Bloods, KKK, and the Latin Kings? There have been violent American gangs around and will be around as long as money can be made from the sale of illegal drugs. If they weren't illegal, this wouldn't happen- that is just a fact, I am not saying it is desirable, but one option if people would let go of fear. Gangs that have hurt innocent people for no reason. In the 80's, gang activity was terrible in New York. You could get stabbed because local gangs were doing initiations for its newest members. The tone of this OP is like that of a bunch of scared middle-class white people in the conservative fifties so scared of the new minority family down the street. I use this analogy simply in drawing a parallel to the xenophobic mentality that I see more and more now by white conservative america again. I thought we had smartened. I thought that us, as human race, had moved past this pettiness. These are human problems that create these conditions, not anything attributable to a certain race, creed, etc.... I am not excusing these gang members, as their actions incite anger for me too, but I dont' attribute it to them being mexican, or a minority. It is a product of those circumstances, and always will be, as a way achieving status, money and power within the confines of poverty. It is the appeal to xenophobic mentalities that worries me: creating 'us versus them,' as if America has never seen anything like this, and it is just these 'damn mexicans.' Please. Grow up, and take the blinders off. Hate and fear do nothing to change this.

Dear Pro-illegal alien supporter,

Go push your pro-illegal alien crap somewhere else! How about you put it where the sun doesn't shine? If you’re so worried about the poor little innocent illegal aliens then why don’t you head up a migration southward bound and lead them back to their own countries. Then us big bad Americans won’t have to talk about them anymore and hurt their little feelings. And we won't have to listen to dumb pukes like you spewing your ignorance. Have a Good Day.
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