MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command

Imagine if a Republican President held a 20 Minute photo-op on this and then called it a "Meeting?" What would the Left Wing nutters say about that? Someone needs to tell this President that this is kind of a big f*cking deal and a 20 Minute photo-op just isn't gonna cut it. My God,they should be conducting round the clock meetings on this horrifying calamity. 20 Minutes?? Still can't believe that Bull Chit.
How many can you post from Fox criticizing ANY Republican?

The real problem is they want Obama to become "aggressive".

The US has no ability to close this gushing well, none whatsoever. Only a true idiot would bitch at someone whose help you need. There is plenty of time for that later.
You need to push, you need to cajole. Even show a little exasperation, but always be supportive. Until the well is closed.

Then you can go nuts.

What is wrong with these people? Does EVERYTHING have to be explained?

Wouldn't know, I don't watch Fox.

We do have the ability to close the well, we just are not going to use it because Obama is a moral coward and knows that if he does use it the world will hate him. That is the difference between a leader and a politician, leaders can accept not being liked if they do the right thing, politicians would rather be liked for doing the wrong thing.

I am not criticizing Obama for his attitude, or lack thereof, I am criticizing him for his incompetence and lack of action.
Obviously not. He's already had everything thrown at him already by the rabid right. Yesterday, on the Senate floor, McConnell began wagging his finger before he even knew what the speech would say that Obama shouldn't think he can get away with sticking any comment in the speech about an energy bill. I can't wait for the day when Obama gives a flying finger to those used car salesmen like McConnell and Boehner who set in motion all the political talking points in order to rev up a sadly uninformed base.

Why does Obama turn everything into a chance to promote a political agenda. A lot of people rightly criticize Bush for his politics, but he did not stand on the rubble of the Twin Towers and call for passing the Patriot Act. He did not stump the nation and hold town halls to gather support for the invasion if Iraq.

You know, I just listened to the speech again. And I couldn't get the image of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic out of my mind.

Am I that far off base in seeing it that way?

Good question. I think it is a bit off, but it does seem eerily right at the same time.
CaféAuLait;2414153 said:
MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command

RealClearPolitics - Video - MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command"

Wow.....ODS AND BDS now permeate MSNBC...who would have forseen that ODS just a few short months ago? Perhaps MSNBC'ers are just deranged.

Actually it's OCD that has permeated the country. Must...get...Obama...must...get...Obama...must...get...Obama.


For 8 years Bush was blamed for everything. If you can't take it then don't dish it out.
Imagine if a Republican President held a 20 Minute photo-op on this and then called it a "Meeting?" What would the Left Wing nutters say about that? Someone needs to tell this President that this is kind of a big f*cking deal and a 20 Minute photo-op just isn't gonna cut it. My God,they should be conducting round the clock meetings on this horrifying calamity. 20 Minutes?? Still can't believe that Bull Chit.

They would have strung Bush up by his balls from the Washington Monument!!!!!
In Navy terminology, our President so far has turned out to be mostly WEFT.

In Navy terminology, our President so far has turned out to be

:lol: There would have been no dead wildlife if we had a clean energy policy enacted years ago.

There was, it is called the EPA.

In 2001, Republicans trashed regulations and replaced them with "Voluntary Compliance".

Companies whose managers and employees are working together to build comprehensive safety and health programs with proven performance levels are receiving local and national recognition. Companies demonstrate their desire to strive for excellence by using flexibility and creativity to go beyond minimum regulations–to provide the best feasible safety and health protection for workers at that site.

2001 OSHSPA Report - State Incentives: Promoting Voluntary Compliance

Has there even been sweeter sounding bullshit? Comprehensive safety by leaving it up to the companies?
:lol: There would have been no dead wildlife if we had a clean energy policy enacted years ago.

There was, it is called the EPA.

In 2001, Republicans trashed regulations and replaced them with "Voluntary Compliance".

Companies whose managers and employees are working together to build comprehensive safety and health programs with proven performance levels are receiving local and national recognition. Companies demonstrate their desire to strive for excellence by using flexibility and creativity to go beyond minimum regulations–to provide the best feasible safety and health protection for workers at that site.

2001 OSHSPA Report - State Incentives: Promoting Voluntary Compliance

Has there even been sweeter sounding bullshit? Comprehensive safety by leaving it up to the companies?

Whatever, the fact is that an "energy policy" has existed for years, despite your post that we need one now, and all it has accomplished is making everything more expensive. What makes you think a new energy policy, run by the same government that runs the old one, is going to be any better?
Two words: Tee Time. A twenty minute meeting with BP execs? Uh Mr. President,this is kind of a big deal so maybe you could spare more than twenty minutes for this incredibly important meeting. What did his twenty minute meeting accomplish? Just another pathetic photo-op in my opinion. Oh well,duty calls. Gotta make that tee time. :(

Try four hours instead of the planned two hours, bagger.
Yea a 20 Minute meeting sure did accomplish a lot. Man,these Hopey Changey sycophants really have lost it at this point. Continuing to defend the indefensible. This "meeting" was nothing more than a pathetic photo-op. Seriously,20 Minutes?? Oh well,duty calls. Gotta make that tee time i guess. :(

Would you mind telling us what the fuck you're talking about? What 20-minute meeting? The meeting with BP execs TODAY lasted four hours, and they did indeed sign on to (with a signed check) $20 billion to be placed in an escrow account and maintained by an independent third party.
The BP portion of the "Meeting" lasted only 20 Minutes. Must suck to be a loyal Hopey Changey sycophant right about now huh? Yea just keep defending the indefensible. You Hopey Changeys just look pathetic at this point.
The BP portion of the "Meeting" lasted only 20 Minutes. Must suck to be a loyal Hopey Changey sycophant right about now huh? Yea just keep defending the indefensible. You Hopey Changeys just look pathetic at this point.

Are you trying to confuse the issue with FACTS?!?!
they thought he should have used it as a chance to be more aggressive.

but mike allen at politico liked it.... funny you didn't pick that video. mike is right of center and his comment was actually at the same link.

bummer the obama derangement syndrome runs so deep.

RealClearPolitics - Video - POLITICO: Obama Used "Commander-In-Chief" Language

There are three entirely separate criticisms that I'm seeing:

1. That he was not specific enough. (He relayed all that he KNEW to date about the spill itself, which he, personally, can do nothing about; informed the people in the affected Gulf states what he intended to do in order to keep them solvent; and of course never intended to get policy-specific over energy.)

2. That he didn't portray "leadership." (Whatever that's supposed to mean. More like Daddy Reagan's calming voice? More like Clinton's "I feel your pain"? Did people want warm and fuzzy or an analysis to date in honest language?)

3. From the Republicans--don't even attempt to bring energy policy to the table. (In other words, we don't give a shit what happens in the Gulf, we'll obstruct any attempt to change the status quo.)

The frustration is, as some have suggested, similar to Carter's problem when day after day went by and the hostages remained imprisoned in Iran. Nevermind that without doubt everything possible was being done to negotiate their freedom but that all of America didn't get every memo, the simple fact Carter was unsuccessful is all they saw. Of course we also didn't get the secret memo that a deal was in the works to sell weapons to Iran in exchange for the hostages. How ironic that the hostages were free as soon as Reagan took the oath of office. But hey, that's another story.

Do you think there is some sort of secret plan to deal with this oil spill? If not, your comparison loses me. This would have been a great speech for him to give, 7 weeks ago. Now it just sounds like he is asking questions and searching for answers that he should have demanded back then.

Huh? The only point was to try to make the loons here understand that the public is never completely privy to what goes on behind closed doors. It seems that too many actually think that once Obama (or whomever) comes out and says something, then he just goes back to his desk and doodles until he can announce something else. There is a helluva lot that goes on behind the scenes that lead up to decisions--big ones and small ones, and ones that occur on a daily basis that give rise to big ones. It's a no-brainer. But brains are sorely lacking among the complainers-at-large.

As for making the speech from the Oval Office seven weeks ago, why? He was still relying on BP for updates and hopefully a few pieces of good news. Lesson learned: You can't trust private enterprise to tell the truth? You betcha.
[...]You can thank Reagan for a booming economy in the 80's and 90's
If you will refer to the increased national debt incurred by Reaganomics you will have a better understanding of what appeared to be a booming economy. Briefly stated, Reagan put the Country on a credit binge.

I live within my means, I owe nothing to anyone and I pay my full credit card balance every month. If I chose to I could buy a new Cadillac on credit, I could move to a bigger, nicer house (with a nice big mortgage), I could wear the best clothes and sit in the front row of every Opera and Broadway show and my economy would appear to be "booming" -- until the bills came due. Which is what is happening now to America.

Reagan started it, Clinton continued it and Bush massively expanded on it. what surprises me is how few Americans realize what has happened to their country's economy, which appears to be an extension of their personal economies because so many of them are strapped with mortgages they can't afford and credit card bills they can't pay.

Reagan did this to us. He put it in motion.
Huh? The only point was to try to make the loons here understand that the public is never completely privy to what goes on behind closed doors. It seems that too many actually think that once Obama (or whomever) comes out and says something, then he just goes back to his desk and doodles until he can announce something else. There is a helluva lot that goes on behind the scenes that lead up to decisions--big ones and small ones, and ones that occur on a daily basis that give rise to big ones. It's a no-brainer. But brains are sorely lacking among the complainers-at-large.

As for making the speech from the Oval Office seven weeks ago, why? He was still relying on BP for updates and hopefully a few pieces of good news. Lesson learned: You can't trust private enterprise to tell the truth? You betcha.

Believe it or not, the public understands they don't know everything. Last night was Obama's chance to let them know more about what the government is doing, and what his plans are. What did he do instead? Rattled off the exact same talking points politicians have been spouting since Carter.

Do you seriously not see why he should have given this speech 7 weeks ago and not last night? Because there is nothing he said last night that could not have been said 7 weeks ago. He offered no plans, did not detail any of the work that is happening, and did not take on the mantle of leadership that people have come to expect of their presidents since Jimmy Carter and his malaise speech. That speech killed Carter, and this one will be marked down as the end of Obama.
Getting pretty lonely being a loyal Hopey Changey sycophant these days. They don't even realize how stupid they look defending the indefensible. Their guy has been such a disaster. He has handled this terrible calamity very badly. All the Hopey Changey spin in the world wont change this reality. Some of these Hopey Changeys need to tell him that it's about the Gulf not the Golf. How sad.

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