My kitty cats have trichotillomania


Feb 14, 2011
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

Is he an indoor cat? Put him in an Elizabethan collar till it heals.

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the soft fabric ones are more comfortable then the stiff plastic ones.
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

Is he an indoor cat? Put him in an Elizabethan collar till it heals.

ECollarCat.jpg XM radio for the cat.

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I'm also looking at this one, if it turns out to be appropriate for my boy who is a strapping 18 pounds.

Bite Not

But still planning on getting whatever we can at the pet store tomorrow.

Poor baby.
I'm also looking at this one, if it turns out to be appropriate for my boy who is a strapping 18 pounds.

Bite Not

But still planning on getting whatever we can at the pet store tomorrow.

Poor baby.

I used one similar to that when my dog had a skin vrus last year. Works good...

Let us know how the kitty does with it.
Its tough to see the little guys in pain like that.
I had a cat that did this too. Obscessive grooming brought on by stress is what we were told. Essentially, there has been a disruption in the cat's routine (for us at least) and they react by overgrooming a spot, pulling out fur. Unfortunately, I don't know if this is the same cause for you, and E collars will stop the symptom, but won't touch the root cause, meaning the instant it's off, your poor baby will probably go right back to it.

It's similar to 'woolsuckers' too. So if something's changed... maybe you can figure out the root cause.
I had a cat that did this too. Obscessive grooming brought on by stress is what we were told. Essentially, there has been a disruption in the cat's routine (for us at least) and they react by overgrooming a spot, pulling out fur. Unfortunately, I don't know if this is the same cause for you, and E collars will stop the symptom, but won't touch the root cause, meaning the instant it's off, your poor baby will probably go right back to it.

It's similar to 'woolsuckers' too. So if something's changed... maybe you can figure out the root cause.

Prozac for cats.... seriously.
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:

Have you tried an elizabethan collar? I think they come in your size. Won't help the dog, but with a restricted field of vision you'll not be aware of what's going on.
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:

Have you tried an elizabethan collar? I think they come in your size. Won't help the dog, but with a restricted field of vision you'll not be aware of what's going on.

My dogs would just laugh at me. I'm supposed to be training them..not entertaining them.. :lol: I suppose we could just get em spayed and neutered but the owner and I haven't ruled out breeding sometime down the road.
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:

Easy fix

its called spay and neuter

just saying
It was mildly annoying when they were just making patches where we could see their white skin where black hair should be. We worried about hairballs. But mostly we tried to gently distract them when we caught them. We had hope they'd get past it, like another of our cats who stripped the hair off his tail for about a year but then quit.

One of our boys now has a raw patch though and I don't know what to do for him. :( It's in an awkward place - hard to cover - and we can't watch him every minute.

You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:

Easy fix

its called spay and neuter

just saying
The irritation is self inflicted till you do 'jinglebellectomies' on the pair of them, I must agree.
Got an e-collar. Cat got out of it. Got a regular collar to attach it to and we're trying to let the little guy get used to just the regular collar first.

In the meantime we've been liberally applying baby powder to his raw patch and that seems to help.

Oh and of course continuing to watch him.

For naptime, we've been covering him with a laundry basket slightly crowded with sheets and fleece wear so he could feel cuddly and not turn around easily. That has helped too. He likes the basket.

What a little stinker he is making it so hard for us to stop him from hurting himself!
Got an e-collar. Cat got out of it. Got a regular collar to attach it to and we're trying to let the little guy get used to just the regular collar first.

In the meantime we've been liberally applying baby powder to his raw patch and that seems to help.

Oh and of course continuing to watch him.

For naptime, we've been covering him with a laundry basket slightly crowded with sheets and fleece wear so he could feel cuddly and not turn around easily. That has helped too. He likes the basket.

What a little stinker he is making it so hard for us to stop him from hurting himself!

Try gold bond instead of baby powder..... but as always ask your vet first.
You think THAT is annoying?

My pit bull female was in heat recently and now the male breaths feverishly and dry humps everything the female came into contact with over the last two weeks. That includes all of my pillows and bedding cuz they both sleep with me but he was away for a week gaurding another property. He has been jumping up on the bed and pulling the covers and pillows up in piles with his front paws and fucking the shit out of these piles ALL DAY LONG!!! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Just saying...:lol:

Easy fix

its called spay and neuter

just saying
The irritation is self inflicted till you do 'jinglebellectomies' on the pair of them, I must agree.

Whatever. Spay and neuter is not my call. I do not own the dogs. The owner has given me a working custody..AKA I watch, feed and train the pit bulls. The female is with me 24/7. THe male I have on the Fri morn-monday afternoon shift. I get paid pretty good for the service I provide. The owner is a frail and getting frailer woman that cannot handle the pups at all. She took over ownership of the dogs from her kids as small puppies as the kids were not able to take responsibility as she thought they might. Nobody is a bad actor..she just lets her kids learn one way or another and ends up paying when they cannot perform. She does not mind. That's the way Greeks are with thier kids.

I call them my dogs because I enjoy thier company more than anyone and they have bonded with me. They are also very usefull in my function as a property gaurd. This wacked out male/female doggy weekend is out of the norm. Usually they get along fine and keeping them from acting up is pretty easy. The problem with the hormones is that they keep driving the behavior so at least this weekend I haven't had a two minutes break. I could put them in cages but that's not what I get paid for. They eat better and are better groomed and have been trained to have better manners than most humans. These dogs are pampered...That's the job.

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