Muslim vs Christian Heaven


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Aug 27, 2010
When it gets down to the nitty gritty of going somewhere in afterlife, you would think people would hunt out the best gods to serve thier end purposes. And so I chose these two beliefs to try and understand why a Christian would settle for less instead of demanding more. Especially the greedy Cons. How can they settle for calm & happiness, when the Muslim god offer wine, women & song??

So tell me what you think your heaven is, according to the religious texts. Maybe I am not seeing the full picture.:eusa_pray:

1.In Christianity, heaven is attained by the belief in Christ and following his principles. In Islam, only those who live as Muslims go to heaven.

2.For Muslims, heaven is a place full of happiness, food, costly robes, perfumes, and jewels. The heaven of Christians is modest with calm atmosphere, angels, and happiness.

3.Heaven is attained through salvation for Christians and for Muslims, living by the principles of Islam, makes them reach heaven.

Read more: Difference Between Muslim and Christian heaven | Difference Between | Muslim vs Christian heaven Difference Between Muslim and Christian heaven | Difference Between | Muslim vs Christian heaven
Interesting that they both worship the same god.

On the contrary, The Holy Bible and the Quran are different.

Jesus Christ said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but through Him - and that is what Christians believe. In contrast, Muslims do not believe that.

Through the Bible, the Lord by His Holy Spirit reveals who He is through our belief in Jesus Christ (Whom of which one of His Names is the Word of God), and Him dying on the Cross for the sins of the world (since we all fall short and all have sinned and are sinners, therefore we cannot save ourselves). Christians know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to all - that He is the King of kings, Lord of lords, Son of God, and God the Son - He always has been, He was not created, all things were made by Him and for Him.

Muslims on the other hand believe Jesus was only a prophet (they deny His Deity, that He is God, the Son) they do not believe in the Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. They believe rather in Muhammad as their final messenger of their God, that their God revealed to Muhammd what to write in the Quran. Though we can note that Muhammad was born around 570 AD.

If you are talking about the name Muslims call their god, "Allah" it is "god" in arabic, you are just talking about language. When we have faith, its about Whom we are placing our trust in - the object of our faith. If the "Gods" are different, which they certainly are in Christianity and Islam, then they are not the same God.

From the Word of God (The Holy Bible) this suggests that Islam is "anti-christ" as they deny that Jesus is the Christ....
1 John 2:21 I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. 23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

So no, not the same God at all.
The G-d of the Jews is the same as Allah of the Muslims.

But the cult of Christianity created their own deity by claiming that a man named Jesus was God.
The G-d of the Jews is the same as Allah of the Muslims.

But the cult of Christianity created their own deity by claiming that a man named Jesus was God.

I don't get that at all from what I've learned so far. The Hebrew Bible (The first five books of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible- aka the "Torah" (thanks Sunni :) ) is the same for the Judaism and Christianity.

However in Judaism they don't believe that Jesus Christ is their Messiah, or Christ. Whereas Christians do believe Jesus is Savior/Lord/Messiah to all, and believe it all revolves around Jesus Christ and "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" - the last book of the Holy Bible. - "It is finished", as Jesus said on the Cross.

In contrast, The Qur'an (of Islam) differs from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. The Quran is understood by Muslims to be the direct speech of God, revealed by their Prophet Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel.
As far as I understand, Jewish people do not believe that at all - they don't believe in "Muhammad" as their prophet, (any Jewish people feel free to correct me) neither do Christians.

That is part of why you will see many and most Christians stand for Israel; we believe they just do not know yet that Jesus Christ is Messiah. (We are not generally not against them, as many Muslims or Islamic nations are)
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The Hebrew Bible (The first five books of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible- aka the Tanakh) is the same for the Judaism and Christianity.
The first 5 books of the Old Testament is the Torah.

All of the rest of the books in the O.T. are called the Tanakh.

Muslims also believe in the Torah and the Gospels of the New Testament.
The Hebrew Bible (The first five books of the Old Testament in the Holy Bible- aka the Tanakh) is the same for the Judaism and Christianity.
The first 5 books of the Old Testament is the Torah.

All of the rest of the books in the O.T. are called the Tanakh.

Muslims also believe in the Torah and the Gospels of the New Testament.

Yes, thank you for the correction, its the Torah! My bad!

However, if Muslims believe in the Gospels of the New Testament, why do they not believe Jesus Christ when He says He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

John 4
24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, He will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am He.”

Jesus is saying right there Who He is.

(I may not be able to see your reply right away if you do... need to go, but again thank you, sorry for that, I'll fix it)
When it gets down to the nitty gritty of going somewhere in afterlife, you would think people would hunt out the best gods to serve thier end purposes. And so I chose these two beliefs to try and understand why a Christian would settle for less instead of demanding more. Especially the greedy Cons. How can they settle for calm & happiness, when the Muslim god offer wine, women & song??

So tell me what you think your heaven is, according to the religious texts. Maybe I am not seeing the full picture.:eusa_pray:

1.In Christianity, heaven is attained by the belief in Christ and following his principles. In Islam, only those who live as Muslims go to heaven.

2.For Muslims, heaven is a place full of happiness, food, costly robes, perfumes, and jewels. The heaven of Christians is modest with calm atmosphere, angels, and happiness.

3.Heaven is attained through salvation for Christians and for Muslims, living by the principles of Islam, makes them reach heaven.

Read more: Difference Between Muslim and Christian heaven | Difference Between | Muslim vs Christian heaven Difference Between Muslim and Christian heaven | Difference Between | Muslim vs Christian heaven
You do not 'seek out' the best heave and what your are taking away as heaven is rather absurd. In any case, the Christian heave is basically eternal contentment, something that cannot be achieved by any other means and no matter what the Islamic heaven is described as it could not be better than that. I would tend to question that the Islamic heaven is really described as different than the Christian one anyway and maybe one of the Islamic posters can clarify. Non Islamic people tend to focus on the entire virgins thing as well as other material statements but I would find it rather odd that any religious text would focus on the material for a situation that would render material moot. I cannot give you anything that you can touch that would make you content for an eternity. Even sex can get old ;)
I too find many of the ideas of heaven funny. What is someone going to do with jewels when they are dead?
In Christian Heaven, there is Jack Daniels. In Muslim Heaven, there is only water.

Jack Daniels.....
America's FAVORITE liquid panty remover since 1866​

None of us will know until we get there, but I bet Christian heaven smells a lot better than Muslim heaven.
None of us will know until we get there, but I bet Christian heaven smells a lot better than Muslim heaven.

That is SO elitist & racist! Your preacher and your mamma must be so proud!
If there is a heaven, somehow i don't believe that in a "christian" heaven mass murdering terrorists will be allowed in.

just saying
None of us will know until we get there, but I bet Christian heaven smells a lot better than Muslim heaven.

That is SO elitist & racist! Your preacher and your mamma must be so proud!

Ever been to a Muslim country?

I have.

We smell better than them. (actually, its just that we bathe and brush our teeth, in general, and they generally don't)

Sorry, but its true.

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