MSF doctor tells of ‘horror after horror’ in Yemen


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I imagine the same thing is seen by the doctors in each country where conflicts are going on.

MSF doctor tells of ‘horror after horror’ in Yemen
© Aude Mazoué / France 24 | Thierry Goffeau, project coordinator for Doctors Without Borders, spent 10 weeks working with the organisation in Aden, Yemen.
Video by FRANCE 24

Text by Aude MAZOUE

Latest update : 2015-08-04

A member of the medical aid organisation Doctors Without Borders has given a stark account of his experiences during a 10-week posting in the city of Aden in Yemen – a country torn apart by months of conflict.
Thierry Goffeau, project coordinator for Doctors Without Borders (MSF), returned from Aden, Yemen, three days ago, exhausted.

The humanitarian worker was sent to the Arabian Peninsula country in May to try to help people affected since March of this year by the conflict between Houthi rebels and supporters of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

In the midst of the bombings and shooting of the front line – just 400 metres from the MSF hospital in Aden – the full extent of the crisis dawned on him.

It was “horror after horror,” Goffeau told reporters as he gave an account of his experiences at MSF’s Paris headquarters Tuesday.

Despite his fatigue, he wants to tell others what he saw: “It’s part of the mission.”

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Middle East - MSF doctor tells of horror after horror in Yemen - France 24?
And Liberals wonder why the United States cherishes freedom and democracy enough to go to war for it...

and to die for it.
Yes Saudi Arabia is doing a no on them, just because they do not want to live under a monarchy. Yet Iran who sends supplies gets a bad rap.
Penelope has finally revealed just who she is---Shiite shit. Notice the stance----she is CLAIMING that Iran is "protecting" yemen from invasion by Saudi Arabia----even using a ploy that the dogs hope will appeal to americans----"they don't want a monarchy" In the past she has the Shiite shit audacity to claim that Hezbollah Shiite shit was "protecting Lebanon" from Israel. it is almost humorous-------sorta like the Shiite hero ADOLF was protecting Austria and even Poland. Some shit never changes. For the record------Saudi arabia is resisting Iranian aggression----which is happening via Yemen. For more insight, talk to Yemenis in the USA. Yemen---right now---is full of Shiite shit ------especially in Sanaa and its port cities. ---------kinda like southern Lebanon is full of Shiite shit. The blood bath instigated by ALAWITE PRO IRAN SHIT-------in Syria will be nothing compared to that which the Shiite shit
are bringing to Yemen
Penelope has finally revealed just who she is---Shiite shit. Notice the stance----she is CLAIMING that Iran is "protecting" yemen from invasion by Saudi Arabia----even using a ploy that the dogs hope will appeal to americans----"they don't want a monarchy" In the past she has the Shiite shit audacity to claim that Hezbollah Shiite shit was "protecting Lebanon" from Israel. it is almost humorous-------sorta like the Shiite hero ADOLF was protecting Austria and even Poland. Some shit never changes. For the record------Saudi arabia is resisting Iranian aggression----which is happening via Yemen. For more insight, talk to Yemenis in the USA. Yemen---right now---is full of Shiite shit ------especially in Sanaa and its port cities. ---------kinda like southern Lebanon is full of Shiite shit. The blood bath instigated by ALAWITE PRO IRAN SHIT-------in Syria will be nothing compared to that which the Shiite shit
are bringing to Yemen

Well being a Zionist jew you would be anti Syria and Iran and pro SA and now that SISI is in pro Egypt. That coup is working for now hey. I think Israel should mind their own business, and thank goodness Iran is helping the Houthis , as SA is treating them like Israel is treating the Gazans.
Penelope has finally revealed just who she is---Shiite shit. Notice the stance----she is CLAIMING that Iran is "protecting" yemen from invasion by Saudi Arabia----even using a ploy that the dogs hope will appeal to americans----"they don't want a monarchy" In the past she has the Shiite shit audacity to claim that Hezbollah Shiite shit was "protecting Lebanon" from Israel. it is almost humorous-------sorta like the Shiite hero ADOLF was protecting Austria and even Poland. Some shit never changes. For the record------Saudi arabia is resisting Iranian aggression----which is happening via Yemen. For more insight, talk to Yemenis in the USA. Yemen---right now---is full of Shiite shit ------especially in Sanaa and its port cities. ---------kinda like southern Lebanon is full of Shiite shit. The blood bath instigated by ALAWITE PRO IRAN SHIT-------in Syria will be nothing compared to that which the Shiite shit
are bringing to Yemen

Well being a Zionist jew you would be anti Syria and Iran and pro SA and now that SISI is in pro Egypt. That coup is working for now hey. I think Israel should mind their own business, and thank goodness Iran is helping the Houthis , as SA is treating them like Israel is treating the Gazans.

well---being the lump of shit, illiterate Shiite whore that you are, Penelope-----you really have no idea what "pro" I am or "anti" I am but being your usual vulgar self-----you DECIDE that you do "know". "anti Syria"? nope----the very first
Arabic speaking people I encountered in the USA--were from Syria-------Christians, jews and muslims. I get along very well with Syrians. Your statement "Israel should mind its own business" is meaningless----it alludes to absolutely nothing-------you just THREW it like a monkey throwing her own shit. Iranians are "helping" houthis? in what way? arming them and putting them up against the sunni majority and urging them to die attacking Saudi Arabia? and ADDING Hezbollah pigs to their
ranks so that there can be even MORE BLOOD FLOW? You have an odd idea as to what
constitutes "help"-----kinda like Adolf "helped" the german kids by making a nice club for them
"HITLER's YOUTH" I will try to find out how many Houthis have died so far with Iranian "HELP" Egypt? you decided how I feel about Egypt------well---nothing, really. Egypt is just there-------falling into the cosmic cesspit of shariah shit----just like Turkey. Saudi Arabia?--------just another shariah shit hole----of the sunni variety-----as opposed to Iran which is of the Shiite shit variety. Being a Shiite type shitty whore-----you like to dance on the dead bodies of infants. ------of the sunni variety. No accounting for tastes.
Penelope has finally revealed just who she is---Shiite shit. Notice the stance----she is CLAIMING that Iran is "protecting" yemen from invasion by Saudi Arabia----even using a ploy that the dogs hope will appeal to americans----"they don't want a monarchy" In the past she has the Shiite shit audacity to claim that Hezbollah Shiite shit was "protecting Lebanon" from Israel. it is almost humorous-------sorta like the Shiite hero ADOLF was protecting Austria and even Poland. Some shit never changes. For the record------Saudi arabia is resisting Iranian aggression----which is happening via Yemen. For more insight, talk to Yemenis in the USA. Yemen---right now---is full of Shiite shit ------especially in Sanaa and its port cities. ---------kinda like southern Lebanon is full of Shiite shit. The blood bath instigated by ALAWITE PRO IRAN SHIT-------in Syria will be nothing compared to that which the Shiite shit
are bringing to Yemen

Well being a Zionist jew you would be anti Syria and Iran and pro SA and now that SISI is in pro Egypt. That coup is working for now hey. I think Israel should mind their own business, and thank goodness Iran is helping the Houthis , as SA is treating them like Israel is treating the Gazans.

well---being the lump of shit, illiterate Shiite whore that you are, Penelope-----you really have no idea what "pro" I am or "anti" I am but being your usual vulgar self-----you DECIDE that you do "know". "anti Syria"? nope----the very first
Arabic speaking people I encountered in the USA--were from Syria-------Christians, jews and muslims. I get along very well with Syrians. Your statement "Israel should mind its own business" is meaningless----it alludes to absolutely nothing-------you just THREW it like a monkey throwing her own shit. Iranians are "helping" houthis? in what way? arming them and putting them up against the sunni majority and urging them to die attacking Saudi Arabia? and ADDING Hezbollah pigs to their
ranks so that there can be even MORE BLOOD FLOW? You have an odd idea as to what
constitutes "help"-----kinda like Adolf "helped" the german kids by making a nice club for them
"HITLER's YOUTH" I will try to find out how many Houthis have died so far with Iranian "HELP" Egypt? you decided how I feel about Egypt------well---nothing, really. Egypt is just there-------falling into the cosmic cesspit of shariah shit----just like Turkey. Saudi Arabia?--------just another shariah shit hole----of the sunni variety-----as opposed to Iran which is of the Shiite shit variety. Being a Shiite type shitty whore-----you like to dance on the dead bodies of infants. ------of the sunni variety. No accounting for tastes.

Is Penepoop a piece of Shiite? Now it all makes sense.

Now it makes sense why the JENDEH sounds like an asylum escapee.
Let me think Shiite or Sunni(Isis) and Wahhabism in SA, total monarchy (and all in the family) or a chance for improvement and progression , remember folks they say it was Sunnis who did the twin towers, but some of us know better, but lets see Sunnis or Shiite. Historically Shiite have got along better and are less radical.
Let me think Shiite or Sunni(Isis) and Wahhabism in SA, total monarchy (and all in the family) or a chance for improvement and progression , remember folks they say it was Sunnis who did the twin towers, but some of us know better, but lets see Sunnis or Shiite. Historically Shiite have got along better and are less radical.[/QUOTE

LOL------SOMEONE--let Penelope "THINK" ---------"Shiites got along better" -------for those who do not know either Shiites or sunnis -------here it is. There are far less Shiites than sunnis--------and neither group got along-----ever. Both Shiite and sunni societies have included monarchies. If you ask an IRANIAN-----Shiites are far superior to sunnis If you ask a sunni---either arab or from southeast asia-----or anywhere else----SHIITES ARE INSANE. They are the nuts who beat themselves up and cut up their scalps and let blood drip down their faces----because one of the "kings" died in battle. Iranians want Saudi Arabia because it has the black rock-------and it will give them POWER over the sunnis <<< and that's just about all you need to know to start. I have had very warm friendships with both sunnis and Shiites-----BUT NEVER AT THE SAME TIME. (I despise violence). -----it also helps to know that Saudi Arabia is generally sunni---yemen sunni with a Shiite minority -------and other places------this or that. Alawite idiots are something like Shiite. Assad is alawite. Feel free to ask questions. -----one point I will add------somehow when muslims encounter each other-----they seem to know RIGHT OFF THE BAT------who is who. Ie---whom to hate. If you see an Iranian-----glance at an arab-----watch for the daggers to fly out of his eyes.
for those confused ----our penny is parroting Iranian propaganda ------Please note---when she says "you are a Zionist so you like ______
________" she is listing enemies of Iran. And when she says "you are a Zionist so you
hate iran and ____________" she is listing iran's present allies. The minds of islamo Nazi sows are very simplistic. -----they function something like not too intelligent five
year olds playing in the sandbox who have
PICKED SIDES for a rock tossing fest
You all need a certain dose of Baathism. It is such behavior you demonstrate here that leads to the hostile atmosphere in the ME.
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Let me think Shiite or Sunni(Isis) and Wahhabism in SA, total monarchy (and all in the family) or a chance for improvement and progression , remember folks they say it was Sunnis who did the twin towers, but some of us know better, but lets see Sunnis or Shiite. Historically Shiite have got along better and are less radical.
They also say that Iran was hiding Bin Laden and other Al Queda operatives.

New Docs Reveal Osama bin Laden's Secret Ties With Iran
Show availability of Iran for al Qaeda training, plotting.
12:27 PM, FEB 27, 2015 • BY THOMAS JOSCELYN

his week, prosecutors in New York introduced eight documents recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan as evidence in the trial of a terrorism suspect. The U.S. government accuses Abid Naseer of taking part in al Qaeda’s scheme to attack targets in Europe and New York City. And prosecutors say the documents are essential for understanding the scope of al Qaeda’s plotting.


More than 1 million documents and files were captured by the Navy Seals who raided bin Laden’s safe house in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011. One year later, in May 2012, the Obama administration released just 17 of them.

While there is some overlap between the files introduced as evidence in Brooklyn and those that were previously made public in 2012, much of what is in the trial exhibits had never been made public before.

The files do not support the view, promoted by some in the Obama administration, that bin Laden was in “comfortable retirement,” “sidelined,” or “a lion in winter” in the months leading up to his death. On the contrary, bin Laden is asked to give his order on a host of issues, ranging from the handling of money to the movement of terrorist operatives.

Some of the key revelations in the newly-released bin Laden files relate to al Qaeda’s dealings with Iran and presence in Afghanistan.

A top al Qaeda operative asked bin Laden for permission to relocate to Iran in June 2010 as he plotted attacks around the world. That operative, Yunis al Mauritani, was a senior member of al Qaeda’s so-called “external operations” team, and plotted to launch Mumbai-style attacks in Europe.
The islamo Nazi scum are DESPERATE to underplay the Iranian/Yemeni/Al Qaeda connection and actually deny its existence and
agenda. This situation has been ongoing for years. There is even a piece of disgusting crap who posts on this board who pretends that the arms shipments to Yemen are just some food supplies to poor starving "houthis" who are
"protecting" yemen.
Let me think Shiite or Sunni(Isis) and Wahhabism in SA, total monarchy (and all in the family) or a chance for improvement and progression , remember folks they say it was Sunnis who did the twin towers, but some of us know better, but lets see Sunnis or Shiite. Historically Shiite have got along better and are less radical.
They also say that Iran was hiding Bin Laden and other Al Queda operatives.

New Docs Reveal Osama bin Laden's Secret Ties With Iran
Show availability of Iran for al Qaeda training, plotting.
12:27 PM, FEB 27, 2015 • BY THOMAS JOSCELYN

his week, prosecutors in New York introduced eight documents recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan as evidence in the trial of a terrorism suspect. The U.S. government accuses Abid Naseer of taking part in al Qaeda’s scheme to attack targets in Europe and New York City. And prosecutors say the documents are essential for understanding the scope of al Qaeda’s plotting.


More than 1 million documents and files were captured by the Navy Seals who raided bin Laden’s safe house in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011. One year later, in May 2012, the Obama administration released just 17 of them.

While there is some overlap between the files introduced as evidence in Brooklyn and those that were previously made public in 2012, much of what is in the trial exhibits had never been made public before.

The files do not support the view, promoted by some in the Obama administration, that bin Laden was in “comfortable retirement,” “sidelined,” or “a lion in winter” in the months leading up to his death. On the contrary, bin Laden is asked to give his order on a host of issues, ranging from the handling of money to the movement of terrorist operatives.

Some of the key revelations in the newly-released bin Laden files relate to al Qaeda’s dealings with Iran and presence in Afghanistan.

A top al Qaeda operative asked bin Laden for permission to relocate to Iran in June 2010 as he plotted attacks around the world. That operative, Yunis al Mauritani, was a senior member of al Qaeda’s so-called “external operations” team, and plotted to launch Mumbai-style attacks in Europe.

Bin Laden and Iran had a common cause. Both sought control of
Saudi Arabia. I am fascinated that shia islamo Nazis are desperate to try to create the libel that Saudi Arabia is trying to
CONQUOR YEMEN. watta joke--------Saudi Arabia has had
the opportunity to control Yemen for more than 1400 years and
never wanted it-----and still does not. Saudi Arabia is erecting a fence to KEEP YEMEN OUT. Iran invaded Yemen------to the cheers of shia-Nazi pigs who see Yemen as a stepping stone to the big black rock. Real Yemenis are fleeing the country

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